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0506 Serindia : vol.2
Serindia : vol.2 / Page 506 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000183
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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Subject : Dhrtarâstra, Guardian of the East. Stands t L. on back of crouching demon ; R. hand at breast with arrow ; L. hand and arm lost, but half of bow below. A replica of Ch. xxvi. a. ooz ; but with different colouring and different treatment of scale-armour. Scales on helmet and shoulder-flaps, round-edged, overlapping downwards ; on skirts, oblong, overlapping upwards ; on lower part of body, represented by hexagonal diaper in white, black, and green—the hexagons again subdivided by a longitudinal line down centre which forks at each end to form a small lozenge at top and bottom, and an elongated hexagon at each side. Barbed end of arrow partially preserved.

Colouring chiefly chocolate and dark red (on stole) ; crimson and orange-red (on upper girdle, skirt, and borders of coat of mail), green (on halo and border of skirt), and white and green on scale-armour. z' i i" x 7".

Ch. 00469. Fr. of painted silk banner, showing upper half of Viriipâk,ca, Guardian of the West. Stands facing spectator ; R. hand in vitarka-mudrâ at breast ; L. below it, fingers clasping jewelled top of sword (?) ; head turned towards R. shoulder. Remainder of painting, and all accessories, lost.

Dress evidently of the more ' Indian ' type ; see Ch. xxvi. a. oo6, and General Note, *Ch. ooro. Helmet incomplete, but apparently resembling that of Ch. xxvi. a. oo6 ; coat of mail with round-edged scales on body (overlapping downwards) and tight-fitting elbow-sleeves of oblong scales (overlapping upwards) ; straight cuirass passing under arms, no straps shown ; dark maroon mantle fastened under chin and passing back over shoulders. Knots of red drapery behind shoulders. Face human, with enlarged eyes. Remains of colour only maroon, crimson, and white ; much worn. Blank cartouche for inscr. to L. 8" x 7k".

Ch. 0047o. Fr. of painted silk banner, showing back of helmeted head and halo, and R. shoulder, of Lokapâla looking â to R. Remainder of painting, and all accessories, lost. Helmet of same type as in Ch. 0040, with plume and out-curling protective rim but no gorget ; both head-piece and rim of round-edged scales, red and yellow, overlapping downwards. Sausage-shaped collar of vivid red with scroll orn. in copper-green and long tasselled tie of dark pink ; on fr. of shoulder oblong scale-armour also in red and yellow, scales overlapping upwards. Halo of pea-green with flame-border of bright red, and remains of cloud scroll in same colours. Gr.

Ch. 00471. Fr. of painted silk banner ; colour and drawing much worn ; all accessories lost.

Subject : The Seven Jewels. For other representations see Ch. 00114, and xxvi. a. 004. Incomplete both top and bottom. Wheel lost at top. Immediately under the edge appear, on L. the strong-box representing the Minister ; on R., the Jewel, of trefoil shape, with pyramid of flame rising from it. Strong-box in form of hexagonal casket of chased metal-work, with conical overhanging lid, and projecting base. Below come, on L. the Wife, on R. the General; dress of both as in Ch. xxvi. a. 004, except that the scales of the

General's armour are not represented, and the lady's hair is not done in loops, but in a roll round neck with large gold orn. on top as in series Ch. 0039, etc., to which banner perhaps belongs from similarity of workmanship and colour. Below again, the elephant, in profile to R. ; and at bottom the horse, in profile to L. ; harness as in Ch. xxvi. a. 004. Remains of colour only, crimson, blue, white, and brown, and green on grass. i' 7I" X 7 ".

Ch. 00472. Four frs. of silk painting, evidently representing Avalokitefvara. Largest fr. shows A.'s face, well drawn, with remains of tiara and Dhydni-buddha outlines in dark red; flesh orig. white and hair blue, but colour almost gone. Another fr. shows hand against white vesica, holding upright mace (?) with pennon. Other two show frs. of crimson cloud, and scroll. Gr. fr. 5" x 4".

Ch. 00473. a-e. Misc. frs. from different silk paintings, including (a) remains of a Paradise painting, hardly coloured, showing frs. of Vaidehi scenes ; cf. 'Ch. 0051, etc. ; (b) fr. of Paradise painting showing lower part of subsidiary seated Buddha with altar, and heads of attendant Bodhisattvas ; colouring dark red, green, and black ; (c) remains of donors from large painting—three men kneeling, in brown belted coats and black tailed caps. Rather coarse silk, and strong colouring of orange, red, dark brown. Frs. also of Bodhisattvas from the same ; (d) fr. from upper corner (?) of large painting showing a pavilion under overhanging mountains ; (e) small frs. of drapery, etc., prob. from banners. Gr. fr. (b) 8" x r' 9".

Ch. 00474. Roll of silk covered with traced figs. of Bodhisattvas, and Chin. inscr. by each.

Similar to Ch. xxiv. oo8 (q.v.).   Thin light buff silk,
unevenly dyed yellow, with remains of red silk head-piece (seam only) showing no inscr. L. top corner knotted with buff silk streamer and red cord. Torn at upper end, but generally in good condition. Tracing on one side only.

At top of roll is drawing of flask on lotus (L. side), and remains of same (R. side) ; but below this the whole of R. strip is lost. L. shows series of nine standing Bodhisattvas, one below the other, traced in black but not coloured ; each fig. occupying length of 3' to 3' 6". All stand straight, the majority facing spectator and with dress and coiffure in semi' Indian ' style of *Ch. oo88, etc. First four have R. hand in

viiarka-mudrâ, L. hand horizontal below it, with or without lotus bud on palm ; fifth holds lotus spray in R. hand and

has L. by side ; sixth and seventh (â to R.) have hands

in adoration ; eighth again resembles first four, but 'his dress is in style *Ch. ooz ; ninth resembles the fifth, but

carries flask in L. hand. Inscriptions, on cartouches by each, contain epithets of Bodhisattvas and the names of Avalokitegvara, Sarasvati (and Vajrasattva ?).

Length 3o' 8", width (at top) r' ion", (of L. strip) r ii".

Ch. 00475. Several lengths of silk roll covered with traced Bodhisattvas ; like preceding and Ch. xxiv. oo8, but uninscr. Silk dark blue, tracing in yellow on each side.