国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Archaeological Researches in Sinkiang : vol.1 | |
新疆の考古学的調査 : vol.1 |
Other metal objects.
The lead hook Pl. 28 : 48 has possibly been used as a weight in some way or other. Of such small sinkers as Pl. 28 : 44, 46 there are eight specimens. They are all of lead and are quite common in the Lop desert.
The thin small lead disc Pl. 28 : 33 with its irregular hole may be a coin, but it is very uncertain. For lead coins cf. Bergman 1935c p. Ioo•
One iron point has already been mentioned. In the list I have labelled Pl. 29 : 20 as a hammer but this designation may be questionable because of the small hole. Several more fragments are of iron; some of them being from nails.
Wooden objects.
The comb Pl. 29 : I is of a typical Chinese shape used in the Han period. It has many parallels from the grave finds described in this volume, in my Han dynasty finds from Edsen-gol (still unpublished), the Chinese tombs from Korea, and so forth.
A crescent-shaped small object Pl. 29 : 6 has possibly served as the top ornament on a miniature stupa from some Buddhistic altar.
Pottery and stone articles.
From the Lou-lan station very few potsherds have been collected. No. 32 : 174 is a shard from the flat bottom of a larger vessel which has had five steam holes. HÖRNER brought back a small pottery lamp, Pl. 28 : 45 in the shape of a low, flat bowl.
Five spindle whorls are made of potsherds, Pl. 29 : 14, two of bitumen. There are seven specimens of more or less regular whorls of blue limestone, some of which may have been used in spinning, others as net sinkers, Pl. 29 : 8.
Four more or less complete whetstones come from here, Pl. 29 : 19, made of slate. The smaller specimens have apparently been carried hanging at the girdle.
Of stone objects there is also a marble mace-head (broken in three) Pl. 29 : 9, which may be compared with the more spherical specimen Pl. 29 : 12 from the neighbourhood of Lou-lan. STEIN found a mace-head at Fort L. K. (Stein 1928, L. K. 0130) and a stone sphere of lamellar structure with a large hole at the Lou-lan station (Stein 1928, L. A. o93). From Vash-shahri there is another fragment depicted on our Pl. 37: 1o. Such stone weapons were apparently in use during a long period of time.
On his last visit Mr. CHEN collected several small limestone and marble pebbles which must have been carried thither by man, as no stones exist in the clay desert around Lou-lan. Some of them seem to have been polished by art, and they may have been used in some kind of game.
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