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0154 Ser Marco Polo : vol.1
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doi: 10.20676/00000270
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138   MARCO POLO.   APP. H.

Press, Io and II Sept., í9o3.—The Athenceunz, 17 Oct., 1903.—Outlook,

14 Nov., 1903.—Some new Facts about Marco Polo's Book, by E. H.

Parker (Imp. & Asiat. Quart. Review, Jan., 1904, pp. 125-149).—Saturday

Review, 27 Feb., 19o4.—T'oung Pao, Oct., 1903, pp. 357-366, from The

Athenceum.—Geog-rayhical Journal, March, 1904, pp. 379-380, by C. R.

B.[eazley].—Bul. Ecole franf. Ext. Orient, 1V , Juillet-Sept., 1904,

pp. 768-772, by Paul Pelliot.—Marco Polo and his Followers in Central Asia,

by Archibald R. Colquhoun (Quarterly Review, April, 1904, pp. 553-575).

6. The most noble and famous Travels of Marco Polo one of the

Nobility of the State of Venice, into the east Parts of the World,

as Armenia, Persia, Arabia, Tartary, with many other Kingdoms

and Provinces. The translation of Marsden revised by Thomas

Wright, F.S.A.--London : George Newnes ; New York : Charles

Scribner's Sons, 1904, 16mo, pp. xxxix-461, Portrait and maps.

7.—Voyages and Travels of Marco Polo, With an Introduction by

Henry Morley. Cassell and Company, London, Paris, New

York and Melbourne, MCMIV, 16mo, pp. 192, front.

8.—Everyman's Library, edited by Ernest Rhys Travel and

Topography Marco Polo's Travels with an Introduction by

John Masefield.

The Travels of Marco Polo the Venetian. London : Published

by J. M. Dent & Co., and in New York by E. P. Dutton & Co.,

16mo, pp. xvi -461, n. d. [1907].

9.—*IIIeMSIKIIHb, A. H. IIyTeiuecTBisi BexeuiaHua Mainz() IIoJIO BT.



BIOpRoml. CTi AoHoJTReHl,fiMII II llorpaBKaMIl K. T. Hel MaHHa.

IlepesoArb Cb H MeuKaro. MocRBa, 1863.

Had been published in 'hellion, Wb Hmu. 06íq. HcTOpiII u dpeBAOCTeÜ Poccië-

cx   npH Mocx. YuuBepcHTeTi

Mentioned by Barthold in Minaev's Marco Polo.

I o. *Marco Polo's Resa i Asien ([Folkskrifter] allm. hist. No. 32)

Stockholm, 1859, P. G. Berg.

II. Venetianaren Marco Polos Resor i det XIII. árhundraded

Oversättning samt inledning och anmärkningar av Bengt

Thordeman.—Stockholm Albert Bonniers Förlag, n. d.

[1917], 2 vol. 8vo, pp. xx-248, 249 to 490,. genealogical

table of the Tartars, Map.

Pages 345-480 are devoted to notes.

12.—There is a Japanese piratical edition of the second edition of

Yule's Marco Polo brought out by the firm Kyoyekishosha

in 1900 and costing 8 yen. Cf. Bulletin Ecole franç. Ext.

Orient, IV, p. 769, note.