National Institute of Informatics - Digital Silk Road Project
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Scientific Results of a Journey in Central Asia, 1899-1902 : vol.2 |
Kultu Bekni-uji. Pl. The House of K. Bek. I: 43o. Kum-tscheke (Ilek). Riv. II: 342.
Kultuk-köli. La. K's Lake. I: 451. Kumuschi. Desic. la. The Reeds. II: 86.
Kultuk-tschapghan. Old. ar. The Canal of K. I: 217. Kumuschin-tuse. Desk. la. II: 86 ff.
Kum-Agis. Sd. The High Sand. I: 55, 58, 74. Kumusch-satma. Fo. tr. The Reed Hut. I: 58.
Kum-aral. Sd. The Sand Island. I: 98; II: 535. Kumuteluk. Fo. tr. The Mosquito Place. I: 95.
Kum-aral. Id. I: 281. Kungul-koschu-boltasi. Sou. The Double Sound
Kum-arik. Vil. The Sand Canal. I:.7 r. of K. I: 255.
Kum-arik. Vil. I: xoo. Kuntei-bulak. Sp. The Sunny Spring. II: 285.
Kum-arik. High-water canal. I: z 14. Kuntej-keste. Fo. tr. The Cut Hollow Trunk. I: 62.
Kum-arik. Dist. I: 43o. Kün-tö-i-pu-k'b-la. St. II: 285.
Kum-atschal. Fo. tr. I: 25; II: 53o, 553, 558, 588. Kuntschekan-köbrughu. Str. rg. K's Bridge. I: 434.
Kum-basch. Vil. The Beginning of the Sand. I: 7r. Kuntschekan-uktusu. La. K's Little Lake. I: 169.
Kum-bulak. Sp. The Sand Spring. II: 287, 47x ff., Kuntschekar-tarim. Riv. The Eastern River. I: 425.
5~3 ff. Kuntschekisch-sala. Riv. br. The Eastern River-
Kumdan. Pl. The Brick-kiln. I: 382. Branch. I: 487, 492.
Kumdan. Riv. a. I: 503. Kuntschekisch-tarim. Riv. The Eastern River-
Kumdan-darja. Riv. The River of the Brick-kiln. Branch. I: 204, 424 ff., 433, 486, 493, 497 ff.,
I: 503 ff. 509; II: 9ff., 299, 336, 512 ff., 518 ff., 546, 548,
Kum-darja. Riv. bd. The Sand River. II: 3 ff., 56x, 594, 596.
ro if., 28, 35, 43, 63, 89, 91. Kurban Bekning-ilesi. The Sign-post of K. Bek.
Kum-därvase. Gt. The »Sand Gate» of Kaschgar. II: 504.
I: 3. Kurban Bekning-teremi. Riv. a. The River-arm of
Kum-gerem. Fo. tr. The Sand Hut. I: 62. Kurban Bek. II: 504.
Kum-jejnek. Fo. tr. The Sandy Loop. I: r ro. Kurban-dschajiri. La. The Lake of K. I: x8x.
Kum-kätschik. Sd. The Sandy. Ford. I: 67. Kurbane-uji. Vil. K's House. I: x86.
Kum-köl. La. The Sand Lake. I: 169, 287, 299, Kurban-köli. Old. la. K's Lake. I: 429.
307. Kurban Kullu. Str. rg. The Place of K. K. I: 43o.
Kum-köl. La. I: 477. Kurban Kullu-jatghan. Dist. The Tomb of K. K.
Kum-köl. La. II: 137, 141. I: 412, 414.
Kum-köl. La. II: 504, 506. Kurban Kulluni-köli. La. The Lake of K. Kullu.
Kum-kotan. Fo. tr. The Sandy Fold. I: 103. II: 194.
Kum-küjük. Fo. tr. The Eroded Sand. I: 64, Kurban-Kulluning-terem-baschi. The Beginning of
67 ; II: 533. K. Kullu's River. II: 505.
Kum-küjülma. Sd. The Eaten away Sand. I: 397 ff. Kurban Pavaning-tägirmän. Ml. The Mill of K.
Kumluk. Inh. tr. The Sandy Place. I: 67. Pavan. II: 509.
Kumluk. Dist. I: 425, 428. Kurban Supaning-birintschi-tschapghani. Ca. The
Kumluk. Dist. I: 502. First Channel of K. Supa. II: 504.
Kumluk. Lp. I: 5o2. Kurban Supaning-ikintschi-tschapghani. Ca. The
Kum-modschuk. Str. rg. The Sandy Cape. I: 467. Second Channel of K. S. II: 504.
Kum-saghilghan. Stp. The Gliding Sand. I: 382. Kurban Supa-tschapghan. Str. rg. & ar. The Chan-
Kum-tagh. Dst. The Sand Mountain. II: 173, 175, nel of K. S. I: 2x4.
222, 382 if., 392 ff., 399 ff., 446 ff., 471, 483, 485 Kurbantschik. Gn. Kurban's Place. II: 2r ff., 95
ff., .5o0. ff., 524.
Kum-tau. Dst. The Sand Mountain. II: 386 ff. Kurdscheklik. Fo. tr. The Place of the Oars. I: 52.
Kum-tok. Pl. The Sand Darn. I: 430. Kurgek. St. II: 176.
Kum-tokaj. Fo. tr. The Sand Forest. I: x7. Kurghan. Ft. The Fortress. I: 2 I 6; II: 504.
Kum-tschakil. Fo. tr. The Sandy River-Loop. I: 34. Kurghan-bulak. Sp. The Spring of the Fortress.
Kum-tschakil. Vil. I: 66. II: 283, 286, 472.
Kum-tschakma. Sd. Where the River has Eaten Kurghan-davan. Ps. The Pass of the Fortress.
away the Sand. I: 39o, 398. II: 286, 291.
Kum-tschapghan. Vil. The Sandy Channel. I: Kurghan-saj. Vl. The Valley of the Fortress.
219, 437, 441, 444, 459, 497; II: 131, 133 if., 139 II: 286.
ff., 143, 146, 149 ff., 154 ff., 159 ff., 17o, 175 ff., Kurghan-sajning-aghis. Vl. The Entrance of the
184, 194, 201, 208 ff., 225, 275, 283, 329, 359, Fortress Valley. II: 286.
520, 548, 551, 56o ff., 568 ff., 581, 591 ff., 5.95. Kurle (Korla). 'I'n. II: 287, 6 x x.
Kum-tschaval. Dst. The Sporadic Sand. I: 348. Kurlik-uj or Kurlalik-uji. Fo. tr. II: ro.
Kum-tscheke. Dn. & fst. The Sandy Promontory. Kurme. Fo. tr. Kurm or Kurma is a kind of
I: 141. provisional hut formed by branches or poles,
Kum-tscheke. Dist. I: 207. and often also with clay. I: 74.
Kum-tscheke. Vil. I: 43o, 450 ff., 458, 462, 465 ff., Kurm-uj. Dist. The Hut of Branches (or Poles).
472 ff., 478, 486, 490; II: 330, 513, 556, 561, 590, I: 431 if.
596. Kurruk-tag. Mt. The Dry Mountain. II: 93.
Kum-tscheke. Fo. tr. II: 1 r. Kürtsch-aghil. Str. rg. The Lamb-fold. I: 379, 381.
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