国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト
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Innermost Asia : vol.2 | |
極奥アジア : vol.2 |
Shih-êrh-tun, `Tower xii', meaning of name, 386.
Shih-hui, Chinese frontier post in Tang itinerary, 563, 565•
Shih-lo-man, Mount, mentioned in inscription, 544 ; name of easternmost Tien-shan, 545 n. 34.
Shih-ni, Shih-ch`ihni, Sêni, Tang names of Shughnàn, 878, 88o ; the ` five Shih-ni', 8?9 sq.
Shih-tun, `Tower x', meaning of name, 386.
Shikarwai (Camp xvi), 73.
Shindi river, flood bed of, 751 ; importance of floods to Ying-p`an, 765.
Shindi valley, 728 ; new cultivation in, 728 ; ruined tower of similar construction to buildings of Lou-lan, 729 ; rock-carvings, 729.
Shinega, oasis, cultivation at, 783. Shitam, pass into Rôshàn, 884.
shoes, embroidered, (Kao-ch`ang) 593-4, 601, 604 ; lacquered canvas, (Astàna) 662, 703 ; quilted cloth, (Toyuk) 615, 620 ; (Murtuk) 638 ; string, (Khotan)
92, 95 ; (Limes) 389, 393, 416, 422, 423 ; (Toyuk) 655, 62o ; silk and
canvas, (AstAna) 701 ; silk tapestry, (AstAna) 661, 674, 679, 701 ; imitation paper, used for the dead, (Astàna) 659, 661, 700 ; miniature shoes in tombs, (AstAna) 66o, 698.
Shona-nor, track from, to Chik-tam,
surveyed by Muhammad Yàqùb, 588. shôr, salt efflorescence : Khitai-shahri,
72 ; Niya, 144, 156 ; Lop sea-bed, 259,
297, 745 ; E. of Tun-huang, 353, 363 ; Etsin-gol, 433 ; Ming-shui, S3o ; Tur-
fàn basin, 719 ; in Kuruk-tàgh, 721, 739 ; Konche-daryà, 772 ; in BugurKuchà route, 797 ; KuchA, 819, 820 ; Sistàn delta, 946, 949 ; corrugated surface of, in Lop sea-bed, 297, 317, 347 ; marks old river-beds, 12, 144, 156, 772 ; absence of, in Sistàn, 905 ; produced by over-irrigation, 779; roads worn by ancient traffic across,
315, 347 ; soft shôr, 3x7, 353, 363. Shor-jilga, pass leading from Lake Vic-
toria to Ab-i-Panja, 861.
Shôsbin Catalogue, objects in, compared with AstAna painted scroll, 657. shroud, painted, (AstAna) 658, 697,
shrouds, see burial customs, Astàna.
Shuang-ch`êng-tzû, ruined tower at, 410 ; ruins of fort, 410.
Shuang Ta-jên, Mandarin, assistance
rendered by, 254.
Shughntin, valleys of, 877 sqq. ; Chinese
notices of, 878 ; division into autonomous chieftainships in Tang times, 879 ; Hsüan-tsang's account of, 88o ; Wu-k`ung's visits to, 88o; accessibility of, 881 ; estimate of population, 88x.
Mirs of, 886 sq. ; their descent, 887.
Shughnànis or Shughnis, physical anthro-
pology of, 996 sqq. ; character of, 879, 88o ; racial type, 881, 996 sq.
Shui-ching, the, on Pu-ch`ang lake, 293. siege engines, Chinese, 578.
signal-posts of Limes, mentioned in Chinese documents : Chin-chung, 391, 400 ; Chih-chien, 346 ; Chih-k`ou, 322 ; Hsüan-wu, 352 ; I-ho, 352 ; Laihsiang, 349 ; Po-lu, 352 ; Shou-hsiang,
392 ; Shou-kuan, 345 ; Tien-ho, 352; Tsêng-ha, 394 ; Tsung-min, 345 ;
Wan-nien, 392, 400 ; Wei-hu, 352. orders for officers of, 400.
silk, as writing material, 449 ; earliest specimen of its use, 167.
silk : Lou - Ian fabrics, 232 sqq. ; weaves, 233 ; designs on figured silks, 235 sq. ; polychrome figured silks more common than monochrome, 234 ; absence of shot patterns, 236 ; date, 239. Astàna fabrics, 673 sqq. ; weaves, 674 ; designs, 675 ; Chinese and Sasanian designs, 675 ; polychrome silks imported from West, 674, 675 ; Chinese silks imitating Sasanian, 675.
fragments : (Bash-Koyumal) 168 ; (Lou-lan) 222, 277, 28o ; (Limes) 345,
351, 415 sq., 418 sqq., 427 ; (Khara-
khoto) 441, 463, 495, 497, 499, 501; (Toyuk) 615, 621 ; (Astàna) 647 sq.,
665, 666, 679, 693, 706 ; (Ying-Van) 784 ; (Ghàgha-shahr) 921.
bags : 223, 636, 639, 665, 706 ; banners, 1o1, 127, 440, 472, 493, 498, 499 ; case containing lead, 647 ; garments, 665, 679 ; patchwork, 665, 706 ; sheath-like object, 215, 222 ; veiling, 652, 689 ; wallet, 472 ; waste, 423.
embroidery, 235, 489, 661, 674, 701 ; chain stitch, 661, 674, 701 ; absence of
satin stitch, (AstAna) 674.
gauze, 486, 652, 66o, 667, 68o, 684, 686, 689 ; with spotted pattern, 486.
muslin frs., 482, 485, 486 ; painted,
tapestry, 592, 6o8 ; not found in
Lou-lan, 235.
plain silks, frs. of, 345, 351, 415 sq., 418 sqq., 427, 451, 466, 472, 66o, 698 ; ribbed, 810, 822 ; origin of, 693.
figured silks : damask, 277, 28o,
455, 472, 473, 615, 621, 647, 649, 66o, 674, 679 sqq. ; of Chinese manufac-
ture, 674, 679.
figured silks : polychrome, 194, 202,
203, 451, 466, 472, 591, 609, 615, 625,
647 sq., 650, 652, 654, 66o, 674, 676, 679 sqq., 689 sq., 693 ; striped, 667,
674, 679, 703, 709.
designs on figured silks : floral de-
signs, 240, 618, 627, 653, 667, 689, 692, 703, 706, 709 ; geometrical de-
signs, 238, 240, 68o, 681, 683, 705, 709 ; animals, birds, monsters in geometrical
designs, 236 sqq. ; cloud scrolls, 240.
Paintings on silk, 443, 450, 475 sqq., 598, 662, 679, 693 ; silk painted scroll, (Astàna) 654 sqq. ; Mr. Binyon on subject and scheme, 655 ; , compared with Japanese paintings, 656, 693.
printed silk, 193, 594, | 195, | 198, | 201, | |||
203, 455, 472, 473, 592, | 6o8, | 618, | 627, | |||
647, | 667, | 674, | 680. |
printed by ` resist ' process, 451, 472 sq. ; by blocks, 455, 473.
Weaves :
plain weave, 233, 277, 280.
satin weave, 625.
twill weave, not used in Lou-lan, 233 ; frequent in AstAna, 645, 674, 677, 680-2, 709 ; probably introduced from West.
` warp-rib ', the characteristic technique of Chinese figured silks from Han times, 593, 194, 233, 277, 28o, 674, 677, 705, 708.
pattern produced by ` knot-dyeing', 66o, 675, 678, 680.
` resist ' dyeing, 665, 675, 68o, 706. decorated with metal beads, 235.
silk trade route to Persia, 842, 846 ; Ptolemy's account of, 848 sqq. ; importance of Turfàn for silk trade, 574, 578.
silver : amulet case, (Kao-ch`ang) 594, 6o6 ; discs, (AstAna) 647, 681ornaments, .(Dare) 29 ; (Khotan;) 550 ; pendant, (Ying-p`an) 753, 759 ; wire, (Darêl) 29.
silver-foil, on iron button, (Khotan) 115. Singer, oasis and settlement of, 722 ;
origin of name, 722 n. 9 ; history of
colony, 722 ; climatic conditions, 723. sipil, see circumvallation.
Sirkip-tura, ` tower of Sirkip ', storied Buddhist shrine, 613.
Sistàn, ancient Sakastané, medieval Sagistan : geographical and historical importance of, 906, 956 ; ancient names of, 906 n: 1 ; religious and epic traditions of, 906 sq. ; rivers of, mentioned in Avesta, 907 n. 4, 923 ; scantiness of historical data, 907 ; physical conditions compared with Tarim basin, 909 sq. ; rainfall, 975 ; mixed character of population, 925.
Sacred Hill of Sistàn, 909 sqq.
Oasis of Persian Sistàn, ruined sites of, 826 sqq. ; Shahristàn, 826 ; Bandi-Sistàn, 830 ; Zàhidàn and ruins to NW., 832 sqq. ; destruction caused by floods and irrigation, 932 ; antiques brought from sites on Afghan side, 938 ; list of pottery and other objects from sites in northern Sistàn, 938 sqq.
The desert delta, 943 sqq. ; ruins ancient and modern, 943 sqq. ; remains of prehistoric settlement, 949 sqq. See Ràmrùd ; chalcolithic civilization of, 950, 955 sq., linking areas of chalcolithic culture, 955 ;
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