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0572 Innermost Asia : vol.2
極奥アジア : vol.2
Innermost Asia : vol.2 / 572 ページ(白黒高解像度画像)


[Figure] IX AsT.ix.1.03.(写本と鮮明な写真; Pl(写真解析). LXXVも参照.)Ast. ix. 1. 03. (Transcript and good photograph ; see also Pl. LXXV.)


doi: 10.20676/00000187
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE




In the first decade of the ninth moon of the second year of Chien fêng l . . . she fell ill] : the best physicians were of no avail, the most excellent drugs could effect no cure, and at the ch`orc 2 hour on the eighteenth day of the eleventh moon 3 she died in her house [at the age of] ... 4 This caused her kinsmen to lose their zest in life, and to cease from their songs as they wept by the roadside. She was buried on the fourth day of the twelfth moon S north-west [of the city], according to the [primordial] rites 6.

[She exemplified with credit] the teachings of the Ritual, and did not [fall short in] the duties of a mother'. Her wise counsels may be recorded, and ... the following inscription has been composed for her tomb :-

Fireflies [do not 8] shine by day,

Candles [are not 8] lighted at dawn. ... . .. life's span exhausted. Sickness ... ...

... ... ... bestow.

Her vanished shade will ascend to heaven 9. Her kinsfolk, [losing 10] their zest in life, Weep by the roadside and praise . . .

... tears like fountains.

Ast. ix. I. 03. (Transcript and good photograph ; see also Pl. Lxxv.) 11

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' Towards the end of September, 667.

2 Between one and three in the morning.

s The 8th of December. In Ast. ix. a. 053 it is recorded that on this day several sutras were copied and recited by monks on behalf of the deceased lady, Chên-ying.

4 I would read ?   [;L] I [4 ,+ s.] -f -- 44

. From No. XII we learn that her husband died in 689, aged eighty-three, so that in 667 he would have been sixty-one. As the wife is usually younger than the husband, she may well have been fifty-one at her death.

6 24 December.

e Compare Nos. IX, XI, and XII, which point to the

following restoration of the text :   [p   ] IN 4e [, 3
4$ t. If ,! in the transcript is right, however, some

other word than ) seems to be required.

I 44 ~ t~,%! or something similar seems to be wanted before 'C, and AI may be inserted before -F# : cf. No. X, col. 4 ; No. XI, col. 3.—According to Confucius, courtesy, modesty, gravity, and respectfulness were the virtues more particularly produced by a study of the Book of Rites : see Li chi, XXIII. I.

8 1p or some other negative is wanted here.

9 For the awkward phrase /t   ` to be (re)born in

heaven ' (?) I substitute here the more familiar   ,

which has the same sound.

10 The missing word must be w, as in col. 6.

" Eech column runs on to the next page, as before.