National Institute of Informatics - Digital Silk Road Project
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Serindia : vol.2 |
occupied by char. apparently shou, ' old age ', not fully completed. Cf. T. xxvir. 15. Finely cut. H. Ar". Pl. LIII.
T. ray. iii. 58. Wooden peg, like T. 002, but very roughly shaped and painted ; only one notch (below nose), top of head cut off. 74" X I' x
T. xiv. iii. oox. Wooden handle ; straight ; main portion sq. in section with bevelled edges. Thickens perpendicularly at one end and is pierced with a hole, in which is loop of string. Thickens horizontally at the other end, across which a groove has been cut r deep and ilgif wide (outer rim split off); in this are traces of an iron blade wedged in with linen. Prob. handle of small adze. Length 9k", width r to 2", thickness â" to r-A". Pl. LII.
T. xxv. iii. 002. Ear-handle of lacquered wooden bowl like T. vi. b. ii. ooi ; red inside, black elsewhere, with scroll pattern on outside in red. Length 3r, h. a", width .".
T. any. iii. 003. Oval lacquered wooden bowl like T. vi. b. ii. oo r ; edges of both ends and one side missing; inside, red with black border ; top of handles and outside black. Length c. 5", width c. 3" (with handles 4"), h. Iâ".
T. xay. iii. 004. Half of wooden bowl with ear-handle like T. vi. b. ii. oo 1 ; not lacquered. Length 5", h. xi".
T. xiv. iii. 005. Part of wooden spatula with flat almost rectang. bowl, of which corners only are rounded ; handle broken ; much perished. Length (incomplete) 4", bowl z" x
T. xrv. iii. 006. Wooden ' dead-eye' or pulley ; cf. T. xrv. a. 004 ; string much perished. See N. xxix. ii. oor. b. Apex to base zr, base 24", diam. of stick c. 4".
T. xlv. iii. 007. Wooden comb with round back ; cf. L.A. vlu. ooi. H. 24', width x$", length of teeth Ii', 4 teeth to 4".
T. xlv. iii. 008. Twelve wooden writing-slips, uninscribed ;' three are bamboo. Gr. length Io".
T. xrv. iii. oog. Part of wooden spatula with flat oblong bowl ; handle broken. Length 4" (of bowl z"), gr. width x4".
T. xmv. iii. ooio. Three flat strips of cane forming a handle, with a knob of buff felt tied on to one end; possibly for applying flat washes of colour. Cane 4a" knob diam. 4".
T. xxv. iii. ooxx. Child's heel-less shoe of coarse woollen fabric ; dark brown, corded weave ; made of one strip, the edges and ends turned over and sewn along sides ; edges raw. Length 6", gr. width zr.
T. xnv. iii. 0012. Fr. of coarse woollen (?) fabric, canvas-like texture, yellowish in colour; prob. from lining of shoe. c. 6r. 34".
T. 'ay. iii. 00x3. Irregular fr. of yellow-brown felt, prob. from shoe. Gr. M. 34".
T. xxv. iii. 00x4. Fr. of pottery, wheel-made, of welllevigated grey-burning clay, kiln-fired and ' smothered' ; surface deep black ; marks on edge of two holes, prob. for rivets. Gr. M. I".
T. xxv. iii. 0015. Oval string ring ; made of two-ply cord, buff and brown, wound six times round and bound round with similar string ; broken. Diam. of ring I" x 4".
T. xxv. iii. 0016. Fr. of cane matting with curved edge, one side of end of ellipse ; part of fan (?). Made of strips of cane c..6" wide ; the perpendicular strips side by side, the horizontal 4" to 4" apart. Each perpendicular strip along the sides is bent across and becomes horizontal, each being carried 4' to 4" further up than the last outside neighbour before being bent, so that side has a slight curve. At the top, above last horizontal strip, they are bent round and carried across, twisting in and out with one another for a distance of between three to four strips, when each, as it comes to inside, is turned down and again becomes perpendicular. Only five horizontal strips are left. g" x 3 ". Pl. LIV.
T. XIV. iii. 0017. Fabric frs. including :—I piece blue silk ; - I piece brown silk ; 4 pieces buff silk ; r piece buff silk attached to a mass of felted wool ; 2 pieces of buff silk knotted for tying ; I piece buff linen (?) fabric ; I piece red woollen braid ; I piece string shoe sole. All very ragged. Gr. M. c. 8".
T. xiv. iii. 0018. Wooden beating stick of Chinese shape ; blade pointed, and lozenge-shaped in section ; handle round. Length of whole zo", of handle 74", blade z" X II", diam. handle x4". Pl. LII.
T. xmv. iii. 0020. Fr. of ivory, polished on one side, and showing traces of painted leaf scroll in green. 24" x IA"
T. xmv. v. ow. Wooden bowl, turned on lathe, found containing coin deposit ; simple basin shape with moulding below forming foot ; ' chuck ' marks on bottom ; well preserved. Diam. 64", h. 34". PI. LII.
T. xiv. v. 002. Wooden seal-case, type A ; see T. vIII. 5. Hole pierced through each end at right angles to grooves. I ig' X I%' X
T. xay. v. 003. Fabric frs., plain silk, 3 buff, I red, and 2 buff sewn to 2 blue ; all very ragged. The two latter obviously from miniature banners, as a wooden strainer is inserted at the junction of two pieces. Gr. M. c. 6".
T. xxv. v. 004. Bead of gilt glass, flattened spheroid ; cf. L.A. 00171. Diam. 4".
T. xiv. v. 005-006. Two brass hair-pins with sq. top ; wire round in section, except cross-piece, which is lozenge-shaped. Found together in bowl T. xrv. v. oor. Length 24" and 3h", width 3/", diam. of wire A".
T. xay. v. 007-008. Two rough pebbles, green in colour in parts. Gr. M. 4".
T. xay. v. ooxx. a-c. Three frs. of silk fabric. (a) Small banner-top of faded mauve twill silk damask with wooden
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