国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Serindia : vol.2 | |
セリンディア : vol.2 |
From circular halo and vesica of indigo, vermilion, and white surrounding fig. spread out on either side three waving rays of same colours, intended to bear representatives of Six Gati as in Ch. lviii. 003 ; but figs. here not drawn in.
On either side of him stands fig. with hands in adoration, prob. donor and wife. Both wear white under-robes and loose-sleeved coats of maroon or scarlet ; but hair of one is done in two knobs on top of head (as in Ch. lvii. 004, attendants on Avalokitegvara), and that of other in roll on neck, prob. a woman's coiffure (see Ch. xx. 005 ; xxxvi. o0I). Behind man stands another whose significance is uncertain, holding object which may be handle of fly-whisk (tail not being drawn), but resembles loop of string stretched between fingers. Behind wife stand two other men, carrying resp. small and very large roll of paper. These three all wear outdoor Chin. man's dress, long belted coats, and (the two latter) black-tailed caps.
The Ten Infernal Judges kneel five upon either side in slanting rows extending to bottom corners of picture. In foreground crouches the White Lion, with 'soul' in guise of ordinary man standing at his head, and priest on other side, with grotesque features, raising his hands to K§itigarbha.
Judges all wear magisterial dress and carry rolls of paper. Lion extremely conventional, and evidently drawn from stone carving with no realization of beast itself. Many small cartouches, yellow and vermilion, distributed about painting, but none inscr. Faces show some endeavour at individual characterization, but drawing throughout is scratchy. Value of picture lies in its strong and impressive colouring.
I' 7" x l' 5". Thousand Buddhas, Pl. XXXIx.
Ch. lxi. ooio. Silk painting with Chin. inscr., representing two standing Bodhisattvas, prob. Avalokiidvara (Kuan-yin), with donors below ; much broken and damaged. The figs. are in ' Chinese Buddhist ' style of *Ch. 002, and
stand facing each other, R. and L., holding in hands
nearest each other resp. purple and scarlet lotus bud. Their other hands are held horizontally before their breasts, thumb and forefinger joined. Greater part of both heads and much of figs. lost. Between them stands large vessel holding scarlet and purple lotuses and buds. Donors at bottom consisted of two men kneeling on R. and two women on L.—type as in *Ch. 00102, etc., but figs. are almost effaced. Beneath, but within red silk border, is sewn a strip of another painting, also representing donors but not carrying on lines of the painting above. It shows on L., beneath women, knees of two kneeling men, and on R., under men donors, a Padmâsana.`
The inscriptions were placed on (I) narrow cartouche between heads of two Bodhisattvas, and (2) another between two donors ; but both practically destroyed, though an attempt has been made to save lower one, by patching it behind with piece of yellow silk. 2' 7" X 2' 0".
Ch. lxii. oox. Linen painting representing the Six-armed and Eleven-headed Avalokitelvara, seated, with attendants and donors. Complete with dark grey linen border
and suspension loops, but painting much worn. General arrangement of pictures, figs., accessories, and treatment as in the silk paintings descr. under *Ch. 00102 ; and donors of same type.
Attendants consist of : ten small Buddhas in a line along top ; four Lokapalas and two demons divided below upon either side ; 'Sage' and `Nymph of Virtue ' on L. and R. resp. (see *Ch. 00223, etc.) ; and Bodhisattva on either side of altar. Colouring (mostly lost) consisted chiefly of light red and green, and reddish brown. Donors : three men on L., and four women on R.
Painting 3' 72" X 2' I4', border 2".
Ch. lxiii. 002. Paper painting, with paper border and linen suspension loops, showing Ksiligarbha as Protector of Souls in Hell; a simplified form of *Ch. 0021. K. sits on scarlet lotus behind draped altar ; no rocks appear. Attitude and dress same as in *Ch. 0021, but attitude reversed. Headdress dark pink with yellow spots. On one side of altar stands monk, on other sits lion ; behind each of them stand five of Infernal Judges, with one or two small attendants, all holding rolls of paper. Judges here all attired in magistrates' robes, wearing tall black hats with small brims and divided crowns. Small cartouches (blank) for inscrs. are beside each.
Upper corners filled by two small seated Buddhas, and lower end of picture by donors. These consist of woman and little girl on L. and two men on R., kneeling on either side of blank panel for dedicatory inscr.; dress, etc., as in *Ch. 00102.
Drawing rough ; colouring limited to dull red, dark pink, slate-colour, yellow, and green. Painting considerably broken where green used ; otherwise in fair condition. I' 1 I" X 1' 5".
Ch. lxiv. o01. Painted linen banner, with head-piece border and remains of streamers of light buff and dark brown linen. Good condition.
Subject : Bodhisativa, standing . R. ; R. hand by side, L. horizontal across breast, back outwards. For general style, see note under *Ch. i. oo16. Colouring red, yellowish brown, blue-grey ; bad drawing.
Painting 2' Io" X 91", length of whole 7'.
Ch. lxiv. 002. Painted linen banner, retaining headpiece border of brown linen, but no streamers. Clean and good condition.
Subject : Avalokitesvara (?), standing facing spectator, with hands in adoration. For general descr. of type and list of similar banners, see *Ch. i. 0016. Colouring dull crimson, grey, slate-blue, and green. 3' 3" (with head-piece) x1'I".
Ch. lxiv. 003-5. Three painted paper banners, from same series as Ch. xx. 0015 and xxii. 0032, showing Bodhisattvas. Figs. in 003 and 004 same as in xx. 0015 ; fig. in 005 same as in xxii.0032. Workmanship and colouring same ; colours sometimes transposed. Paper often broken away where green has been used. Side streamers and part of bottom streamers of 004 lost.
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