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0027 The Book of Ser Marco Polo : vol.2
マルコ=ポーロ卿の記録 : vol.2
The Book of Ser Marco Polo : vol.2 / 27 ページ(白黒高解像度画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000269
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE





Page 51. Example of ROADS on the TIBETAN FRONTIER of China (being actually a view of the Gorge of the Lan t'sang Kiang). From Mr. Cooper's

Travels of a Pioneer of Commerce.

OE)55. The VALLEY Of the KIN-SHA KIANG, near the lower end of the CAINDU of Marco Polo. From Lieut. Garnier in the Tour du Monde. 58. SALT PANS in Yun-nan. From the same.

„   6i. Black Lolo.

„ 62. White Lolo. From DEVÉRIA'S Frontière Sino-annamite.

65. Pay Script. From the T'oung-Pao.

68. Garden-House on the LAKE of YUN-NAN-FU, YACHI of Polo. From Lieut. Garnier in the Tour du Monde.

If71. Road descending from the Table-Land of YUN-NAN into the VALLEY Of the KIN-SHA KIANG (the Biuus of Polo). From the sanie.

OE,73. " A SARACEN Of CARAJAN," being the portrait of a Mahomedan Mullah in Western Yun-nan. From the same.

74. The Canal at YUN-NAN FU. From a photograph by M. TANNANT.

5)78. " Riding long like FRENCHMEN," exemplified from the Bayeux Tapestry. After Lacroix, Vie Militaire du Moyen Age.

OE)83. The SANG-MIAU tribe of KWEI-CHAD, with the Cross-bow. From a coloured drawing in a Chinese work on the Aboriginal Tribes, belonging to W. Lockhart, Esq.

3)90. Portraits of a KAKHYEN man and woman. Drawn by Q. CENNI from a photograph (anonymous).

io8. Temple called GAUDAPALÉN in the city of MIEN (i.e. Pagán in Burma), erected circa A.D. 1160. Engraving after a sketch by the first Editor, from Fergusson's History of Architecture.

71 1 I2. The PALACE of the KING of MIEN in modern times (viz., the Palace at Amarapura). From the same, being partly from a sketch by the first Editor.

„ 118. Script Pape. From the T'oung-Pao.

:OE121. HO-NHI and other Tribes in the Department of Lin-ngan in S. Yun-nan, supposed to he the Anin country of Marco Polo. From Gamier in the Tour du Monde.

125. The KOLOMAN tribe, on borders of Kwei-chau and Yun-nan. From coloured drawing in Mr. Lockhart's book as above (under p. 83).

  1.  Script thaï of Xieng-hung. From the T'oung-Pao.

  2.  Iron SUSPENSION BRIDGE at Lowatong. From Gamier in Tour du Monde.

  3.  FORTIFIED VILLAGES on Western Frontier of KWEI-CHAU. From the same.





  1.  YANG-CHAU : the three Cities under the Sung.

  2.  YANG-CHAU : the Great City under the Sung. From Chinese Plans kindly sent to the present Editor by the late Father H. Havret, S.J., Zi-ka-wei.

162. MEDI1EVAL ARTILLERY ENGINES. Figs. I, 2, 3, 4, and 5, are CHINESE. The first four are from the Encyclopedia San-Thsai-Thou-hoei (Paris Library), the last from Amyot, vol. viii.

Figs. 6, 7, 8 are SARACEN, 6 and 7 are taken from the work of Reinaud and Favé, Du Feu Grégeois, and by them from the Arabic MS. of Hassan al Raumah (Arab Anc. Fonds, No. I127). Fig. 8 is from Lord Munster's Arabic Catalogue of Military Works, and by him from a MS. of Rashiduddin's History.

VOL. II.   b 2