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0148 Archaeological Researches in Sinkiang : vol.1
新疆の考古学的調査 : vol.1
Archaeological Researches in Sinkiang : vol.1 / 148 ページ(白黒高解像度画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000195
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE



20 mm.   Chinese characters. The strip consists of two

6   Two small dried-up pouches or such- pieces sewn together ; all from the same fabric.

34 36-37.   p p   W. of strip about 2 cm. PI. 23 : 3.
like of leather.

34 : 38-   Pair of black leather shoes (shaped as 34: 47•   Fragm. of a sleeve ; several pieces,

slippers). The sole sewn on to the   sewn together, of green, partly faded
upper part with sandal-seam. No heels. There are silk damask rep with warp-rib pattern. Selvage. light-brown hairs still remaining on the inside of Repeated pattern of alternating rectangles with

the sole. L. 23.5 and 23 cm. W. 8 cm. Pl. 21 : 8.   concave short sides. The points of the rectangles

touch each other. This pattern is interrupted by a

34: 39.   Hair, probably human, dark-brown and border outlined with zig-zag lines at each side

reddish-brown.   and with a cash-pattern in the middle. Between the

34: 40.   a) Large piece of reddish-brown silk cash-row and zig-zag lines runs a border of lo-

rep, with an other piece of silk rep, zenges, the obtuse-angled corners of which are reddish-yellow, undyed ( ?) and very fine, sewn surrounded by smaller lozenges and enclose five on to it. At one end a piece of moss-green silk dots. On the next largest piece the border is difdamask, now faded, with some rags of another ferent, possibly with fishes, but very fragmentary

piece of damask attached.   and indistinct. Pl. 25 : 3.

Ground of damask in plain weave with pattern 34 48.   Large fragm. of blue silk rep with a

in warp-rib. The pattern of former piece of da-   strip of brownish red silk taffeta

mask consists partly of alternately repeated oblong

43, 28-24 and 33 mm. -:32 Pl. 20 : 8, -:33 P1.   Ground reddish-brown, pattern blue, yellowish-

20 : 7.   brown and yellow. The pattern is identical with

34 35   Wooden spindle whorl with hemi- Stein 1928, Pl. XXXIV, L. C. o7a but incomplete.

spherical section. Diam. 38 mm. Th. It consists of four-legged beasts, scrolls and two

diamonds, partly of zig-zag lines and standing attached. Size of fragm. 33.5X24 cm. W. of strip

lozenges in alternating rows. Pl. 25:2. Selvage at 4'7 cm.

one side. The pattern of the rags, which is very 34: 49.   Child's tunic of bluish-green silk rep,

fragmentary, shows the lower part of a beast with   sewn in kimono shape with biased

three legs and some line ornaments, for the most side seams and straight sleeves. The neck is cut

part indistinct.   straight with half of the upstanding collar of
b-d) Three pieces from the same reddish-brown double undyed silk taffeta. The garment is prob-

and yellow silk rep as in a.   ably torn off at bottom. Width of shoulder with

sleeves 31 cm. W. at bottom 37 cm. H. 27 cm. Pl.

34: 41.   End of sleeve, hemmed, of reddish- 21:7.

brown silk rep, biased. Fragmentary.

W. about 22.5 cm.   34: 50.   Kerchief of yellowish white silk taffe-

ta, darkened. The short sides hemmed. 34 42-43. Two ribbons of reddish-brown and L. 57.5 cm. W.= full w. of fabric, about 46.5 cm. brownish silk rep.

34: 44.   Three sewn ribbons of silk, tied in a   cm. and 35X0.9 cm. -: 51 full width

ring with long ends hanging down.   of fabric 4o cm.

The ribbons are folded and sewn with the edges

turned in. One is of green taffeta, another of red, 34: 53-64. Eighteen various fragm. of bluish

and a third of yellow undyed silk taffeta. The   green and undyed silk taffeta and rep.

latter has a knot at one end. Pl. 21 : 6.

   34: 65.   Strip of undyed silk rep with line of

34 : 45.   Rectangular piece of striped silk rep in   Kharoshthi writing at lower right-hand

green and brown, edged with reddish- corner. Selvage. 26.5X3.5 cm. Cf. Prof. Konow's brown strips of silk taffeta. At the centre are appendix at end of volume. Pl. 21:5.

attached ribbons of green silk rep and bluish-

green taffeta tied together. Sewn with light green 34:66.   Small pouch of moss-green embroi-

dered silk damask. The lining, of yel-

34 : 51-52. Two ribbons of bluish silk rep. 40X2.3

silk. 43.5X12 cm. PI. 20 : 9.

lowish silk rep, is longer than the embroidery and

34: 46.   Portion of a large garment of partly folded down as far as its upper edge. About 1 cm.

faded silk taffeta with stripes of from the opening of the pouch a silk thread is green, woven with undyed warp and alternately drawn through. A sewn ribbon of undyed silk undyed and green weft. Attached is a strip of taffeta holds the pouch together here; one ribbon

figured silk warp-rib, biased.   end complete, the other torn off. At the top a