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0366 Explorations in Turkestan : Expedition of 1904 : vol.1
Explorations in Turkestan : Expedition of 1904 : vol.1 / Page 366 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000178
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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June 4, 1904•

Upper digging, 32 ft. 7 in. to 4o ft. 4 in. deep; outer digging r, 17 ft. 20 ft. 5 in. deep.

  1. Slingstone, burnt clay, dump of upper digging.

  2. 5 copper coins, outer digging r.

  3. Animal figure, outer digging I.

  4. Blue bead (turquoise), upper digging in dump.

  5. Slingstone of burnt clay from gallery iv.

  6. Light blue bead (faience ?) found near 183.

  7. 3 copper coins, outer digging r, in situ on the bottom.

  8. Copper coin, outer digging r, in dump. 187-192. Painted and glazed potsherds, outer digging r.

  9. Glazed potsherds, surface near outer digging I.

  10. Ball of burnt clay, outer digging r.

  11. Handle of glass (blue), outer digging r. 195a. Terra-cotta pressed in a mold, outer digging r.

June 6, 1904.

Upper digging, 4o ft. 4 in. deep; outer digging 1, 20 ft. 5 in. to 23 ft. 4 in. deep.

  1. Capsule of sheet bronze, gallery Iv. •

  2. A whorl-shaped object of clay, near gallery Ir.

June 6, í9o4.-Continued.

  1. 4 copper coins, outer digging T, from the lowest layer.

  2. Little bronze plates, outer digging 1.

  3. Copper fragment, upper digging, from the well-like depression.

  4. Head of a female terra-cotta figure, bottom of outer digging. 2oz. Fragments of a gilded bead in outer digging I.

June 7, 1904.

Upper digging, 4o ft. 4 in. deep; outer digging 1, 23 ft. 4 in. to 27 ft. deep.

  1. Slingstone of clay, outer digging 1.

  2. Elongated barrel-shaped agate bead, outer digging I (?).

  3. High and deep cup, 2 fragments, outer digging II near the jars.

  4. Fragment of a jug with incised wavy-form decoration, outer digging rr, near the jars.

207-213. Larger fragments of a handled jug, ornamented in part, found in the shaft r foot deep (the fragments kept separate in a small bag).