National Institute of Informatics - Digital Silk Road Project
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Scientific Results of a Journey in Central Asia, 1899-1902 : vol.2 |
Bel-kum. Sd. The Pass Sand. I: 115; II: 537. Bostan. Fo. tr. & ho. The Garden. I: 97; II: 470,
Bel-tschapghan. Chl. The Passage Canal (because 555, 589•
there are mounds on both sides). II: 136. Bostang-nor. La. II: 293.
Berdischik. Dist. A Man's Name. I: 423. Bostang-nur. La. II: 284.
Bereghes. Fo. tr. I: 18. Bostan-nor. La. II: 291.
Beschik-kaldi. Dist. The Cradle was Left. I: 251. Bostan-Nur. La. II: 287, 300.
Bir-ataj. Sp. Where it is possible to Shoot only Bostan-toghrak. Fo. tr. The Poplar Garden. I: 102.
once (because the camels or other wild animals Bostan-toghrak. Riv. I: 373, 375, 377 ff.; H: 348,
run away after the first shot). II: 78. 522 ff., 570, 571.
Birintschi-bajir-köl. La. The First Depression Lake. Budschentu. Sp. II: 35, 37.
II; 505, Budschentu-bulak. Sp. II: 24, 3o ff., 36, 40 ff., 49,
Bisch-arik. St. hs. The Five Canals. I: 7 r, 72. 78, 466, 524.
Bisch-arik-lenger. St. The Station of the Five Bughur. Vil. I: 111, 115, 118; II: 293, 609.
Canals. I: 67. Bughur. Mt. II: 99.
Bisch-bulak. Sp. The Five Springs. II: 75, 77 ff. Buja-köl. La. B. is a plant. I: 119.
Bisch-jol-tschakil. Fo. tr. The River Loop of the Buja-tägisch. Fo. tr. I: 67.
Five Roads. I: r6. Buja-tscheke. Fo. tr. The Buja Promontory. I: 1 r5.
Bisch-kajde. Ma. The Five Alluvia. I: 27. Buja-tscheke. Fo. tr. II: ro.
Bisch-köbriik. Rg. Five Bridges. I: 66. Bujun-kum-tscheke. Ho. The Promontory with
Bisch-köl. Fo. tr. The Five Lakes. I: 16 ff.; II: 558, the Cape of Sand. II: 513.
588. Buka-tschapghan. Str. rg. litt: The Bull-Canal; here
Bisch-köl. Rg. I: 66. buka = boghu, tschapghan = dug out Canoe,
Bisch-köl-täräk. La. The Poplar of the Five Lakes. because a Hunter shot a stag and dug a canoe
I: 63. to carry it down in. I: 398.
Bisch-kotan. Fo. tr. The Five Huts. I: 47. Bukseln. Fo. tr. II: 6o6.
Bisch-östäng. Dist. The Five Canals. I: 65. Bulak. Ca. Spring. I: 63.
Bisch-täräk-köl. Vil. The Lake of the Five Poplars. Bulak. La. I: 67.
I: 71. Bulak. Lg. I: 73.
Bisch-toghrak. Fst. The Five Poplars. II: 512. Bulak. Dist. I: 422.
Bitschanlik. Str. rg. The Good Grazing. I: 92 ; II: Bulundsir. Riv. II: 99.
569. Bulundsir-gol. Riv. II: 98, 176.
Boba-jarsuk. Fo. tr. The Old Man's Lagoon. I: Bulungir. Riv. II: 372 ff.
104. Bulungir-gol. Riv. II: 284, 286, 291.
Bobane-ottogho. Des. vil. The Old Man's Dwelling- Bulungir-nor. La. II: 285.
place. I: 255. Bulung-otak. Fo. tr. The Dwelling-Place in the
Bobane-uktusu. La. The Old Man's Little Lake. Bay. I: 26.
I: 177. Bulung-su. Ar. The Loop Water. I: 176, 182 ff.,
Boba-uktusu. La. The Old Man's Little Lake. I: 297 ; II: 546.
179, 299; II: 593. Bure Kurban-tscheke. Fo. tr. The Promontory of
Bobo Okuru-kadaghan. Vil. The Enclosure of B. B. K. II: 513.
O. I: 5 r t ; II: 596. Burup-tu. Sp. II: 82.
Bodschante. Salt la. II: 38, 85. Buru-tu. Sp. The He-Camel's Spring. II: 63, 75,
Bogha-achun-lengeri. Vil. B. A's Station. I: 4. 88.
Boghu-baschi. Fo. tr. The Stag's Head. I: 63. Busrugvar. Fo. tr. I: 139; II: 556, 570, 574, 59o.
Boghu-baschi. Fo. tr. I: 88. Busrugvar. Ma. II: 556.
Boghu-baschi. Fo. tr. I: 216, 457. Bussup-tüschken-kum. Sd. The Desert where B.
Boghuluk. Fo. tr. The Stag Tract. I: 312, 348, Encamped. I: 481.
391, 398; II: 174, 307. Busuk. Fo. tr. The Restless; i. e. where the River
Boghu-patti. Fo. tr. Where the Stag Sunk. I: 18. is often changing its bed. I: 84, 87, 86; II: 559,
Bolto. Sou. The Sound. I: 251, 255. 589•
Bolto. La. I: 432.
Bore-kitaj. Vil. The Chinese Camel. I: 7.
Boro-balgasun. Tn. II: 380. Central Asia. I: 144, :61, 269, 291, 293, 322, 333,
Bos-ilek. Riv. The Grey River. I: 425, 486 ff., 349, 364; II: 79, 91, 174, 193, 259, 268 if., 273,
490, 492 ff., 498 ff., 507 ff.; II: 9 ff., 52 ff., 343, 307 ff., 349, 352, 357, 366ff., 379 fi., 387, 397 ff.,
345, 513, 519 il., 548, 561.403, 444, 447, 455 ff, 486, 499, 521 ff., 585,
Bos-köl. La. The Grey Lake. I: r 86 ff. 6.15.
B9s-köl. La. I: 420. Chadatu-bulak. Sp. The Cliff Spring. II: 285.
Bos-köl. Dry la. I: 427 ff., 507; II: 513. Chajdik-gol. VI. II: 98.
Bos-köl. Bol. I: 435. Chajdu-gol. La. II: 39T ff., 516, 5t8, 523, 525.
Bos-köldake-kona-uj. Hs. The Old House of the Chala-tschi. La. II: too, 111, 118, 121, 173 ff.
Grey Lake. H: 505. Chalik-tau. Mt. H: 97.
Bos-ökte. La. The Grey Little Lake. I: 146. Chalpa. Str. rg. I: 83.
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