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0105 Innermost Asia : vol.2
極奥アジア : vol.2
Innermost Asia : vol.2 / 105 ページ(白黒高解像度画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000187
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE




red robe, with foot in black shoe, behind which (ors) dark grey or blue robe without pattern, or perhaps with flying birds. To R. a foot in black shoe.

Below inscribed band, on ors, top of round pointed grey hat (?) with pink lotus to R. On 032, shaven head of monk, blue, with pink forehead and black eyebrows. All below missing. To L. a pink lotus bud. Combined length of the three frs. (which do not join) r' 6". Gr. height (02.5) 5e".

Toy. vr. or6, 017. Fr. of fresco, in two pieces showing breast, part of L. arm and hand and part of biceps of-R. arm ; nude excepting necklace with jewel, armlets and bracelets. L. arm and hand in Abhaya-mudra, but the two first fingers unusually widely spread. At base of neck a black band-like mass, not understood. Background, visible only between arms and body, green. Flesh pink outlined red. Orns. yellow. Broken away on all sides. Colours well preserved. 8" x 5".

Toy. vr. 020. Fr. of fresco, with pink ground on which a spot pattern. One spot is a trefoil of leaf-shapes in buff, with green markings and a kind of elliptical wing to L. in gold. R. side missing. To lower L. of spot, a circular spot, buff with green markings. To L. a patch of gold and buff, probably part of spot similar to first. Below, a white band with patch of green. 2}" x r".

Toy. vr. 021. Fr. of fresco, showing straight border of curved, blunt lotus petals (Padmâsana ?) between two yellow bands outlined red, with centre red line along each band. Petals white-bordered, buff centres shaded grey, outlined black. Above, two vertical broad bands, dark red to R., grey to L., divided by vertical yellow band with centre red line. To extreme R. a foot pointing straight down and showing sole, pink, outlined red. To L. part of other foot (?) slightly sloping to L. ; toes missing. Broken away on all sides. 4" x4".

Toy. VI. 022. Fr. of stucco, of rounded form suggesting part of large hand. Gilded all over. Broken away at back and on all sides. 2 " x e.

Toy. vr. 023. Fr. of fresco. Probably part of lion-figured tunic as in o2. Much defaced. 2" x r".

Toy. vr. 024. Fr. of fresco, on brick-like fr. of clay, showing painted surfaces on three sides. Front face shows a medallion 2e" diam. encircled by yellow band. Within this a device too damaged to make out, but revealing frs. of floral detail in yellow, outlined with fine black lines. Centre mass seems to have been mainly red-brown. About r" to one side, the beginning of a second medallion (?). Ground outside medallion buff or yellow with border at the three intact edges of brick, buff, about }" wide. The three other surfaces defaced and broken away towards back. Length 5", breadth 4}", gr. thickness 2•".

Toy. vr. 025, 056, o72. Frs. of fresco. Parts of three figures, all buff with sketchy black contour lines, in pose similar to those on o66. 025 and 056 show the two hands grasping lotus stem. These two are outer angle


pieces, and show small part of return surface, painted. The fig. in 056 seems to be deformed, but this may be due to its very abraded condition. Gr. fr. (056) 6i" x3}".

Toy. vi. 026. Fr. of fresco, showing part of lower leg and foot of figure. Foot outstretched and sole upturned as in locked' pose of seated figure. Dark grey drapery over leg to ankle. Background red with small pale pink above (part of other foot ?). 3" x 3".

Toy. vr. 027, 036, 043, 046, 048, oho, 063, 067, 079• Frs. of fresco, all abraded, damaged by smoke or damp and unintelligible. Gr. fr. 34" x 3".

Toy. vr. 029. Fr. of fresco, with four incomplete lines

of well-written Uigur chars. in black on white ground; 4f" x 21"

Toy. vr.E030. Fr. of fresco, with one incomplete line of Balm' (?) chars. in black on white ground ; red band at one edge. 4 " x 21"

Toy. VI. 031. Fr. of fresco, with crudely written Bràhmi chars. in black on white ground. 4}" x 2".

Toy. VI. 033. Fr. of fresco, with two incomplete lines of Uigur chars. in faded black on white ground. 5" x 21"•.

Toy. vr. 034. Fr. of fresco, showing at one edge part of forearm with bangles. At opposite edge pale buff or pink drapery (?). Background a broad band of white, with half crescent in grey at one side ; band of grey, outlined black (stole ?), at other. Above (?) a red band with orange yellow border next white, divided by red line ; below (?) black. Flesh outlined pink, drapery outlined red and shaded with grey. Damaged by smoke at one edge. 3+" x 4 ".

Toy. vr. 039. Fr. of fresco, with two incomplete lines of Brâhmi (?) chars. in black on white ground. Part of red band with black edge above. 21" x r".

Toy. vr. 040. Fr. of fresco, showing curved pearl (?)on-band om. with two large pearls in centre ; surmounted by horizontal yellow ring in perspective, to L. of which long radiating round-ended petals. Black ground. Prob. part of tiara. 3" X 2".

Toy. vi. 041. Fr. of fresco, showing part of lotus orn., pink with red outlines, and a narrow band dividing it from red ground with black berries or jewels outlined white. 2r x2*".

Toy. vr. 045. Fr. of fresco, showing part of rosette formed of buff disc with central ring and ring border shaded grey ; outside this a border of touching, enclosed palmettes, voluted side outwards. Background mottled grey on which traces of outlined detail. z*" x rf".

Toy. vr. 049. Fr. of fresco, with mutilated Bràhmi (?) chars. in black on white ground. To one side part of curved white band outlined black. Background black. 3" x 2}".

Toy. vr. 050. Fr. of fresco, showing part of white rosette jewel behind which chocolate-coloured flame-like tongues. Above and adjoining, a brown mass on which scrolls, also
