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0269 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.2
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doi: 10.20676/00000246
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373. ULAU   865

(Turkistan) was already well established in Mussulman countries (cf. Géogr. d'Aboulfeda, II, II, 212), and, in 1307, Hethum made it known to the West as « Turquesten » (Hist. des Crois., Arm., II, 123, 214, 263, 335). Maundeville borrowed it from Hethum (cf. HALLBERG, 298; but HALLBERG has forgotten to insert notices on « Turchie » or on « Turquesten »). The Nestorians had a metropolitan see of Turkistan distinct from that of Samarkand (cf. the list in Mo, 21).

Benedict the Pole and Polo find nevertheless an unexpected confirmation in the Chinese map of ca. 1330, and in the corresponding list of YS, 63, 15 b : there the first name of the constituent

territories of the Cayatai empire is kt   T'u-lu-chi, Turki, as a tribal name, an equivalent of
Turquie (cf. Br, II, 49-50).

In c. 36, in the story of Negodar, R (Bk I, c. 14) omits the « Greater Armenia » of F, etc., and in an earlier sentence says that Cayatai was ruler of « la Turchia maggiore » (R here follows the form of VB which, in place of signoreggiana la Turchia maggiore, reads signor duna notabel provinzia), so possibly correcting what is really an error in the other texts (see « Caraunas », and Vol. I, 121). On the other hand F, FG may suggest that Negodar took advantage of Cayatai's absence in Greater Armenia on some expedition.

  1.  TYFLIS

tiflis R   tyflis Z

Tiflis had been mentioned before Polo by Simon de Saint-Quentin as « Triphelis » (cf. Vincent de Beauvais, xxxi, 95; xxxii, 42, 50), and by Rubrouck as « Tefiiis » (Wy, I, 319, 324, 326). Fra Mauro writes « Tifilis »; Schiltberger, « Tiflliss » (HALLBERG, 536-537). Other forms, « Thefelisium », «Triflisium », occur in the 14th cent.; cf. GOLUBOVICH, Bibl. bio-bibi., II, 265, 569. The name of Tiflis is Georgian Thbilisi, derived from thbili, « warm » (cf. BROSSET, Hist. de la Géorgie, I, z, 16, n. 3).

  1.  ULAU

alan FA, FB

alaon FA

alau F, FA, FB, L, LT, P, TAi, TA3, V, VA, VB, VL, Z; G, R

alcho, laus V allam VA allau V(cor.), VB halahun 0

halaton, laou FB hanel VL

ulan, ulau Z vlau P, Z; R