National Institute of Informatics - Digital Silk Road Project
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Serindia : vol.2 |
T. xxvxn. p. Fr. of small wooden comb, straight-backed, teeth broken off. Gr. M. Iij'.
T. xxvxii. q. Half of wooden ink-seal ; small block ; L. half has split away. Face, originally prob. 1" sq., contained four Chin. chars. of which two remain, finely cut. Upper one not determined, lower one H, yin (` seal') [Mr. L. C. Hopkins]. Seal broken along line of hole which has been drilled almost completely through lengthways. Cf. T. xxvii. r 5. 1" x 26" (broken) x iir". Pl. LIII.
T. xxviu. r. Fr. of wooden spoon, longitudinal half; flat rounded bowl with beginning of handle. Length 4$", gr. width I".
T. xxviii. s. Wooden stick, elliptical in section, obliquely pointed at one end, near which is string loop firmly attached. Other end cut sq. Hard and well preserved. 5' X 4" X g".
T. xxviii. 1. Fr. of side and rim of pottery bowl, wheel-made of red clay, burning grey, well-levigated, fired hard on an open hearth and smothered'. Inner surface flaked off. 3r x Li".
T. xxvlll. 2. Two frs. of pottery from lower part of large vessel, pierced and reunited by cord fastening tightened by small wooden wedge. Wheel-made of welllevigated clay, red-burning ; 'smothered' grey ; smothering' did not take underneath base of vessel, which remained red. 314" x 3$. Pl. LII.
T. xxvrii. 3. Fr. of rim and shoulder of pottery jar, wheel-made of grey-burning clay, kiln-fired, poorly potted. Incised line round shoulder. Rim moulding, bevel from neck out to sq. rim, having very slight offset to secure stopper. Inner face much flaked away. 2iß x Ir.
T. xxviii. 85. Rough rectang. piece of wood, with crude drawing of face in ink covering whole of one surface ; sides split off after drawing was executed. Cf. T. vi. b. iv. oor, xix. 001. 4'X Ig"x 8". Pl. LII.
. T. xxvxu. 63. Roughly trimmed split wooden stick. On rounded side a face crudely drawn in red and black.
Cf. T. 002, xxviII. 35. 7â" x ." x (max.).
T. xxvii:i. ooi. Bowl of fiat wooden spoon. On it are burnt rings, suggesting that it was a metal-worker's spoon. 21" X 2" X 26".
T. xxviii. 002. Half of wooden comb, with arched back as L.A. vi. ii. 0014. H. 2i", width rig", io teeth
. to t".
T. xxvi i. 003. Fr. of wooden comb, round-backed as L.A. vI. ii. 0014. H. zr, width â", 10 teeth to 4".
T. xxvili. 004. Wooden stick, sq. in section, cut to long point at each end. One side is plain ; next has one groove cut across centre ; third has two grooves equidistant from centre, fourth a central diagonal cross. Prob. a measure cut down to other uses. Length 4k", length of sq. sectional part 2", sides â".
T. xxviii. 005. Strip of wood, prob. from writing slip.
q " g "
2" XT XT • .
T. xxvixr. 006. Twelve wooden writing slips, un-inscribed. Gr. length r z".
T. xxviix. ooh. Wooden stick, roughly trimmed round. Length 8", diam. 11".
T. xxvxii. 008. Part of warped wooden board ; prob. for writing tablet, but unfinished. 5" x 3" x '.
T. xxvIlI. 009-0010. Two bronze arrowheads ; type T. 007. oog has lost its point. Length 4" and 'Ili".
T. xxvlIi. ooIx. Bronze arrowhead, resembling T. 007, but much shorter in the point ; hollow in one side. Cf. T. xxxr. oor. Much corroded. Length of blade â", total I lxa".
T. xxvIII. 0012. Bronze arrow-head; type T. xv. oo8 ; triangular head long and narrow, with sharp barbs ; hollows in all three sides. Well preserved. Length of blade r", total I r".
T. xxv I,. 0013. Bronze chip off arrowhead (?). Length I".
T. xxviii. oo14. Flat bronze strip, oblong in section, slightly bent. i" X 8" X 3g".
T. xxvIII. ools. Short hexagonal bronze rod, pierced at one end. Remains of arrow-head ? Length 4", diam. ".
T. xxvxxi. oox8. Fr. of cast-iron hoe•blade; as T. xv. 004, but with curved (concave) top edge. Wood ran in socket to within 1" of working edge. One side of socket and both ends broken away. g"x i~" to i", metal A. thick below base of socket.
T. xxvlir. 00x9. Iron skewer ; cf. T. mi. a. 0026. Pin round in section, beaten at end into flat strip which is bent into ring-handle. Length 4j", diam. of pin s".
T. xxvui. 0020. Bronze buckle. Straight bar.loop for attachment to strap ; buckle proper curved ; tongue-hinge set in very solid centre. One half, including tongue, missing. r â" x i â" x /".
T. xxvlrr. 0021. Two frs. of silk fabric, one pale blue, c. i' 2" x 3"; one black, muslin-like texture, 6" x tr.
T. xxxx. a-c. Three frs. of pale buff stoneware, about r downwards from rim on outside. (c) has lost all
with thin creamy glaze on inner face. (b) shows portion of but one small patch of glaze. Chinese ; Ting type.
rim, very slightly thickened, with glaze extending also Perhaps Sung dynasty. Gr. M. z8 .
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