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0019 In Tibet and Chinese Turkestan : vol.1
In Tibet and Chinese Turkestan : vol.1 / Page 19 (Color Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000230
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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Lutkum—Wood at last—The waterless camps—Arrival at Lutkum—Return to Leh—The Zoji La in winter—Frozen to

death—End of journey   82


Preparations at Srinagar—Start from Bandipoora—Trouble with Khalik —Trial of Khalik—Stay at Gilgit—Hunza—Mutinous pony men —Journey to the Pamirs—Frost-bitten—Difficulty of surveying in

winter--Trouble with natives—Visit to Cobbold   101


Earthquakes — Raskam — Fording Yarkand River— Bazar DaraApproach to Kukalung Pass—Zad—Recrossing Kukalung Pass—Camp at 16,000 feet—Incorrect maps—Description of country—Illness of Dalbir Rai—Approach to Sandal Dawan—Bivouacking on mountain-side—Dysentery—Easy marches—Arrival at Yarkand 116


Reception at Yarkand—Dining with the Amban—After effects—Swedish missionaries—Another attempt at exploration in winter —Route followed—Foiled by snowstorm—Recrossing the Yarkand River—Punishment of dishonest natives—Incapacitated by illness —Kosarab—Return to Yarkand—Meeting Macartney and Father Hendriks—Stay in Yarkand—Apology of Teetai—Observing in Yangi Shahr—Ignorance of Chinese officials—Islam AkunPreparations for excursion to the Takla Makan—Discovery about

" ancient " Khotan MSS.—Suspicions about Islam Akun .   . 132


Departure from Yarkand—Guma—The Takla Makan—Kara TargazWaste of water—Ignorance of guides—Lucky return—Punishment of guides—Return to Guma—Journey to Khotan—KhotanIslam Akun rewarded—Run on the medicine chest—DiseasesChloroform—Important operation—Departure for Polu—ChakaHazy weather—Escaping attention—Entertained by a MullahPolu—Stay at Polu—Negotiations with Chinese—Anxiety about Ladakis—Kiria—Delay there—Night march—Sorgak gold mines

—Raju very lazy—Kara Sai   151