National Institute of Informatics - Digital Silk Road Project
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Scientific Results of a Journey in Central Asia, 1899-1902 : vol.2 |
Tschangumalak-köl. La. II: 513. Tschertschen. Os. II: 525.
Tschapa-köl. La. The Lake of the Sewing-cotton. Tschertschen-darja. Riv. I: 79, 215, 221 ff., 302,
I: 507. 3 x 1 ff., 328 ff., 340, 345 ff., 371, 380 ff., 390 ff.,
Tschapal. Fo. tr. T. is synonymous with ala-kum; 400 ff., 412, 419; II: 8, 153i 169, 174, 198, 211,
i. e. sporadic sand amongst steppe or forest. I: 221, 262 ff., 279, 296, 302, 307 ff, 333 ff., 358,
427, 429, 502, 505; II: 11. 370, 387, 390, 462 ff., 504, 515, 518 ff., 545, 551,
Tschapan-kaldi. St. The Coat was Left. II: 463, 56o, 571, 578, 6o6.
466. Tschertschen Desert. Dst. I: 162, 188, 243 f, 253,
Tschapghan-köl. La. The Dug-out Lake. I: 19o. 328, 353 ff., 361 ff., 406 if., 438, 46o; II: 168, 229
Tschapgan-köl. I: 287, 297, 299, 307, 508. ff., 333 ff., 341 ff., 355, 379, 383, 396 ff., 400 ff.,
Tschapghan-köl. Dist. The Lake caused by a Dug 414 ff., 426, 434 ff., 451 ff., 485 if., 576.
Canal. I: 416. , Tschi-dao-gou. Fts. II: 372.
Tschapghan-köl. Fo. tr. II: xo. Tschigan-tschon. Vil. I: 66.
Tschapghan-köl. La. H: 509, 510. Tschige-bulak. Gn. & Sp. The Asclepias Spring.
Tschapghan-köl. La. (No. 2). II: 512. II: 18.
Tschaptschimal. Fo. tr. T. is a shallow inundated Tschigelik. Vil. The Asclepias Region. I: 174,
region, where however the fish can pass over 429, 431; II: 272.
from one lake to another. I: 419. Tschigelik-kuduk. Wl. The Asclepias Weg. II:
Tschaptschimal-kok-alasi. Riv. The Shallow, Broad 113.
River-arm. I: 192. Tschigelik-uj. Vil. The Asclepias Village. I: 209,
Tschara. Vil. I: 5o8. 217 ff., 402 ff., 449 f, 457; II: 43, 139, 200, 215,
Tscharajlik-tagh. Mt. The Beautiful Mountain. II: 224, 258, 272, 275, 302, 333, 345, 355, 445, 56o,
86, 89, 91. 574, 580, 592 f., 604.
Tschark-asti. La. The Suspended Wheel. I: 1xo. Tschige-tugh. Vil. The Asclepias Dam. I: 4.
Tschark-asti-köl. La. The Lake of the Suspended Tschighanlik. Old riv. br. I: 115.
Wheel. I: 107, 109 ff.; II: 536. Tschighan-tschöl. Vil. I: 36, 65 ff.
Tscharklik. Tn. The Wheel Place. I: 218, 220 ff., Tschi-jo-khe. Riv. a. II: 373.
224, 37o, 385, 391, 397 ff., 403, 449, 457, 461, Tschilan. St. & vil. A kind of berries. I: 59, 67.
477, 479, 509 ff.; II: 5, 132, 14o, 148, 152, Tschimälelik. Dist. The Ant-Region. I: 213.
216 ff., 301, 425, 503 if., 512, 57o, 586, 592, 6o8. Tschimen. Dist. The Grazing. I: 94 if.; II: 217 if.,
Tscharklikning-su. Riv. The Water of the Wheel 307, 449, 518, 570, 589.
Place. I: 398. . Tschimen. VI. II: 281.
Tscharklik-su. Riv. The Water of the Wheel Place. Tschimen-köl. La. The Grazing Lake. II: 28x.
II: 217, 504, 522, 57o, 571. Tschiminlik. La. The Lake with Grazing. II: 298,
Tschartma-kotan. Ht. A hut built of Poles Driven 311.
vertically into the ground and of branches. I: 419. Tschinagh-jatghan-tschol. St. rg. The Little Lake
Tschartschak. Rge. The Mountain of the Wearied where T. is Sleeping. I: 434.
Ones. II: 52. Tschindejlik. Wl. II: 174 ff., 579•
Tscharuk-asti. Fo. tr. The Suspended Shoe. II: xo. Tschingelik. Fo. tr. & ho. A kind of plant. I: 103.
Tscharvalik. Dist. The Region of Cattle. I: 434. Tschingelik. Wl. I: 375.
Tschaval-dung. Stp. The Hills with Scattered Tschin-schen-khe. La. II: 372, 373.
Poplars; or simply: The Scattered Hills. I: 382. Tschin-schen-ho. La. II: 371.
Tschaval-kum; the Desert with Scattered Poplars Tschira. Tn. II: 6o5, 611.
(at the lower Tschertschen-darja; not in the Tschirak-tschantschghan. Str. rg. The Candle set up
Text). or the Candle put down on the ground. I: 223.
Tschege-jejnek. Fo. tr. The Asclepias Loop. I: 98. Tschirik-atlandi. Os. vil. Where the Army mounted
Tschegelik-uj. Vil. The Asclepias Village. I: x x3, their Horses. I: 65.
158. Tschirik-atlandi-östäng. Rit. The Canal where the
Tscheke-jinek. The Loop with the Promontory. Army mounted their Horses. I: 65 ff.
II: 513. Tschirimdan-dung. Fo. tr. The Hill of the Ta-
Tschelijä-tagh. Mt. I: 66. marisk Towers. I: 26.
Tschen-tschang. II: 37. Tschi-tsin-chu. Msh. II: 373.
Tscherek-tüschken-tscheke. Fo. tr. The Promon- Tschi-tsin-schan. Mt. II: 373 ff.
tory where the Soldiers Encamped. II: 513. Tschivilik. Riv. The Mosquito Net. I: 419, 425;
Tscherik. Ho. The Soldiers' Place. I: 423. II: 561, 580.
Tschertschen. Tn. I: 23o, 233, 348, 351, 369 if., Tschivilik. Fsh. st. I: 492; II: 596.
381 ff.; II: 35, 218, 279, 296, 301, 3o9, 353 ff., 382, Tschivilik. La. II: 299.
525, 57o, 599, 6o5. Tschivilik. Dist. II: 55o.
Tschertschen. Prov. I: 37o. Tschivilik-köl. La. The Lake of the Mosquito Net.
Tschertschen. Dst. II: 348, 349,355, 379, 383, 396, I: 185, 192 ff., 204, 421, 424, 444, 481, 485 ff.,
397, 399-404, 408, 409, 414, 415, 417, 426, 500; II: 305, 333, 345, 347, 518, 548.
434-436, 438-441, 451, 452, 458, 46o, 462, Tschoka-tagh. Mt. The Little Isolated Mountain.
463, 466, 467, 479-481, 485, 571 f., $78 ff. I: 4o if., 364; II: 303, 466, 531.
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