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0201 Serindia : vol.1
セリンディア : vol.1
Serindia : vol.1 / 201 ページ(カラー画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000183
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE





v. 0019, 0053, 0087. Similar but from a slightly smaller mould : A.T. i. oo66, 00113 ; iv. 00140, 00141 ; similar, from other moulds : A.T. ii. 0024 ; v. 0021.

A.T. 0090. Stucco relief fr. Ball pattern edge, field divided by flat fillet ; in compartments leaf orn. See A.T. i. 0027 and A.T. 0096. Reddish mud-coloured clay.

A.T. 0091. Stucco relief fr. Upper part of triangle ; the moulded edges continue outwards, forming pair of volutes. Cf. A.T. ii. 0053, and perhaps A.T. 0087. Reddish-drab clay. 2k" x 2r.

A.T. 0095. Stucco relief fr. of jewelled band ; edges of minute chevron pattern on raised fillet ; field has two jewels, sq. and oval, high relief. One end complete. Light red clay. 2" x I". Pl. Ix.

A.T. oog8. Stucco relief fr. of open lotus-bloom, saucer-shaped. High central boss, petals in low relief. Drab clay. Diam. 28".

A.T. 00moo. a-c. Stucco relief frs. of striated zigzag border of drapery (?), gradually diminishing in size. Mud-coloured clay. (a) 3" x I~" ; (b) ii" x r ".

A.T. ooloi. Stucco relief fr. Outside face orn. with two incised lines converging towards end. Between are diagonal incised strokes. Brick-red clay. 2" X Ir.

A.T. 00102.   Stucco relief fr. of large lotus petal,

probably from edge of plaque. The point of leaf, which
is angular and not rounded, is noticeable. Central lobes

in high relief. Cf. A.T. 005i.   Mud-coloured clay.
2" x Ian.

A.T. 001oß. Stucco relief fr., with two half-round mouldings in vertical section and curved horizontally ; possibly part of bracelet from human arm. Bright red clay with creamy slip. i" x I".

A.T. 00104. Stucco relief fr. of drapery ; heavy loop from R. breast ; folds marked by incised lines. Hard red clay, creamy slip. 2*" x 3k".

A.T. 00108. Stucco relief fr. of drapery, prob. from standing Buddha; folds rendered by parallel grooves. Reddish-drab clay. I Q" x

*A.T. oolog. a, b. Stucco relief frs. Two tightly coiled spiral curls of hair; lock marked by three grooves rises to point at centre. Cf. M. u. oo6 for head wearing similar ringlets ; also Anc. Kholan, Pl. LXXXIV, R. LXXIV. I. Drab clay. Diam.

From same mould : A.T. 00I Io ; i. 0034, 0035 ; v. 0028, 0096 ; cf. A.T. 001 11.

A. T. 00114. Stucco relief fr. of necklace, twisted plain and Vandyke strands. Red clay, creamy wash. 2"x. ".

A.T. oou5. Nine beads; fiat circular, tabloid, diam. 196", olive-green glass ; rough cube with faceted angles, light green glass ; small spheroid, translucent light blue glass ; flattened ring-bead, dark blue glass; spheroid, ruby glass;

flattened angular ring, light blue opaque paste ; spheroid, dark blue translucent glass ; ring-bead, light green opaque glass ; slender ring diam. Ts", white jade.

A.T. oou6. a-c. Glass beads : (a) Long barrel-shaped ; agate glass, half brown, half white ; I" long. (b) Fr. of lentoid ; brown glass decorated with opaque white paste slip. (c) Fr. of discoid ; polychrome eye in red, light and dark blue, yellow and green concentric rings.

A.T. 00x17. a-g. Glass frs. (a) Resembling nail-head, light green glass ; length 1". (b) Straight stem and fr. of base of vessel resembling wine-glass (?), light amber colour. H. $". (c) Curved fr. of handle (?), twisted rod, white

glass ; length Ii.".   (d) Similar, light amber-coloured
glass ; length i ". (e) Fr. from flat rim (?) of vessel ; light green glass. I" x i". (f) Fr., very thin with rolled rim, Deep blue border, centre clear white. A" X". (g) Fr. white glass, with traces of etched design ; greater part of surface rubbed down leaving panel in relief whereon intricate pattern. if x

A.T. oo118. Three frs. of jade rings ; cf. A.T. 00' 15. Diam. c. f` g".

A.T. 00119. Bone stamp, flat, circular. 06v. a running stag within cable border. Rev. concentric rings with radial points, probably flower having central knob and double corolla, within cable border. Pierced edgeways. Diam. -" ; thickness i".

A.T. 00120. Bronze frs. (a) Bezel of finger-ring, stone missing. (b) Nail with nearly hemispherical head. (c) Wire, one end pointed 2" long. Also several shapeless frs.

A.T. 00122. Frs. of frescoes. Brown lines on light blue or white ground ; apparently wing-feathers in outline. From A.T. i, A.T. iii, A.T. iv.

A.T. oo124. a-f. Miscell. bronze frs., etc., found near foot of W. wall. (a) Three frs. of Chin. coins, corroded, uninscribed. (b) Bronze arrowhead, corroded ; two of the barbs broken off. Length I .. (c) Circular bronze orn., as Khot. or. w. Diam. ". (d) Fr. of mother-of-pearl. Gr. M. r. (e) of spherical bead of red cornelian. (f) Spherical lead pellet. Diam. a".

A.T. i,. oo6. Stucco fr. Two fingers (3rd and 4th) of R. hand. Under bend of fingers is circular hole, prob. for reed core. From same mould as A.T. iii. 0062. Hard light red clay. 21." X

A.T. i. on. Stucco relief fr. Human R. ear, long and rather flat. Hard mud-coloured clay with white slip.

n 2g~ xr~.

A.T. i. oo8. Stucco relief fr. Human R. ear, rather thick and fleshy in modelling. Hard light red clay unevenly burned. 23-'-ff" x Ife".

A.T. i. oog. Stucco relief fr. of L. ear. Lower part lost. Possibly pair to A.T. i. oo8. Hard dull reddish clay, mud-coloured in section. 28" x

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