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0576 Sand-Buried Ruins of Khotan : vol.1
砂に埋もれたコータンの遺跡 : vol.1
Sand-Buried Ruins of Khotan : vol.1 / 576 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000234
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE



522   INDEX

toghruga, 478

Toguchak, 161 sq.

Tögujai, ancient site, 190 sq.

Tokhta Akhun, house of, 198, 249, 269

tokuz, nine," T.

Tokuz-ak, 118 sq.

Tokuz-Dawan, Passes, 112 sqq. Tokuz-kol, 423

Toldama, 428

Tonguz-baste, 427 sq.

Topalu-Bel Pass, 114

Topa Tim, near Guma, 187

Topa Tim, near Khan-ui, 145

top-bashi, small official called, T., 441

Top-khana, 54

Tosalla, 484

Töwen-Bazar, Guma, 186

trade-routes, across Pamirs, 67, 72 ; through Khotan, xv

Tragbal, Pass, 13 sq.

Trans-Alai Mts., 101, 496

Trans-Caspian railway, 341 ; permission to travel by, 491; terminus reached, 498 sq. ; journey by, 501

transport arrangements, in Kashmir, 5, 12 ; in Gilgit, 28 ; in Hunza, 38 ; for stucco relievos, 466

treasure-seekers, of Khotan, viii, 202, 204 ; open Stupa, 252 ; diggings of, 278 sq., 415, 449 sq., 457 ; destruction dealt by, xx sq., 321, 448

trees, dead, in desert, 278, 280, 328; see terek, toghrak

triangulation, in Kuen-luen, 233, 242 sqq., 301; connection with Indian surveys, 236 sqq.

  • Trisula, S., ornament, 319

Tsin, Chinese dynasty, 405 Tsin-kia-hing, 418

tugachis camel-men," T., 124 Tughlan-shahr, 69

Tügiilaz, 173

Tulkuch-kol, 350

Tümen-Darya, R., 122

tungchi, "interpreter," interpreter," T., 180, 336

Turdi Khwoja, treasure-seeker, 247 sqq., 271; guides in desert, 277 ; familiar with ruins, 279 ; watches excavations, 301; his antiquarian instinct, 304 ; story of his pony, 304 sqq.; earlier MS. finds of, 309,

312, 314 ; 325, 328 ; helps to clear refuse-heap, 406 ; 426 ; rejoins, 436 ; directs guide, 439 ; 444, 448; guides to Rawak, 449 ; 457, 476; confronts Islam Akhun, 480 ; farewell to, 488

Turfan, 418

Turkestan, Chinese, called New Dominions," 129, 133, 137, 313 ; Chinese sovereignty over, 405 ; climate of, xxi ; currency of, 169 sq. ; folklore of, 323 ; gardens in, 469 ; houses in, 363, 374 ; surveys in, x ; Tibetan invasion of, xix, 418 sqq. ; see Chinese

Turki language, study of, 8, 130 ; conversation in, 75, 336 ; writing in, 273, 306

Turki people, features of, 342 ; power of assimilation in, 486


ni, " house," " hut," T.

Ui-toghrak, 340

Ujadbhai, see Ghujak-bai

Ujat, 244 sqq. ; 247

Ularlik-Jilga, 113

Ulughat, Pass, 236 sqq. ; descent

from, 241 sqq. ; range, 244 ; last

view of, 484

Ulugh-Dawan, 208 sq., 212

Ulugh-Nishan Mazar, 158

Ulugh-Rabat Pass, 80

Ulugh-Sai Valley, 341

Ulugh-Ziarat, remains at, 440

un-bashi, head of ten men," T.,


under-tablets, of Kharoshthi docu-

ments, 392 sq.

unknown characters, in forged

MSS., 471 sqq.

Urumchi, 128, 134, 182, 483 ;

governor-general at, 470

itritk, plum-tree, T., 443

ustads (" masters," P.), craftsmen

called, 125, 130, 140, 149

ustang, " canal," T.

Uttarakurus, 8

Uzun-tati, ancient site of, 323,

439 sqq. ; débris of, 440

VAISRAVANA, as genius loci, 487 Vajracchedika, MS. of, 300 vesica, 308