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Serindia : vol.2 |
sides by tapering peg projecting i " one side, 2r" the other; rope of three strands tied so as to embrace both peg and bar. Bar 4" x r x ", length of rope beyond knot r3".
T. vIII. 0085. Fr. from corner of wooden board, with rabbet at one squared end ; black paint outside ; wood stained red. 3 " x I â".
T. viu. 0036. Fr. of wooden vessel, covered outside with perished black lacquer, with perished red inside ; corners are slightly rounded. 31" (broken) x 2" x r.
T. vii. 0087. Thin strip of wood; traces of glue. 3" x$"x~".
T. vn. 0088. Wooden spinning•whorl ; piano-convex disc, pierced. Diam. r", thickness $".
T. vin. 0039. Wooden stick roughly carved and painted in ink to represent head and neck of animal, prob. snake. Complete; head flat top and bottom, and pointed; curved grooves mark ears ; mouth shown by V-shaped groove ; at back of mouth hole pierced, through which passes suspension string (broken) ; neck long, thin, and oval in section. Most of head is black, and neck is painted in series of curves roughly meeting one another. Charm (?). 4"Xg"XTV. Pl. LIII.
T. xi. ooi. Large fr. of porcelain bowl; white body painted in (lull blue under a greyish-white glaze; inside, two thin lines round rim, two round base, circle and twig pattern in centre ; outside, two thin lines round rim, broad circles wherein twig pattern; between circles rough design of two flower stems (?) looped together. Chinese. Diam. 5/, h. 2r.
With this is joined up T. xi. oo8, and oor r also belongs to it. Pl. Iv.
T. xi. 002-004. Three frs. of rims of porcelain bowls of ware similar to 'I'. xr. 0012. Straight-sided, rim very slightly everted. Outside, rough floral design similar to that of T. xi. oog-ooro; inside, round top, row of elliptical spots above double line. Five rivet-holes in outside of 004, not pierced through. Chinese. Gr. M. 2r.
T. xi. 005. Fr. of stoneware ; coarse hard buff clay ; on outside, brilliant black-brown glaze. Chinese. Gr. M.
T. xi. 006. Fr. of pottery, wheel-made, of grey-burning
T. v111. 0040. Length of thin rope broken at both ends ; made of bundle of hemp (?) fibre wound round with finer twine. Length r' I I", diam. â".
T. viii. 0041. String of vegetable fibre tied in loop ; coloured pink in parts. Diam. of loop c. Ii", diam. of string 3g".
T. vin. 0042. Shreds of reed, dried, twisted, and coloured purple. Gr. length c. 2".
T. vin. 0043. Fr. of coarse goat's hair (?) fabric, loosely woven, dark brown and buff. 2r x 3".
T. vat. 0044. Toe of woven string sandal; type of T. xiv. a. 002. 4" X 3".
T. vn. 0045. Flat ring of string or rope, bound round with finer string and loose hemp. Perhaps for carrying weights on the head. Diam. outside 7 ", inside 4r, thickness $".
T. vin. 0046. Part of a garment (?) of buff silk, sewn with silk; rotten and much torn.
T. vin. 0047. Wooden bracket ; see T. viii. 004, same type but larger. 8i" (tenon 3") x 2r x I ".
clay; well levigated, kiln-fired; on outside, band of four incised lines. Gr. M. 2â".
T. xi. 007. Fr. of pottery, wheel-made, of well-levigated clay, kiln-fired and ` smothered ' ; on outer face rude stick-drawn wave orn. Gr. M. 21'.
T. xi. oo8 and oon. Two frs. of porcelain belonging to T. xi. oor ; oo8 joined to it.
T. xi. 009-0010. Two frs. of porcelain bowl, side and rim ; side straight, rim very slightly everted. Painted in dull blue under greyish-white glaze ; rough floral design outside ; inside (ooro) elliptical dots above double line. Same ware and pattern as T. 0027 ; xi. 002-004 ; xviii. 003. Chinese. Gr. M. 2.r. ooro, Pl. Iv.
T. xi. 0012. Part of porcelain bowl ; bottom with base-ring and side. Body of coarse greyish porcelain painted roughly in dull blue under a greyish-white glaze ;. base unglazed and showing part of a brown ring ; roughly scrawled floral orn. inside and out. Same ware as T. xi. 001, etc. Chinese. Gr. M. 211N'.
T. xi. ii. 13. Measure, made of slip of cane, with divisions scratched on outer surface. The unit is Thy (0.0023 m.) and the system is decimal. Measure is g' long, divided into Io by incised lines of which central one is marked by a cross; each division subdivided into ten units by small cuts made on opposite edges of the measure in alternate divisions ; hole pierced at one end. Cf. T. vIII. 4.
T. xi. ii. oor. Fr. of buff silk fabric, tied up in bag with small black object, perhaps spice, inside ; torn. Orig. prob. 3 ' sq.
T. xi. iii. ow. Strip of faded red silk in tatters; plain weave. Length c. 2'.
T. xi. iii. 002. Uppers of felt slipper with traces of
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