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0071 Views of China : vol.1
中国の眺望 : vol.1
Views of China : vol.1 / 71 ページ(カラー画像)


[Photo] 54~45 巧妙な策略 外国人居住地の橋の通行料は、手押し車で18キャッシュ(およそ3/4d)、荷物を担いだ苦力が4キャッシュである。手押し車を押してきた人は門にたどり着くと、車を解体してただの「荷物」にしてしまい、余分な通行料を払わなくて済むようにする。この考えは悪くはない。分別のなさに知恵がついたもので、特に評判の悪い税金から逃れるための斬新な手段としてお薦めだ。AN INGENIOUS DEVICE. The toll for a wheelbarrow going over one of the bridges in the foreign settlement being 18 cash (about 3/4d.), while a coolie carrying a burden passes for 4 cash, barrow drivers upon arriving at the gate take their barrows to pieces, and thus transforming them into simple "burdens" avoid the additional impost. The notion is not a bad one. It combines simplicity with ingenuity, and is especially to be commended as a novel means of evading an unpopular tax.


doi: 10.20676/00000176
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE



Ten toll for a wheelbarrow going over one of the bridges in the foreign settlement being 18 cash (about id.), while a coolie carrying a burden passes for 4 cash, barrow drivers upon arriving at the gate take their barrows to pieces, and thus transforming them into simple "burdens"

avoid the additional impost. The notion is not a bad one. It combines simplicity with ingenuity, and is especially to be commended as a novel means of evading an unpopular tax.


No. 45.—An Ixonnous Domino.