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0154 Explorations in Turkestan : Expedition of 1904 : vol.1
Explorations in Turkestan : Expedition of 1904 : vol.1 / Page 154 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)


[Figure] 31 Vertical Section and Projection of Finds (a) and Horizontal Projection (b); Terrace II.

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doi: 10.20676/00000178
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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The two skeletons lying at + 26 feet (Nos. 6 and 7) must certainly be younger than the deeper-lying fireplace at + 25 feet ; but they can scarcely be considered in connection with the upper fireplace, since the difference of level is too slight. They probably belong, therefore, to a higher and now vanished younger layer. Since

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~   ~~

l   //

~   0 %

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   /Pot Pot

   Nll   Q No.12   ®+26

   4jY+ 22.o5   +22.5


   Pots   61 o   +25.5

No.6 ®®+2475   No.l4

No.13   +26   +22.5

" O 9,/e.

~j   Pot

O +267

   Brick 79   ®+24.75 CéZt


+ 26.5Pot


Brick wall


~   +zs



~ +26.5 u ~yr No.7 .+26-- No.6   +26   +25 5 6 ~ %

~~ ~- ®   ~ /

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~ 2    ®®~ ~

,   b

0   5   10 FEET

t   1   1   1   I   1

Fig. 3 I.—Vertical Section and Projection of Finds (a) and Horizontal Projection (b); Terrace II.

in terrace I the lowest skeleton belonging to pots c and d lies at + 28 feet, we would have to assume still another intermediate layer of which no trace was found in either terrace I or terrace

The second terrace has particular importance because it contains noteworthy remains of the older culture, The two pithoi standing at + 24.75 feet belong in