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0691 Innermost Asia : vol.2
極奥アジア : vol.2
Innermost Asia : vol.2 / 691 ページ(白黒高解像度画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000187
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE



movaI of . manuscripts by Chinese authorities, 355 ; rescue of Chinese

manuscript rolls kept back, 858 ; purchase of the same, 358 ; relievo plaques presented by him, 359;361 ; his unfortunate restorations, 360..

Wang Yen-tê, Chinese ambassador: his route over • Pa-no-p`a pass, 558 ;

traverses the ` Valley of the Willows ', 564 ; visits Uighur king, A.D. 982, 582 ; itinerary of; 582 n. 6 ; his account of Turfan population, 583.

Wanj, valley of, 889 ; physical anthropology of people, 996 sqq.

Warang, stream and village, 865 ;. cave dwellings near, 865.

WARD, Sir Thomas, irrigation expert,

materials on Sistàn collected by, 931. warriors, figures of, stucco, (Toyuk) 619,


Warshigum, part of Yàsin valley : physique of inhabitants, 44.

watch-towers, Chinese : , Miràn, 173 ; Etsin-gol, 431 ; Limes, q. v. ; KorlaKuchà route, 788,. 798, 799 ; Yingp`an to Korla, see Korla.

placed at every io li on modern Chinese roads, 386 ; measurement of

(L. J.), 287 ; plan of, 612 ; foot-holes on walls, 376 ; walled enclosures added to, 373, 377, 389, 394.

water, measurements of volume : Faryàd's canal, 54, 55 ; Kara-tàsh, 64 ;

Artush, 68 n. 8 ; Yarkand, 83 ; Khotan

river, 91 n. 4 ; Endere river, 156 ;
Ponak-akin, 128 ; Niya river; 14o ;

canals of. Vàsh-shahri, 161 ; Miràn,

170 ; Tarim, 180 ; Su-to-ho, 333, 374,
383 ; canals of Pei-to-ho, 406 ; Shindi,

728 ; Konche-daryà, 763, n. II ; Kuchâ, 804 ; Charchi, 789 ; Yangihissàr, 792, 799 ; canals of Konchedarya, 783 ; Muz-art river, 8o8 ; Ak-su river, 836 n. 6.

water-supply, protected by Muhammadan saints, 64.

watersheds, not a hindrance to cornmunication, 871.

WAUCHOPE, Colonel R. A., Survey of India, help of, ix.

weaves, see silk, woollen fabrics, textiles. wei-chi, Chinese game of checkers, board for, (Astàna) 704.

Wei-hsü, distance from Shan, 723 ; identified with Korla, 723, 786.

Wei jung, name for Ak-su in Tang Annals, 835.

Wei-li, identified with Kara-kum S. of Korla, 762, 763, 777 ; distance from

Shan, 723 ; notices of, in Former Han

Annals, 777 ; in Later Han Annals,

777 ; importance of, due to its posi-

tion on ` route of the centre ' and on road to Charkhlik, 778 ; Chinese attempts to facilitate route to Charkhlik,

778 ; shifts of head-quarters, causes


of, 778 sq..; official Chinese explana. tion, 779; effects of over-irrigation, 779. Wei lio, text : account of ` route of the centre ' and White Dragon Mounds, 282, 283, 308, 322 ; on the ` new northern route ', 542 ; notice of the Western countries, 762 ; on Wei-li, 778.

wells, dug, indicate nearness of subsoil water in Bésh-toghrak valley, 316, 322, 324, 328, 329, 33x ; in houses of Yàr-khoto, 716.

` Western Salt Lake ' of Sha-chou-chih, identified with Chien-ch`üan-tzü, 348.

wheat : (Darêl) 22 ; (Korla) 788 ; cultivated in Han times in Lou-lan, 265, 266.

wheel representing sun-disc, on carved

  • .nimbus, (Uliigh-mazàr) 135.

` White Dragon Mounds', on W. edge of Lop sea-bed, 284, 297, 298. See Polung-tui.

WHITEHEAD, Mr. R. B., coins identified by, 646.

willows : Dafdàr, 54 ; Turfàn, 562 ; Kizil-tokai, 853.

winds, NE. or ENE. prevalent in Tarim basin, 88 ; in Lop desert, 206 ; erosive force of, in Sistàn, 908, 934, 949 sq.

Wo-shê-tê in Tang Annals : no ground for identifying with Maràl-bàshi, 8o, n. 19, 838.

WOOD, Captain J., discoverer of Lake Victoria, 858 ; his visit to Wakhàn still remembered, 866 ; mention of ` Kafir' forts, 869.

wood, painted : bracket, (Limes) 349, 416 ; chalice, (Astàna) 69x. See painting.

wood-carving in Rôshàn, showing Hellenistic influence, 886 sq.

wood-carving : in relief, (Chaturkand) 25 ; (Dodô-kôt) 30 ; (Yasin) 43 ; (Miràn) x 73, 178 sq. ; (Khara-khoto) 450, 479 ; (Kara-khôja) 597.

open-work, (Koyumal) 164, 167.

objects carved in wood : frame, (Lou-lan) 216, 222 ; fruit or bud, (Toyuk) 632 ; jewel, (Khara-khoto) 443, 469 ; pegs carved with faces, (Limes) 393, 416, 424 sq. ; (AstAna) 6o6 ; plaque, (vesica ?), (Khotan) x 13 ; pins, (Lou-lan) 263, 265, 268, 269; stile, (M. Tagh) 97 ; figures of animals, (Astàna) 705 ; human figures, 66o sq., 698 sqq.

wooden objects : baluster, (Murtuk) 639 ; beaker, turned, (Lou-lan) x94, 202 ; beater for churn, (Murtuk) 638 ; bolt (?), (Niya) 149 ; boss, (Miràn) 170.

bowls, (Khotan site) 127 ; (Niya) I50, 152 ; (Limes) 418 ; (Lou-lan) 735, 740 ; of Han type, (Lou-lan) 194, 202 ; lug-eared, (Astàna) 699; boat-shaped, 418 ; boxes, (Lou-lan)


245, 252 ; circular, (Astàna) 602 ; elliptical, (Lou-lan) 279 ; house-shaped, (Khara-khoto) 504.

carriages, miniature, (Astàna) 650, 686 ; chair, (Niya) x5x ; chessmen, (Limes) 400, 426 ; ` chüluk', (Lou-lan) 222; clamp, (Niya)153 ; cleats, (Loulan) 223 ; (Limes) 4r6 ; core of tassel, (Astàna) 695 ; cork, (Toyuk) 621 ; counter, (Limes) .400, 426 ; crutch-shaped object, (Niya) 153; cups, (Loulan) 277, 279, 280 (Ying-p`an) 755, 756, 760 ; `dead-eye', (Lou-lan) 223; die, (Lou-lan) 194, 202 ; eating-sticks, (Toyuk) 622 ; (Yingp`an) 773, 785 ; finials, (Kara-khbja) 604 ; (Yu-tàgh) 6x x ; (Murtuk) 640 ; fire-stick (female), (Lou-lan) 263, 269.

float or shuttle, (M. Tagh) 95; food bowls, (Khara-khoto) 504 ; (Astàna) 645, 681,. 707 ; food-trays, (Lou-lan) 194, 201, 224, 245, 258, 259, 297, 280 ; (Astàna) 66x, lox ; (Yingp`an) 756,76o; with beast-like legs, 245,

2ot59. piece of furniture, shaped like lion's claw, (Astàna), 700, 702 ; goblet, (Lou-lan) 245, 254 ; grain-scoop (?), (Niya) 150 ; harness buckles, (Lou-lan) 246, 250, 254 ; implements, (M. Tagh) 92, 95 ; agricultural, (Loulan) 192 ; for churning, (Limes) 351, 418 ; jar, (Murtuk) 636,. 638 ; jug, (Lou-lan) 245, 247 ; knob, (BashKoyumal) 168 ; ladles (Lou-lan) 245, 259, 735 ; (Kao-ch`ang) 597 ; (Astàna) 65o, 686 ; leg of stool (?), (Khara-khoto) 468 ; lids, (Lou-lan) 202, 218, 223 ; lock, (M. Tàgh) 97 ; mat, or ` chick ', (Limes) 421 ; measure, marked with Chinese inches (?), (Astàna) 665, 708 ; models, frs. of, (Astàna) 654 ; pedestals, (Khotan site) 127 ; (Astàna) 654, 657, 664, 684, 694, 695, 707 ; pegs, (BashKoyumal) 167, 168 ; (Limes) 393, 417, 419, 426 sq. ; (Kao-ch`ang) S9r, 6o8 ; (Murtuk) 639 ; .(Astàna) 687 ; pins from shroud, (Lou-lan) 269, 743, 748; cp. L.F. ii. 114; ` plasterer's float ', (Ying-p`an) 772, 785 ; prism, square, (Limes) 423, 426 ; railing and posts, (Astana) 649, 684 ; ring, (Toyuk) 631; scale beams (?), (Toyuk) 632 ; scantling

  • of building, (Niya) 149; shoe last, heel-piece of, (Limes) 396, 424 ; shuttle (?), 427 ; spatulas (eating-sticks ?), (Limes) 400,426; spatula-shaped pieces,(Limes) 394, 424 ; spoon, (Toyuk) 621 ; stamp, (M. Tagh) 96 ; stick, tamarisk, inscribed with Chinese characters, (Limes) 400, 426 ; stick, drumstick or ` knobkerry ' (?), (Limes) 421 ; stick, pointed, (Limes) 360, 419 ; stylus, (Limes) 422, 424, 426 ; tally sticks, (Limes) 352, 418, 4x9; tazza, (Astàna)