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Explorations in Turkestan : Expedition of 1904 : vol.1 |
z. Sections of walls in Komorof's Trench, North Kurgan, Anau 16
Map of part of the Delta-oasis of Anau z 8
Profiles through North and South Kurgans, Anau 2 2
Section to illustrate the aggradings and dissections of the Delta-oasis of Anau 3o
5 Stratigraphie chronology of the cultures 5o
Temple of Medinet-habu, showing house-walls buried in culture-strata 56
East and west profile from North Kurgan through city of Anau, and north-south section through
North Kurgan, Anau 84
Plan of excavations, South Kurgan, Anau 104
Pottery from North and South Kurgans, Cultures I, II, and IV z io
xo-z2. Pottery from middle strata, South Kurgan, Culture III. i 10
z3-15. Pottery from middle strata, South Kurgan, Culture III. 120
16. Pottery from lower strata, South Kurgan, Culture III 120
Pottery from upper strata, South Kurgan, Culture IV x 24
Hand-made pithoi from North and South Kurgans 124
Wheel-made pottery from middle and upper strata, South Kurgan, Cultures III and IV 124
Pithoi from North Kurgan, Cultures I and II 132
Pithoi from North Kurgan, Culture I . 132
Designs on painted pottery from lowest strata, North Kurgan, Culture I, group e 132
Designs on painted pottery from middle strata, North Kurgan, Culture I, groups a a and a/9. 132
Designs on painted pottery from middle strata, North Kurgan, Culture I, groups aß, b, and ay x4o
Designs on painted pottery from middle strata, North Kurgan, Culture I, group ay and group b 14o
26, 27. Designs on painted pottery from middle strata, North Kurgan, Culture I, group b 140
28. Designs on painted pottery from middle strata, North Kurgan, Culture I, group a a and group b 144
29, 3o. Designs on painted pottery from middle strata, North Kurgan, Culture I, group b 144
3z. Designs on painted pottery from North Kurgan, Culture I, group b, and Culture II 144
32, 33. Designs on painted pottery from upper strata, North Kurgan, Culture II 148
Designs on painted pottery from lower strata, South Kurgan, Culture III 148
Designs on painted pottery from South Kurgan, Culture III and between III and IV 148
Objects of copper from Cultures I and II, North Kurgan 152
37, 38. Objects of copper from Culture III, South Kurgan 152
Objects of metal from Cultures III and IV, South Kurgan 152
Beads and ornaments, Cultures I and II, North Kurgan 16o
Beads and other articles from South Kurgan x 6
Beads from South Kurgan; whorls and flints from North Kurgan 16o
Objects of stone from North Kurgan and clay spindle-whorls from South Kurgan 16o
Whorls, flints, and other stone implements from lower and middle strata, Culture III, South Kurgan 168
Objects in stone, clay, and bone, from middle and lower strata, Culture III, South Kurgan x68
Whorls, flints, mace-head, and bone implement, chiefly from upper strata or iron culture, South
Kurgan. Terra-cotta figures of religious significance, Culture III, South Kurgan x68
Objects of terra-cotta, Culture III 168
Some objects of stone from the South Kurgan 174
49, 5o. Pottery from Ghiaur Kala (Old Merv). - 188
Pottery and objects of metal from Ghiaur Kala (Old Merv) 188
Fragment of large jar with inscription in Pehlevi (at 2 feet below surface in upper digging) 192
Inscriptions on bones and pottery in Pehlevi and Uigur characters 192
Beads from Ghiaur Kala (Old Merv) 200
Terra-cotta figures from Ghiaur Kala (Old Merv) 200
Objects in clay and stone from Ghiaur Kala (Old Merv) 200
Kurgans of the Merv Oasis, Classes I, II, and III 220
Kurgans of Class III (highly developed type) and late Mohammedan ruins 220
59, 6o. Types of kurgans in the Mery Oasis (plans and cross-sections) 224
I. Undrained part of Asia 4
Beginning work at the North Kurgan 13
The two kurgans x6
Ruins of Anau z6
North Kurgan and camp 17
The South Kurgan x7
Pool in Bokhara x8
Mosque at Anau 19
Persian windlass 20
Section of a wall in the North Kurgan . 21
I I. Twelve centuries of deformation on citadel of Ghiaur Kala (Merv) 22
Deformation of walls of Ghiaur Kala 22
Odontche tepe, 8o feet high, on the Merv oasis 25
Erecting a kibitka 25
Ideal section of a delta-oasis on an uptilting piedmont 26
Starting a shaft in the City of Anau... 31
17. A field prepared for cotton in Fergana 33
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