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0303 Explorations in Turkestan : Expedition of 1904 : vol.1
Explorations in Turkestan : Expedition of 1904 : vol.1 / Page 303 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)


[Photo] 46~@1-9 Whorls, Flints, Mace-head, and Bone Implement, chiefly from Upper Strata or Iron Culture, South Kurgan.
[Photo] 46~@1 FIG. 1 (S.K. 121). Conical Whorl, Upper Digging, +29 feet, Culure III, text-figure 409.
[Photo] 46~@2 FIG. 2 (S.K. 33). Double-conical Whorl, Dumps, South Kurgan, Culture (?), text-figure 410.
[Photo] 46~@3 FIG. 3 (S.K. 3). Whorl with Usual Depression at Top, Upper Digging, +50 feet, Culture IV, text-figure 411.
[Photo] 46~@4 FIG. 4 (S.K. 53). Flint Knife (?), Upper Digging, +40 feet, Culture III (?), text-figure 412.
[Photo] 46~@5 FIG. 5 (S.K. 13). Two-edged Saw (?), Talus-débris (?), Culture (?), text-figure 413.
[Photo] 46~@6 FIG. 6 (S.K. 100). One-edged Saw, Terrace A (North Terrace), +22 feet, probably in talus-débris, Culture III or IV, text-figure 414.
[Photo] 46~@7 FIG. 7 (S.K. 44). Awl-shaped Implement of Bone, Upper Digging, +43 to +46 feet, Culture IV, text-figure 416.
[Photo] 46~@8 FIG. 8 (S.K. 38). Lenticular Mace-head of Polished Violet-gray Stone (Unfinished Drilling Shows Remains of Drill-core). Dump Material of Upper Digging between +46 and +47 feet, Culture IV, text-figure 415.
[Photo] 46~@9-17 Terra-Cotta Figures of Religious Significance, Culture III, South Kurgan.
[Photo] 46~@9 FIG. 9 (S.K. 285). Possibly a Male Figure, Terrace B, +20 to +23 feet.
[Photo] 46~@10a AND b FIG. 10a AND b (S.K. 339). Terrace B, +20 to +23 feet.
[Photo] 46~@11 FIG. 11 (S.K. 313). Terrace B, +20 to +23 feet.
[Photo] 46~@12 FIG. 12 (S.K. 252). Terrace B, +20 to +23 feet, in Clay Chest.
[Photo] 46~@13 FIG. 13 (S.K. 286). Terrace B, +20 to +23 feet.
[Photo] 46~@14 FIG. 14 (S.K. 174). Terrace B, +23 feet.
[Photo] 46~@15 FIG. 15 (S.K. 57). Upper Digging, +40 feet.
[Photo] 46~@16 FIG. 16 (S.K. 361). Terrace B, +20 to +23 feet.
[Photo] 46~@17 FIG. 17 (S.K. 361). Terrace B, +20 to +23 feet.

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doi: 10.20676/00000178
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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17   1G

11   12

Whorls, Flints, Mace-head, and Bane Implement, chiefly from Upper Strata or   Terra-Cotta Figures of Religious Significance.

Iron Culture, South Kurgan.   Culture III, South Kurgan.

Pro. 1 (S.K. 121). Conical Whorl, Upper Digging, +29 feet, Culture III, text-figure 409.   FIG. 9 (S.K. 285). Possibly a Male Figure. Ter-

2 (S.K. 33). Double-conical Whorl, Dumps, South Kurgan, Culture (?), text-figure   race B. +20 to +23 feet.

410.   Female Figures, Generally Roughly Made

3 (S.K. 3). Whorl with Usual Depression at Top, Upper Digging, +50 feet, Culture   of Clay:

IV. text-figure 411.   l0a AND b (S.K. 339). Terrace B, +20 to +23

4i S.K. 53). Flint Knife (?), Upper Digging, -f-40 feet, Culture III (?), text-figure 412.   feet.

5 S.K. 13). Two-edged Saw (?), Talus-débris (?), Culture (?). text-figure 413.   11 (S.K. 313). Terrace B, +20 to +23 feet.

6 S.K. 100). One-edged Saw, Terrace A (North Terrace), +22 feet, probably in   12 (S.K. 252). Terrace B, +20 to +23 feet.

talus-débris, Culture III or IV, text-figure 414.   in Clay Chest.

7 (S.K. 44). Awl-shaped Implement of Bone, Upper Digging, +43 to +46 feet,   13 (S.K. 286) Terrace B. +20 to +23 feet.

Culture IV, text-figure 416.   14 (S.K. 174). Terrace B, +23 feet.

8 (S.K. 38). Lenticular Mace-head of Polished Violet-gray Stone (Unfinished Drilling   15 (S.K. 57). Upper Digging, +40 feet.

Shows Remains of Drill-core). Dump Material of Upper Digging between   16 (S.K. 361). Terrace B, +20 to +23 feet

+46 and +47 feet, Culture IV, text-figure 415.   17 (S.K. 361). Terrace B, +20 to +23 feet .
