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Scientific Results of a Journey in Central Asia, 1899-1902 : vol.2 |
Kontsche-bulak. VI. II: 309. Kötäklik-darja. Riv. The Driftwood River. I: 22,
Kontche daria. Riv. The River of the Tanner. II: 139; II: 53o, 558, 588.
310. Kötäklik-köl. La. The Driftwood Lake. I: 459
Kontsche-darja. Riv. I: 128, 151, x55, 16o, 174, ff., 463.
182, 205, 234, 301 ff., 354, 367, 425 ff., 444,454, Kötäk-tschol. Old la. The Driftwood Pool. I: 420.
457, 474, 478, 487, 493, 497, 499, 502 ff., 509; Kötäktu-köruk. La. The Lagoon of the Dry Wood.
II: 3 ff., 17, 20, 22, 28, 34, 36, 38, 40 ff., 45, 52, I: 140, x45.
88 ff., 93, 96 ff., 118, 130, 135,189,221,258,262, Kötöröma. Bnd. »A place where canoes are carried
271, 273, 277, 279, 29o, 294, 298 fl., 310 ff., 335 over land.» I: 482.
ff., 345, 351, 354 ff., 391 if., 512 ff., 524 if., 527 Kotschkar-aghil. Fo. tr. The Ram-fold. I: 79;
if., 548, 571, 577 if., 583. II: 6o6.
Koocha (Kutschar). Tn. .11: 612. Kotschkatschi-köl. La. Kotschkatsch's or the
Koral-dung. Sd. dn. The Watch Hill. I: 1 I i ff., Swallow Lake. I: 299; II: 512.
115; II: 537, 559, 588, 590. Kotschkatsch-köl. La. K's or the Swallows Lake,
Koral-dungning-köl. La. The Lake of the Watch I: i86, 297.
Hill. I: II1. Kötsch Kullu-köl. La. K. K's Lake. I: 22o.
Korat-bulak. Sp. II: 579. Kötschök-attamning-köli. La. The Little Fathers
Korghaschun-keni. Mi. The Lead Mines. II: Lake. II: 152.
37, 75• Kovna-Abdal. Vil. Old Abdal. II: 272, 273.
Korla. Tn. I: 158, 162 if., 194, 212, 230, 333, 399, Kua-tschua. Vil. II: 407.
508 ff.; II: 5, 9, I I, 15, 33, 35, 76, 93, 951f., 26o, Kuba-örtäng. St. The Canal of K. (Kurban?).
271, 279, 293 ff., 300, 313, 335, 353 ff. 388, 441, I: 67, 72.
513, 516, 518 if., 520 ff., 566 if., 571,6oIff., 605, Kucha. Tn. (= Kutschar.) I: 79.
614. Kuda. Fo. tr. I:25.
Korot-bulak. Sp. K. = Kara-ot?; the Black Grass Kudschek. Riv. bd.. The Oar. I: x68 ff., '74, 425,
Spring. II: II1, x75. 430, 432; II: 505.
Köruk. Str. rg. The Lagoon. I: 434. Kudsche-käldi. Fo. tr. K. Arrived. I: 106.
Korum. Fo. tr. The Stony Place; also a current Kudsche-käldi. Sd. dn. II: 536.
of great velocity. I: 18, 19, 26. Kuduk. WI. The Well. II: 579.
Koschalansa. Wl. II: 174, 579. Kuduk-kaulaghan. Rg. Where the Well was dug.
Kosch-arik. Ca. The Double Canal. I: 436. II: 503.
Kosch-arukde-boldschemasi. La. The Deadwater Kuei-Tzé-tung-thshuan. Riv. II: 300.
of the Two Canals. I: 288. Ku-fi. Sp. II: 99.
Kosch-bulak. Sp. The Double Spring. II: 471. Kugek. Dist. A place called for watching in
Kosch-dung-dschaj. Ma. The Place of the Two which direction the fish are swimming. II: 150.
Hills. I: 63. Kujdalik. Pge. The Place of the Swans. II: 94,
Kosch-kotan. Fo. tr. The Two Huts. I: 1 xo, 96, 391.
119. Kujghu-tschapghan. Ca. K's Canal. I: 224.
Kosch-kotan. Fo. tr. I: 126. Kujlusch. Fo. tr. The Confluence. I: 26.
Kosch-kotan. Ht. I: x79. Kujlusch. I: 54; II: 532.
Kosch-lasch. Rg. II: 6o6. Kujlusch. Fo. tr. I: 83.
Koschmet-köl. Old la. K's Lake. I: 400, 401. Kujluschning-baschi. Fo. tr. The Upper Part of
Koschmet-kum. Sd. Koschmet's Desert. I: 400. the Confluence. I: 54, 65; II: 554, 558, 589.
Kosch-muge. Sd & tins. The Two Horns. I: 159. Küjük-köbrük. Br. The Burnt Bridge. I: 66.
Kosch-otak. Str. tr. The Two Homesteads I: x7. Kujuk-tam. Ho. The Dry Clay House. I: Ix 1.
Kosch-toghrak. Str. tr. The Double Poplar. I: 17. Küjük-tam. Ho. The Burnt Clay House. I: x x6.
Kosch-toghrak-tscheke. The River-Loop of the Küjüsch. Con. The Confluence. I: 21o; II: 56o.
Two Poplars. II: 5 x3. Kujusch. Dist. The Confluence. I: 463, 475.
Kose Kirgen-kok-ala. Riv. a. K. K's River-arm. Kuku-nor. La. The Blue Lake. II: 472.
II: 509. K'uku-schakscha. II: 287.
Koselek. Vil. I: 9. Kulan-baschi. Gn. & sp. The Kulan's Head.
Kosh-bulak. Spr. The Double Spring. II: 472. II: 18.
Kosu-kirgen. Stm. The Peg Driven down. I: x 76. Kulatscha. Dist. & vil. The Mouth of the Lake.
Kosu-kirgen-köl. La. I: 176. I: 207, 209 ff., 465 ; II: 272, 275.
Kötäk-karaul. Wtch. hs. The Watch-house of Kulatscha. Riv. a. II: 55o.
the Dry Wood. I: 62. Kulatschane-ajagh-tscheke. Lp. Kulatscha's Lower
Kötäk-köl. Sd dn. The Dry Woods Lake. I: 69. River-Loop. I: 207.
Kötäklik. Riv. & rg. The Driftwood Place. I: 22, Kulluk Bajning-gumbesi. Brl. pl. The Tomb of
25 ff., 52, 65; II: 553. K. Baj. I: 65.
Kötäklik. Gn & sp. The Place of the Dry Wood. Kulluk-tagh. Mt. The Servant's Mountain. I: 66.
II: x8. Kultschak-köli. Old la. K's Lake. I: 414.
Kötäklik-ajaghi. Fo. tr. Termination of the Arm Kultschakning-uji. Ho. K's House. II: 512.
that carries Driftwood. I: 23; II: 553. Kultschuk-köli. La. K's Lake. II: 337.
He din , Tourney in Central Asia. II. $6
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