National Institute of Informatics - Digital Silk Road Project
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Scientific Results of a Journey in Central Asia, 1899-1902 : vol.2 |
Issik-köl. La. The Hot Lake. II: 349. Jalghus-jigde. Fo. tr. The Solitary Eleagnus. I: 26,
Issik-otak. Fo. tr. The Hot Place. I: 383. 457 ; II: 553, 558, 588.
Istam Begi-kadasi. Dist. The Pole of I. Beg. I: 288. Jalghus-jigdedake-uj. Ht. The House of the Solitary
Istam Begi-markati. Ma. The Masar of I. Beg. Eleagnus. I: 214.
I: 185. Jalghus-tal-jingpang. Fo. tr. The Wall of the So-
Istam-tschapghan. Chl. Istaln's Canal. II: 146. • litary Willow. I: 53•
Jalghus-toghrak. Fo. tr. The Solitary Poplar. I:
Jachijani-uji. Des. ho. Jachija's House. I: 186. Jalghus-toghrak. Sd. & tms. I: x59.
Jachija-tschapti-köl. Bol. The Lake Dug out by Jalghus-toghrak. Str. rg. I: 493.
J. I: 423. Jalghus-toghrak. II: 505.
Jaghatsch-alghutsch. La. Where Wood was taken. Jallang-dschajir. La. The Open Little Lake. I:
432. 173 ff., 299, 307.
Jaghatschlik-köl. La. The Wood Lake. I: III. Jam-alghan. Fo. tr. Taken by J. I: 145.
Jaghisma-köl. La. II: 194, 209. Jamal-tüschdi. Fo. tr. Where J. camped; • J. was
Jaghlik-tschökken-tscheke. The Promontory where a rich Man from Shah-jar. I: 72.
the Grease was lost in the River. II: 504. Jamandake-uj. Old vil. The Bad House. I: 168.
Jaghlik-tschökön-otak. Po. I: 206. Jaman-darschi. Rg. The Bad Pool. I: 67.
Jajdi. Fo. tr. II: 569. Jaman-dasch. Fo. tr. The Bad Salt Pool. I: 63.
Jäjir-köl. La. I: 141. Jaman-ilek. Riv. a. The Difficult River (because of
Jajlak. Dist. & vil. The Summer-Place. I: 4, 5. its many windings). I: 435 ff.; II: 5 ff., I1.
Jaka-atscha. Chl. The Last Channel. I: r83. Jaman-jajir. La. I: 432•
Jaka-jardang-bulak. Sp. The Last Terrace Spring. Jaman-kum. Sd. The Horrid Sand. • I: 380.
54 ff., 235. Jaman-osa. Sd. The Bad Field. I: 115.
Jak-akkan. Fo. tr. The Streaming Oil. I: 382. Jaman-tala. Dist. The Difficult Desert. I: 430.
Jak-akkan-kum. Sd. The Desert of the Streaming Jaman-talaning-baschi. Dist. The Beginning of the
Oil. I: 382. Difficult Desert. I: 43o.
Jakakning-kum. Sd. I: 382. Jaman-tokaj. Fo. tr. The Bad Forest. I: 26.
Jaka-köl. Str. rg. The Last Lake. I: 118, 147. Jan-bulak. Sp. II: 77, 387, 399, 472.
Jaka-kuduk. Rg. Thé Last Well. I: 55. Jan-daschkak. \V1. Where one has to pass near
Jaka-kuduk. • Vil. The Last (or farthest) Well. I: something f. i. a hill. II: 216 ff.
66, 6Z.. Janek. Sd. hl. I: 485.
Jäkän-boldschemal. Bol. The Deadwater of the Janek-baschini-arelisch. Str. rg. I: 485.
Sedge. I: .404. ff. •, II: 504. Jangal-kotan. Ht. The Forest Hut. I: 65.
Jäkän-köl. La. The Sedge Lake. I: 1 r I. Jangi•Abdal. Vil. The newly Inhabited Place. II:
Jäkän-köl-tscheke. The Promontory of the Sedge 152.
Lake. II: 513. Jangi-arik. Vil. The New Canal. I: 6, 7.
Jäkänlik. Vil. The Sedge Place. I: x81. Jangi-avat. Vil. The newly Inhabited Place. I: 63,
Jäkänlik. Str. rg. I: 502. 67.
Jäkänlik. Fo. tr. II: Io. Jangi-darja. Riv. The New River. I: 14.
Jäkänlik-boldschemal. Ltl. bd. The Deadwater of Jangi-darja. Riv. I: 25.
the Sedges. I: 213. Jangi-darja. St. I: 67.
Jäkänlik-dschaji. La. The Sedge Lake. I: 187. Jangi-darja. Riv. I: 71.
Jäkänlik-köl. La. The Sedge Lake. I:115 ff. Jangi-darja. Riv. I: 88, 90 ff.
Jäkänlik-köl. La. I: 181 ff., 287, 289, 296. Jangi-darja. I: 121.
Jäkänlik-köl. Dry la. I: 422, 426 ff. Jangi-darja. I: 139.
Jäkänlik-köl. La. II: 143. Jangi-darja. Riv. II: 535.
Jäkänlik-köl. La. II: 146. Jangi-hissar. Tn. The New Fortress. II: 605, 6x I.
Jäkänlik-köl. La. II: 148. Jangi-jer. La. The New Place. I: 440, 445, 454 ff.;
Jäkänlik-köl. La. H: 21o. II: 13o, 167 ff., 211, 215, 595.
Jäkänlik-tüschkün. Str. rg. The Sedge Loop. I: Jangi-köl. Vil. 'l'he New Lake. I: x 6 x, 166, 168,
213. 204, 233ff, 279, 508,51o; II: 559, 571, 572, 576.
Jäkän-öj. Vil. The Sedge House. I: 449, 450, 451, Jangi-köl. La. I: 161 if., 178, 233 if., 242, 251 if.,
455 457 II: 596. 26o, 264 if., 286, 298 if., 304 ff., 312, 333, 350,
Jäkän-ok(u)luk. The Stalk of Sedge. II: 510, 512. 354, 360, 368, 383 ff., 410, 419, 425, 432, 536iff.,
Jäkän-okuluk-uj. Str. rg. The House of the Sedge 493, 512; II: 5, 11, 15, 52, 137, 141, 161, 205,
Stalks. I: 420. 208, 21I, 335, 354, 435, 438, 459, 503 ff., 545,
Jaka-toghrak. Pl. The Last Poplar. I: 37o. 548 if., 556, 586 f., 590 f.
Ja-kotan. Bol. The Hut on the Terrace. I: zoo; Jangi-köl. Po. I: 214.
II: 554. Jangi-köl. Dry la. I: 224.
Jakub Baj-kuduk. Wl. Jakub Bek's Well. I: 398. Jangi-köl. Dist. I: 433-
Jalang-dschajir. La. The Open Little Lake. I: 287; Jangi-köldake-kona-uj. Old vil. The Old House of
H: 5o6 ff. the New Lake. I: 168.
Rerun, Tourney in Central Asia. H.
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