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0723 The Book of Ser Marco Polo : vol.2
マルコ=ポーロ卿の記録 : vol.2
The Book of Ser Marco Polo : vol.2 / 723 ページ(白黒高解像度画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000269
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE







Unlucky hours, ii. 364

U-nya-Mwezi superstition, i. u3on Urduja, Princess, ii. 465n

Uriangkadai, ii. 46n

Uriangkút (Tunguses), i. 271n Urianhai, the, i. 271n

Urumtsi, i. 20I n, 214n Urzú, i. 122n

Uspenskoye (called also Bolgarskoye),

  1.  7n

Uttungadeva, king of Java, ii. 275n Uwek, see Ucaca

Uzbeg Khan of Sarai, i. 4n, 6n, 352n Uzbegs of Kunduz, i. 156n, 163n

Uzun Tati, coins, Chinese porcelain from,

  1. 595n

VAIR, the fur and animal, i. 257, ii. 479,

483n, 484n, 486n, 487 as an epithet of eyes, 124 Valaghir district, i. 54n

Vámbéry, Prof. Hermann, i. Ion, 28n,

54n, 57n, 17on, 214n, 237n, 401n, ii. 465

Vanchu (Wangchu), conspires with Chenchu against Ahmad, i. 417-419,


Van Lake, i. 57n

Varaegian, Varangian, ii. 49on

Varaha Mihira, astronomer, i. Io4n

Vardoj River, i. 156n, 172n

Varíni, ii. 49on

Varsach, or Mashhad River, i. 155n, 156n

Vasmulo, i. 292n

Vateria Indica, ii. 396n

Veil of the Temple, it&zrÄos papadvcos,

  1. 66

Vellalars, ii. 372n

Venádan, title of king of Kaulam, ii. 38on

Venetians, factory at Soldaia, i. 4n ; expelled from Constantinople, 19n

Venice, 2, z,ç, 16, i. 2, 18, 19, 36, 41 ; return of Polos to, 4, 24, ,s¢, i. 36 ; its exaltation after Latin conquest of Constantinople, 9; its nobles, zy ; Polo's mansion at, 23 seqq. ; galleys, 32 seqq. ; archives at, 7o seqq. ; articles brought from East by Marco to, i. 274,

  1. 299, 305n

Ventilators at Hormuz, ii. 452, 453n Verlinden, Belgian missionary, i. 249n Verniques, i. 382, 384n

Verzino Colombino, ii. 38on. (See also Brazil.)

Vessels, war, i. 34, 37n ; stitched of Kermán (irÄoeápca panrrá), i. Io8, 117n, ii. 415n ; on the Kiang, 170, 171, 173n. (See also Ships.)

Vial, Paul, French missionary, fi. 63n Vijayanagar, ii. 362n

Vikramajit, legend of, ii. 349n Vikrampúr, ii. 99n

Turquans, Turkish horses, i. 43 Turquoises in Kermán, i. 90, 92n ; in Caindu, ii. 53

Turtle doves, i. 97, 99n

Turumpak, Hormuz, i. limn

Tutia (Tutty), preparation of, i. 125, 126n, ii. 398

Tuticorin, ii. 372n

Tu T'song, Sung Emperor of China, ii. 15on, 21 In

Tver, ii. 489n

Twelve, a favourite round number, ii. 426n

Barons over Khan's Administration, i. 430, ii. 154

Twigs or arrows, divination by, i. 241, 242n

Tyuman, ii. 481n

Tyunju, porcelain manufacture, ii. 235, 242n

Tylor, Dr. E. B., on Couvade, ii. 93v,


Tzarev, i. 6n

Tzaritzyn, i. 6n, 57n

UCACA (Ukak, Ukek, Uwek), i. 5, 8n,

9n ; Ukák of Ibn Batuta, a different

place, ii. 488n

Uch-baligh, z3¢

Uch-Multán, i. 86n

Udoe country, ii. 42on, 598n

Udong, ii. 279n

Udyána, i. 164n

Ughuz, legend of, ii. 485n

Uighúr character, parent of present

Mongol writing, i. 14n, 28n, 16on,


Uighúrs, the, i. 76n, 214n, 227n, ii. 179n,


Uiraca, i. 282n

Uirad, see Oirad

Ujjain, legend of, ii. 349n ; (Ozene),

397n, 426n

Uk?k, ii. 488n. (See Ucaca.)

Ulatai (Oulatay), Tartar envoy from

Persia, i. 32, 33n, ii. 471, 474n Ulakhai, i. 282n

Ulan Muren (Red River), i. 25on

Ulugh Bagh, on Badakhshan border, i.

154 Mohammed, i. 8n

Ulús, the, i. ion

U-man and Pe-man (Black and White Barbarians), ii. 73n

Umbrellas, i. 351, 354n, 355n

Unc Can (Aung Khan), see Prester John

Ung (Ungkút), Tartar tribe, i. 285, 294n Ungrat (Kungurat), Tartar tribe, i. 357,


Unicorn (Rhinoceros), in Burma, ii. 107 ;

Sumatra, 285, 289, 299 ; legend of Virgin and, 285, 29on ; horns of, 291n Unken, City, ii. 226, 229n, 23on, 233n


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