National Institute of Informatics - Digital Silk Road Project
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Explorations in Turkestan : Expedition of 1904 : vol.1 |
6i. Map of Central Asia (Samarkand to Kashgar) 243
Twelve cross-sections of the Zerafshan Valley 278
Profile of valley terraces and moraines from Osh to Kara Kul (1903) 298
Type-forms of kurgans in Fergana 314
Map of the Anau Delta 32o
66-69. Anau Shafts 324
Ghiaur Kala shaft profile 334
Bones of wolves and foxes from Anau 346
Skull of Canis matt-is optima from Anau compared with same from Bohemia. Bones of Sus from
Anau 346
Bones of Bos namadicus from Anau I, Bos brachyceros (Bohemian turbary), and camel from Anau II 36o
Comparisons of basioccipital bones of Ovibos, Bubalus, and Taurus, and teeth of Yak, Bison, Bos,
and Bubalus 360
Skulls of Ovis from Anau I and II 37o
Horn-cores of Ovis, goat, and antelope. Metacarpus of Ovis and goat. Basal part of antler of
Cervus. All from Anau 37o
Bones of Equus from Anau I and II and Solutré, and camel from Anau II 384
78, Bones of Bos from Anau and Bizino, and skull of goat from Crete 384
79 Egyptian Canis (marble, in the Louvre) and long-horned cattle (tomb of Manofer, 2600 B. c.) 384
Skulls of Sus cristatus, after Rolleston, and Sus scrofa var. ferus, Germany. 392
Skull of European urus in British Museum, and Hungarian bull skull in Vienna Museum 392
Skulls of long-horned ox from Nepal, India, and Ovis vignei from Ladak 392
Assyrian and Babylonian representations of wild bull and long-horned ox. Horn-cores and skull
of Ovis aries palustris (from England) 396
Flock of gazelles; sculpture from Nineveh 396
Map showing distribution, ancient and modem, of Bos taurus macroceros Duerst 400
Map showing prehistoric and modern distribution of Ovis aries palustris Riitimeyer (turbary sheep) 400
Norma lateralis of skull of horse from pile-dwellings at Auvernier, Switzerland, compared with
same view of skull of Egyptian prehistoric ass of Abadieh (IV dynasty) 410
Norma verticalis of skulls of Equus przewalskii and various prehistoric horses 410
Norma lateralis of skulls of Equus przewalskii and two prehistoric horses 410
9o. Comparisons of metacarpi medii and metatarsi medii, Anau horse 420
91. Comparisons of extremity bones, Anau horse 420
92, 93. Human skulls from North Kurgan, Anau 446
94-96. Human extremity bones from Anau in comparison with those from other localities 464
97. Glumes of wheat and particles of barley in potsherds from Anau, compared in microscopic views
with recent wheat and barley 474
Lake Kara Kul (north end) 251
A granite ridge at Kam Kul (showing the secular deflation of the Pamir) 252
Sand and arkose residuum of deflation (Kara Kul) 253
Glacier of the Kara-at and a section of its valley 1.5 miles below (Kara Kul) 255
A pool, where Kara Kul sediments have caved in over melting lobes of glacier ice 255
An ice dome and its third and fourth epoch moraines in the foreground (Kara Kul) 256
A glacier northeast of Kam Kul 257
Springtime in the Alai Valley 26o
Kirghiz making felt in the Alai Valley 261
The Tokuz Kungei glacier (Mai Valley) 262
Alluvial terraces in the lower end of the Alai Valley 263
The Kizil Su where it leaves the Alai Valley 265
A Galcha Beg of Karategin with his hunting eagle 266
444, Terraces of the Kizil Su in Karategin 267
A bridge over the third-cycle terrace in Karategin 268
A Galcha of Karategin 269
A swimmer of rapids (Karategin) 270
Fish traps of the Kizil Su . 271
Silk factory in Karatag 271
Cross-profile of the Hissar Valley 272
Kak Pass over the Hissar Mountains 273
Thatched roofs in the Sardai-miona gorge . 275
A sled in the Hissar Valley 275
A peak south of the Zerafshan Glacier 276
Ice cave of the Zerafshan (taken from the darkness within, looking out) 278
Terraces of the Zerafshan 278
Section of glacier-thrusted alluvium in the Zerafshan Valley 45 miles below the glacier . 279
The Zerafshan Glacier 28o
45v. Sketch-map of the end of the Zerafshan Glacier 281
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