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0191 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.2
Notes on Marco Polo : vol.2 / Page 191 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000246
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292. MUTIFILI   787

HUNG Chün (ch. 24) and T'u Chi (ch. 146) have each a whole chapter on the Ismaiiians (Mula-i), but these are, as a rule, second-hand rehearsals of Western sources, sometimes faulty, with a few useful hints.

To the biography given in Y, I, 148, and Y1, II, 258, may be added, on Alamüt, the more recent accounts of IVANOW, L. LOCKHART and Fr. STARK in Geogr. Journal, Jan. 1931, 38-60, and of EDMUNDS, ibid., June 1931, 555-558.

291. MUS

masa V   mus L, Z; R

This is Mush (Mfg) in Armenia; the name is written « Mus » in R, Z, and L, and altered to « Masa » in V; although we would have preferred a form from F or FA, it seems that Polo really used the word « Mus » and not « Musce » or the like. Polo couples « Mus » with « Meridin » as the name of one province. This, as YULE has observed (Y, i, 62), is rather surprising, and there is no confirmation of such use of the two names. On Mùg, cf. LS, 116.


anruessi, morfili VA   muzuliro V

kurfali G   motyfy, mutfily,

molfili LT   FB

molfuli LT    moufy FAt

monsul VB, Rr   muisuli VL

montifi F   mulfili Pt

mosul Fr, t   multifili TAIT

motifi L   multifilii TA3

motifili, murfoli (cor.),

multifily TA1, TA3

mutifyli   murfili R
murphili R, Rr mutfili F, FA, L, P mutfyly FBt muthphyli Z mutifili F, FA mutisili Pr

This form, supported by some of the Mss., and indirectly by «Butifiiis» of the Catalan and Leardo maps (cf. HALLBERG, 364-365), seems to me to be better than the « Mutfiii » of YULE and BENEDETTO. The name, as YULE has shown (Y, II, 362; Y', IH, 70), is an Arabic pronunciation of Motupalli, Motupallé, Mutapali, of modern authors and maps; it lies about 110 kilometres southwest of Masulipatam (there was no reason, in B', 445, still to quote PAUTHIER'S identification of « Mutifili » with this last city). Apart from Polo, I find the name in the Multi; of Sidi `Ali Celebi (1554), who probably took it from Ibn Mi)id or from Sulaymân al-Mahri, both of the first half of the 16th cent.; Sidi `Ali writes ,51.:. which FERRAND transcribes Mutibali (Fe, 498) and Motubali
