National Institute of Informatics - Digital Silk Road Project
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Antiquities of Indian Tibet : vol.1 |
Sherd of ancient pottery with linear impressed ornaments. Found at Kalagtrung castle, Poo, Bashahr. (22 by 12 inches).
Sherd of ancient hand-made pottery with linear impressed ornament. Found at Kalagtrung castle, Poo, Bashahr. (34 by 21 inches.)
Sherd of ancient hand-made pottery, handle, with ornament of impressed lines. From bragnag mkhar, Khalatse. (4 by 3 inches.)
Sherd of ancient pottery, handle, plain. From Khalatse. (5 by 3 inches.)
Tibetan drill, made of wood and a string, with an iron point. Tibetan name sGiri. From Shibke, Tibet. (16 by 74 by 112 inches.)
Tibetan scales (for weighing) consisting of a stick with marks, a bag of cloth, and a weight of stone in a bag, Tibetan name Nyaga phordo. From Shibke, Tibet. Length of stick 23.E inches.
Tibetan writing tablet, made of wood, consisting of two boards, one showing woodcarving of svastika ornament. Tibetan name samtra. From Khalatse. (14g by 22 inch.
Tibetan cup of wood, with iron ring. Tibetan name Kore or Lahorgyi Kore, " cup of Lahore." From Khalatse. (4 by 2 inches.)
Tibetan lock and key, of iron. Tibetan name Kulig. From Leh. (14 by 11- inches and 3 inches.)
Iron hoe and hammer, broken. Tibetan name 7ogtse. Found at Dard castle, Skinding valley, near Khalatse. (4á by 11 inches.)
Iron penholder case, with incised foliage ornaments. Tibetan name Myug cogs. Found in Byangthang, Tibet. (10 by inches.)
Iron spoon, incised with foliage ornament. Tibetan name Thurmangs. Found at sLas, Skamlung, Khalatse. (5 x 11 inches.)
7S. Pills, made of the Dalai Lama's excrement. Purchased at Khalatse, Ladakh.
79. Sieve cup of copper leaf with brass trimmings, was found filled with grain. Found in ruined slip:, at Skara, near Leh. (34 by 2 inches.)
(Preserved in Pratap Singh Museum, Srinagar.)
Coloured tablet figure of Manjusri ('aJams-dpal) seated, fragmentary (42 inches high, 32 inches broad) . Burnt clay. From Basgo, Ladakh.
Coloured tablet with figure of bTsongkhapa, seated on lotus throne (34 inches high, 21 inches broad) . Burnt clay. From Leh.
Coloured round seal (31 inches diameter). Burnt clay. From Basgo, Ladakh.
Coloured tablet with figure of Tiri (sGrol-ma) seated in vara2nudrä, painted gold (4 inches high, 21 inches broad). Burnt clay. From Tar, Ladakh.
The same, a little damaged.
Tablet of burnt clay showing seated Buddha under arch with stüpas, and two monks, probably his chief disciples, Maudgalyáyana and Sáriputra, standing on his right and left (14 inches high, 14 inches broad). From Tar, Ladakh.
Tablet of burnt clay showing seated figure of a Bodhisattva, proba>ly Vajrapáni (Phyag-rdor) (2 inches high, 7C-i inches broad). From Leh.
Tablet of black burnt clay, showing a seated Uri (sGrol-ma) (1 2 inches high, 14 inches broad). Inscription in Tibetan characters, indistinct. Oih dvare d ....dvare duri s. From Leh.
Tablet of burnt clay, showing seated Buddha-like figure, damaged, painted white (2 inches high, 12 inches broad) . Inscription in Tibetan characters Om a hum, on reverse. From Leh.
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