国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Views of China : vol.1 | |
中国の眺望 : vol.1 |
懲具(CANGUE) 枷(kia)すなわち刑具は、木製の枠で、約20ポンドの重さがあり、軽犯罪で有罪となった罪人の首の回りに付けられ施錠される。肩の上に載るため痛みは僅かだが、重く、屈辱的である。しかしながら、これは若干不便で、受刑者は自分で食べることができないほか、意地悪いいたずら小僧から藁で鼻をくすぐられがちである。純粋な国民向けの法廷で懲具(チャング)の刑を宣告された人は、本物を取り付けられる。しかし、上海公共租界混合法庭では、原告として現れるのが外国人のみであるため、ずっと軽量の模造品が使用されている。刑具の上面の縁近くに貼りめぐらされた帯状の紙には、日付や罪状が記されている。THE CANGUE. The kia, or cangue, is a wooden frame, weighing about 20lbs., which is bolted round the neck of criminals convicted of certain minor offences. It rests on the shoulders and causes very little suffering, and it carries hardly any disgrace with it. It is, however, slightly inconvenient, as the sufferer is unable to feed himself and is liable to have his nose tickled with straws by wicked little urchins. Persons sentenced to the cangue by purely native tribunals are obliged to wear the genuine instrument; but there is a much lighter imitation kept for use at the Shanghai Mixed Court, as here it is only foreigners that appear as accusers. The date and sentence are written upon strips of paper pasted round the upper surface of the cangue, near its edge. |
No. 31.—Tos Cations.
Too No, or eangue, is a wooden frame, weighing about 201bs., whichcan,. by purely native tribunals are obliged to wear the genuine in-. is bolted round the neck of criminals convicted of certain minor offences. :Lament; but there isa much lighter imitation kept for use at the It rests on tic shoulders and causes very little suffering, and it carries Shanghai Mixed Court, as here it is only foreigners that appear as hardly any disgrace with it. It is, however, slightly inconvenient, as accusers. The date and sentence, as well as the name, residence, and. the sufferer is unable to feed himself, and is liable to Imo his nose °deuce of the delinquent are ly4tten upon strips of paper pasted round • tickled with straws by wicked little urchins. Persons sentenced to the the upper surface pf the Gangue, near its edge.
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