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Serindia : vol.2 |
with small seated Buddha on field over §.'s R. shoulder. Flame-border to vesica and black rocks behind. General
background of speckled rocks as behind fig. xii, but mostly lost ; shows however small Buddha practising Austerities (?) with worshipper.
Below traces of another row of figs. now destroyed.
There remain besides only detached frs., the four most important showing :
(xiv) L. side of a Buddha seated European fashion on altar-like throne ; L. hand evidently at breast, but lost along
with head and R. half of fig. Circular halo and upper half of
fig. filled with radiating small Buddha busts as in fig. v. Border of flying Apsaras and flame. On R. (xv) standing Buddha
in chocolate-brown robe with chocolate hands and feet.
Head lost ; R. hand held out sideways horizontally with palm up and fingers slightly curved ; L. held slightly out and
downwards with palm out and third finger only bent up. [Between haloes of these two figs., and forming part of same fr., was the blank cartouche referred to above.]
(xvi) Bodhisattva seated cross-legged like Buddha on low platform, and clad in Buddha-like red robe leaving only
upturned feet, L. hand, R. breast and arm bare. R. hand in
bhùmispars'a•mudrà, L. open in lap. No ear-rings, chains, or bracelets ; but broad armlet on R. upper arm, necklace with
wide petal-edged collar as in fig. iv, and high crown of which
only canopy-like top is preserved. Circular halo and vesica, flame-edged, the latter showing white crescent on field either
side of Bodhisattva head. On L. upper edge of this fr. as orig. found appeared the cartouche with 4 11. inscr. referred to above, and the feet and legs of two men in coats and top-boots (Central-Asian type) standing by corner of Padmâsana to R.
(xvii) L. shoulder, arm, and side of head of Bodhisattva seated, with part of circular halo and vesica orn. with two
rows of small 'seated Buddhas. Remains of red skirt or
girdle, purple stole, armlet, necklace, leafy garlands, and tiara with white veil hanging behind shoulders, preserved.
To R. (xviii) Buddha, standing, in red robe leaving R.
breast and arm bare ; circular purple halo behind head ; L. arm held down by side, with hand held slightly outwards ;
palm down and fingers open. R. arm raised above head, and hand held outwards as in AvalokiteAvara's figs. (see *Ch. 00102, *00223, etc.) supporting red disc of Sun containing bird, two-legged, of phoenix type. Narrow cartouche on R., blank or inscr. effaced.
Another fr. prob. belonging to this paipting shows a large panel (z' 9' x z' r°) for inscr., painted red-brown and
ruled for 13 columns of Chin., but blank. Incomplete on R. side; on L. shows outside panel headless shoulders of fig. (woman donor ?) in crimson jacket with hands muffled in sleeves on breast.
L. half (figs. i to xiii) as first mounted at Brit. Mus. 6'8" x 3' 7". Pl. LXX ; Thousand Buddhas, Pl. XIV.
Ch. xxii. oo24. Two frs. of painted silk banner (all accessories lost), showing head, shoulders, and draperies at waist of Bodhisattva of type *Ch. 002. Fig. a L., apparently standing, R. hand lightly laid on breast, L. in vilarka-mudrà.
Face very finely drawn, small and rounded ; modelling delicately shaded with pink. Eyes small and slanting; line of upper eyelid of L. eye prolonged in fine curve far beyond corner of eye and sweeping up slightly again at end ; ears elongated and pierced, without rings. Colouring bright but harmonious and well preserved. Stole, slate and olive on reverse sides ; streamers and drapery across breast, bright crimson ; lotus buds and tassels of tiara, purple and red ;
1 halo, blue with outer rings of red, yellow, green, and crimson, and border of natural light brown and blue. Work skilful and refined throughout. 6" x 5', and z-i' x 6*".
Ch. xxii. 0025. Fr. of silk painting showing upper part of Eleven-headed Avalokitedvara, ' Indian ' style, almost effaced. Uncertain whether seated or standing ; but fr. extant would take to somewhat below waist of fig. if standing, and almost whole if seated with legs drawn up. Fig. appears to be two-armed only, with L. hand at breast. Part best preserved is head, with narrow straight-sided oval halo, and similar vesica flame-edged. Ten minor heads all piled on top of main one, and appear all to be Buddha heads, with usnisa, and no orns. on hair. But absence of orn. is perhaps due to lack of detail in drawing.
Drawing much effaced, and paint completely gone except for traces of orange on halo, and crimson on flame-border of vesica and parts of robe. Lotus with conventional scrolled foliage appears to grow up either side. Cf. Ch. oo i z r, etc. Gr. M. c. z' x I' 8".
Ch. xxii. 0026. Part of illustrated Chin. MS. book, beginning with representations of the Four Lokapàlas; cf. Ch. xviii. ooz. Ten leaves remain. First shows on outside remains of purple and green silk, and formed cover ; inside, painted figs. of two Lokapâlas standing. Second has on obv. one 1. Chin., on rev. two remaining Lokapalas. Third shows on obv. 4 Il. Chin. in black and one isolated char. in red ; on rev. 9 II. text with gloss. Remaining leaves contain continuation of text, well written in black with red punctuation, 8-9 11. on each side of page, text consisting of passages from various Sûtras.
As in Ch. xviii. 002, the paintings are accompanied by inscr., but these do not contain the accepted Lokapala names, and their significance is not as yet certain.
Kings are without attendants, unhaloed, and stand on flat rocks or islands, each pair facing each other. Their armour same as in Ch. xviii. 002, but drawn in less detail; their legs below knee are swathed in red and yellow bands like puttees. Pink cloud rises from hand of each ; colouring otherwise consists of red, green, yellow, and grey. In detail figs. run as follows in order from R. to L. :—
(i) Lokapala with R. hand clenched at breast, L. hand holding pole-axe; Virt elhaka. (ii) Lokapâla with bow and arrow ; Dhrtarâctra. Inscr. mostly lost. (iii) Lokapala with R. hand raised, palm up, empty ; halberd in L. hand ; Yaidravana. (iv) Lokapala with sword in R. hand, L. hand on hip ; Yirùpàksa.
Size of leaf 5$' x 5*". Pl. XCII.
Ch. xxii. oo$o. Large silk painting with Chinese
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