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0410 Explorations in Turkestan : Expedition of 1904 : vol.1
Explorations in Turkestan : Expedition of 1904 : vol.1 / Page 410 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000178
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glazed-in City of Anau    54

glazed-in South Kurgan   i ro; 173

at Ghiaur Kala    196

glazed-at Ancient Mery    54, 195

glazed-at Ancient Samarkand    213

analytical description of, see Archeological finds.

Primitive city mounds, law controlling

growth of    74

Ptolemy VI    56

Pumpelly, R    83

note on dating    186

Pumpelly, R. W   6, io, 15, 19, 23. 29

32, 57, 102, 114, 115

note by    24


Radlof, W   44, r 82, r 98

Ramses III .    56

Ratio of growth of alluvial sediments and

culture-strata    21
Razor, see Archeological finds.

Reclus, Elisée    75

Reinach, S    184

Reinecke, P    183

Results from North and South Kurgans . .. 12 r-173

Richthofen, F. von   7, 8, 9, 12
Ring, see Archeological finds.

v. Sacken    185

Sahara.    66

St. John, O    75

Salemann    198

Salmanesar II    75

Samarkand    34

depth of glazed ware at    213

Samthawro    184

Sargon of Accad    72, 73

Sarmatic Sea    3

Sayce, A. H    74

Schellenberg, H. C    39

Schliemann collection    181

Schmidt, H     15, 37, 40, 44, 48, 49, 68, 182

Seal, three-faced, with winged and bird-

headed lion-griffin    .. 48,1168o22

discussion of    8

See also Archeological finds.

Sellin    18o

Sergi, G .    68

Shafts at Anau, A    19

B   21, 22, 25, 33, 35, 52

. C    19, 20

D, E, F.   20,21,23

N.K.W. I    19

N.K.W. II    23

the evidence from   19, 20, 21, 23, 51

Sheep, wild .    38

domesticated    38, 6o

domestication of   41, 6o, 68

large-horned    67

   hornless 42, 6o

Torfschaf   67, 68, 69, 7r, 72

Shepherd nomads, beginning of, stage    71

expansion of .     67, 71

Shell ornaments, see Archeological finds.

Sickle .    43, 45, 48, 63

foreign analogies of copper, Culture III   182

Sickle flints   60, 73, 74

Skeletons    84, 85 ff.

See also Archeological finds.

Skulls from Anau, dolichocephalic    68


Sling implements from Ghiaur Kala    200

Siingstones    6o, 64

See also Archeological finds.

Smjela    184

Spear-heads of stone .   70

absence of, in Cultures I and II    63

absence of, in early Susiana    73

Spindle-whorls    65

See Archeological finds.

Spinning    66

brought to Europe    68

Stamps, see Archeological finds.

Stone, implements and vessels of, see Archeological finds.

Susa, first appearance of proto-cuneiform

script at    73

painted pottery of    179

Susiana    64, 70

flint implements of    73

absence of stone arrow-points and spear-

heads in    73

flint workshop in    73

pottery of    73

analogies of early cultures of, to Anau

I and II    74

Syr-darya river    71

Tachmurez    57

Tadjiks    69

Tejend river    28

Tell Ta'anak    x 8

Tepe Mohamed Djaffar, flint workshop at    73

Terra-cotta figures, from Anau III    46

See also Archeological finds and pls. 46, 47   

from Ghiaur Kala    200

Theodosius I    56

Thotmes III    56

Tian Shan    5, 70

Tiflis    184

Tin, in Anau III   43, 44, 60

absent in Anau I and II   38, 40, 42

Tin ores in Khorassan and Afghanistan    44

Torfschaf, see Turbary sheep.

Troja-Hissarlik    181

Tsthetschma    184

Turbary sheep    .67, 69, 7r, 72

reach Europe    68

still exist .    68

Turkestan in Pliocene time    6

Turquoise   6o, 64, 199

See also Archeological finds.

Ui uv     9

inscriptions at Ghiaur Kala   197, 198

J Y   69

Ur    53

Urus    41

Villach    185

Virchow, R   180, 181, 184

Waatsch    185

Wagon, clay (III)    172

Warner, I,   68, 69, 85, 91

Wheat   38, 39, 6o, 73

brought to Europe    69

Whorls, spindle   38, 42, 65

See also Archeological finds.

Wjatka    185

Yellow river    Io

Yeremief, Mr    230

Zerafshan river   

Zichy, Count