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0694 The Book of Ser Marco Polo : vol.2
マルコ=ポーロ卿の記録 : vol.2
The Book of Ser Marco Polo : vol.2 / 694 ページ(白黒高解像度画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000269
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE







Ilyáts, nomads of Persia, i. 85

Imáms of the Ismailites, i. 146n

Im Thurn, Everard, on Couvade, ii. 94n Incense, Sumatran, ii. 286 ; brown in

West India, 395, 396n ; white (i.e.

frankincense), in Arabia, 396n, 442,

443n) 445, 446n-449n

India, 12, i. I, 107, 109, 167, 414, ii.

76, 78, 107, 115, 119, 236, 249 ; horse trade to, i. 83, 86n ; trade to Manzi or China from, ii. 190, 216, 390, 395 believed to breed no horses, 340, 342, 438, 450 ; trade with Persia and Arabia, 370 ; western limits of, 401, 4o2n ; islands of, 423, 425n ; division of, 424 ; sundry lists of States, 426n-427n ; trade with Aden and Egypt, 438 ; with Arabian ports, 442, 444, 450 ; confusion of Ethiopia and, 432n

India, the Greater, ii. 331 seqq., 401,


its extent, ii. 42511, 426n

the Lesser, ii. 424, 42511-426/1 Middle (Abyssinia), ii. 423, 427 remarks on this title, ii. 43 i n Maxima, ii. 426n

  • - Tertia, ii. 425n

  • - Superior, ii. 426/1

  • - Sea of, i. 35, 63, Io8, 166, ii. 265,


Indian drugs to prolong life, ii. 37on

geography, dislocation of Polo's, ii. 377n, 39on, 396n, 4o3n, 426n nuts, see Cocoa-nuts

steel (ondanique), i. 9311

Indies, the Three, and their distribution, ii. 424, 426n

Indifference, religious, of Mongol Emperors, i. 14n, 34911

Indigo, mode of manufacture at Coilum, ii. 375, 381n, 382n ; in Guzerat, 393 Cambay, 398 ; prohibited by London Painters' Guild, 382n

Indo-China, ii. 426n ; States, 42-123, 266-277

Indragiri River, ii. 283n

Infants, exposure of, ii. 147, 15112 Ingushes of Caucasus, i. 268n

Innocent IV., Pope, i. 62n

Inscription, Jewish, at Kaifungfu, i. 346n

Insult, mode of, in South India, ii. 371 Intramural interment prohibited, i. 414 Invulnerability, devices for, ii. 259,


'Irák, i. 74, 84n, 86n, 14512

Irghai, i. 281n

Irish, accused of eating their dead kin, ii. 298n

M.S. version of Polo's Book, 1o2í03

Iron, in Kerman, i. 90, 9212, 93n, 9411 ; in Cobinan, 125

Iron Gate (Derbend Pass), said to have

been built by Alexander, i. 53n, 5411 ;

gate ascribed to, 57n, ii. 494

Irtish River, ii. 49312

Isaac, king of Abyssinia, ii. 432n, 43312

Isabel, queen of Little Armenia, i. 42n

Isabeni, ii. 432n

Isentemur (Sentemur, Essentemur),

Kúblái's grandson, ii. 64, Bon

Ish, the prefix, i. 156n

'Ishin, i. 119n

Ish-Káshm, i. 156n, 172n ; dialect, 16on,

I 73

Iskandar, Shah of Malacca, ii. 28211

Islands, of the Indian Sea, ii. 249, 424,

426n ; of China, 251, 264 ; in the

Gulf of Cheinan, 266n ; Male and

Female, 404 segq.

Isle d'Orleans, ii. 277n

Isle of Rubies (Ceylon), ii. 314n

Ismail, Shah of Persia, i. 61n

Ismailites, see Assassins

Ispahan (Istanit, Istan, Spaan), kingdom

of Persia, i. 83n, 85n

Israel in China, see Jews

Iteration, wearisome, ii. 13311

I'tsing, ii. 283n

Ivongo, ii. 414n

Ivory trade, ii. 423, 424n

Izzuddin Muzaffar, suggests paper-money

in Persia, i. 428n, 42911

JACINTH, ii. 362n

Jacobite Christians, at Mosul, i. 46, 6o,

61n, ii. 409n, 432n-433n; at Tauris, i.

75, 77n ; Yarkand, 187 ; perhaps in

China, 29 I n

Jacobs, Joseph, Barlaam and Josaphat,

ii. 327n

Jadali, or Vadak- Tásh, i. 30911

Jade stone (jasper) of Khotan, i. 191,

1931/, 194

Jaeschke, Rev. H. A., i. 209n, 243/1,

314n, 324n

Jaffa, Count of, his galley, 4o, 49

Jaipál, Raja, ii. 34611

Jájnagar, ii. 427n

Jaláluddín of Khwarizm, i. 91n, 236n

Jamáluddín-al-Thaibi, Lord of Kais, i.

65n, ii. 333n, 348n

Jamaluddin, envoy from Ma'bar to

Khanbaligh, ii. 337n

Jambi River, ii. 283n

James of Aragon, king, i. 273n, ii.

I 63/2

Jámisfulah (Gauenispola), ii. 30712

Jamúi Khátún, Kúblái's favourite Queen,

her kindness to the captured Chinese

princesses, i. 38n, 358n, ii. 151n Jangama sect, ii. 37on

Janibeg, Khan of Sarai, i. 6n, 26411, 35212

Japan, see Chipangu