Kara-Khoja Gazetteer

Digital Silk Road > Digital Maps > Kara-Khoja Gazetteer > Tempel H'
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Planskizze von Idikutschari and the expedition report made by Albert Grünwedel are combined to construct the web-based gazetteer and map search. [Read more..]

Tempel H' | Kara-Khoja Gazetteer

List of Figures

Fig. 15.
Plan of the main building of the tempel H' with gigantic Buddha in north wall, who reach Nirvâna.
Grundriß des Hauptgebäudes des Tempels H' mit dem Kolosse des ins Nirvâna eingehenden Buddha vor der Nordwand des Tempels.
Fig. 16.
Rest of the gigantic statue (Buddha, reach Nirvâna) in front of the rear wall of temple H'.
Rest des Kolosses (Buddha, ins Nirvâna eingehend) vor der Rückwand des Tempels H'.

Book Page

Page 29

Location Information


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List of Ruins (102)