National Institute of Informatics - Digital Silk Road Project
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Serindia : vol.2 |
three horizontal bands, pink, green (?), änd yellow, with a metal (?) framework.
The demon is of bald `Chinese coolie ' type, and wears an expression of suffering. Painting is finished below by a wooden railing, painted red ; lower panels filled in with design of half-rosettes on chocolate ground. Work rather rough.
Painting 1' 5" x qâ", length with streamers 3' 8". (Lower end) Pl. LXXXV.
Ch. oozoq. Painted silk banner ; fragmentary, all accessories lost, surface worn.
Subject :. Vaisrava;ra, Guardian of the North. Stands facing spectator, L. hand (lost) grasping pike with triple pennon, R. hand raised carrying miniature Stitpa on palm. Upper part of canopy and all below knees, lost. Dress, attitude, and style of drawing as in ` Indian ' Lokapàlas (see Ch. xxvi. a. oo6 ; also General Note, *Ch. ooro).
Skirts of coat of mail are long and narrow, and must have reached knees. Scales oblong on shoulders, as well as on skirts, and are shaped as if overlapping upwards. On head a tiara formed of wide gold winged orn. set on fillet of red drapery which flies up in streamers at ears. Round the neck narrow leather (?) collar, the ends of which are passed through ring at top of corslet in front.
Hair black, done in high cone on top and falling in mass behind shoulders. Face short and round, with long nose, small mouth, round white demon eyes, and wrinkled forehead and eyebrows. There are short curled-up moustaches, and tuft of beard on chin. Ears slightly elongated and orn. with rings. Halo plain green circle without flame ; at top remains of tasselled canopy.
Colouring, rather faded, consists of yellow on scale-armour (oblong scales being shaded with orange), dark blue-grey on collar, corslet, and apron ; dull crimson on border of coat of mail, belts, stole, and border of corslet. Flesh warm flesh colour. Yellow cartouche for inscr. to L. of head, blank.
z' x 541.
*Ch. ooio8. Painted silk banner with Tib. inscr. ; both ends and all accessories lost. Remainder in fair condition. For other banners from same series see Ch. xlvi. 0010, 0011.
Subject : Avalokitesvara (Kuan-yin). Stands • facing spectator, with body slightly inclined to R. hip, and head towards R. shoulder ; R. hand raised carrying red lotus bud, L. horizontal before breast with thumb and forefinger joined. Dress, jewellery, and coiffure of ` Indian ' type as in *Ch, lv. 0014, but with addition of jewelled chains dangling at sides. Face short and broad with eyes scarcely oblique ; circular halo of concentric rings of various colours ; remains of painted valance above.
Drawing mediocre ; colouring chiefly scarlet, dull green, and maroon pink.
Donor's inscr. on rev. reads Lho slag bolan gyi bsod nams, i. e. ' Felicity of Lho stag botan '—the name meaning, 'Bearer of the Southern Tiger' (L. D. Barnett).
I' 6" x 5". .
Ch. oo1og. Remains of painted silk banner ; all accessories lost and edges broken.
Subject : Bodhisattva. Stands facing spectator, head turned towards L. shoulder ; R. hand holding up scarlet lotus bud, L. held horizontally before breast, palm up. Fig., dress, and accessories of type "Ch. 002, but badly drawn and finished. Colour almost gone except for red (on folds of skirt, lotus petals, etc.), and maroon (on stole), with traces of grey on rev. Face long and heavy, coarse imitation of type of Ch. 0083, with wide semicircular setting marked for eyes, and wrinkles from nose to corners of mouth. z' 6 " x 5".
Ch. 00110. Two frs. of painted silk banner, all accessories lost, showing Avalokr'tesvara (Kuan-yin). Upper fr. shows head, leaning over R. shoulder ; lower shows fig. from hips down in long red robe with lotuses under feet, and L. hand by side carrying flask. Face, coiffure, and dress of `Indian' type ; but circular halo and tasselled canopy of type *Ch. 002. Colouring much lost ; remainder chiefly crimson, pale blue, and green. 5" and 6a" x 51"
Ch. own. Painted silk banner ; much broken and worn, bosh ends and all accessories lost.
Subject : Ksitigarbha as monk. For other examples, see
*Ch. i. 003. Stands L., R. hand holding flaming jewel,
L. in vitarka-mudrâ at breast, feet and crown of head broken off. Dress .consists of under-robe and mantle covering both shoulders ; mantle dull brown mottled with red and barred with black, under-robe apparently dull red and brown. Jewellery consists of ear-rings, necklace, and double-hoop bracelets painted in yellow only. Colour of shaven head doubtful owing to brown discoloration above L. ear. Mild expression ; face full and round with small mouth and eyes only slightly oblique. Part of round halo, red and brown. Yellow cartouche for inscr. to L. of head, blank. x 5".
Ch. 00112. Frs. of painted silk banner ; all accessories lost. Shows forehead to knees of standing Bodhisattva,
to L. ; much even of this lost. Hands in adoration before breast. Dress, physical type, etc., as in *Ch. 002, but workmanship rougher and colour poor. Latter remains chiefly in dark pink of skirt, and slate and green of stole. 8." (joined) x 5i".
Ch. 00113. Two frs. of painted silk banner showing lower part of standing Bodhisattva, draped as in *Ch. oor, etc. Skirt dull blue, stole bright crimson with orange-red on rev. and on border of skirt. Feet and ankles bare ; pink lotus underfoot. Surface much faded and worn. All accessories lost. 91" x 5â" and 3" x 7".
.Ch. 00114. Painted silk banner ; broken top and bottom ; all accessories lost. Dirt-speckled but otherwise well preserved, and scenes fairly intact.
Upper half shows in two groups the Seven Raina ; top group consisting of wheel, strong-box (here apparently representing the jewel; cf. Ch. xxvi. a. 004), the general and the wife ; lower group of minister, elephant, and horse. They stand on curling white clouds, edged with red, blue, and green. Wheel lies flat ; painted solid yellow—six spokes visible. From its axle springs short lotus pedestal supporting
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