National Institute of Informatics - Digital Silk Road Project
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Serindia : vol.2 |
in roll round their necks and decked with flowers. Colouring dingy, consisting only of dark greenish brown, grey, red, and dark yellow, and drawing coarse. Blank cartouche (for inscr.) on L. edge. R. lower corner lost and part of R. edge ; remainder well preserved. 1' 'or X 1' 3k". Pl. XCI.
Ch. i. 0018. Paper painting with Chin. inscr. showing Six-armed Avalokilesuara (Kuan-yin), seated, without attendants. He sits on red-tipped Padmasana, with legs interlocked ; upper hands hold up resp. Vajra-topped and skull-headed mace ; middle hands in vilarka-mudrii on either side of breast; lower hands lie on knees, R. palm downwards with first finger bent, L. palm uppermost with thumb, second and third fingers joined. Dhyani-buddha on front of head-dress.
General type as in *Ch. 00102, etc.; but drawing coarse and colouring limited to dull green, slate-blue, pink, orange-red, and pale yellow. Flesh uncoloured. Inscr. on cartouche to L. of head containing salutation to Kuan-yin. Torn and broken. Paper loops, for attachment to wall, are sewn with grass string along top and bottom. z' 9a" x
Ch. i. 0020. Silk banner, complete except för one side streamer ; companion to Ch. i. oox T. Body made of three sections : plain blue silk ; white silk damask woven small lozenge lattice-work ; and fine red woollen or cotton twill fabric, with bamboo strainers at junctions. Streamers extant and suspension loop are of loosely woven light blue silk; weighting-board as in Ch. i. oorr.
Head-piece shows frs. of three different figured silks, two forming field and one border on one side ; border on other side of plain bright green silk. All figured silks well preserved, but frs. too small to show complete design. Largest fr. in field of triangle is woven in firm satin twill, and has white ground. On this a pattern of chevron bands touching at their points and forming lozenges. Bands made of five rows of round salmon-coloured dots (faded); in lozenge here complete an elliptical star also in salmon, outlined with light green. This alternated with another centre pattern, here too fragmentary to be reconstructed.
Both other figured silks loosely woven in style of Ch. 0076. One in triangle shows part of curving floral (?) pattern, in dull crimson on bluish-green ground ; one forming border shows bold floral pattern, also fragmentary, in bright grass-green, red, and white on indigo ground. The colour is striking, and treated on the flowers as in much of embroidered and painted floral work ; e. g. in large round lotus-like flowers with double ray of petals, the- inner ray is indigo, the outer grass-green with red centre and indigo spot at base, both spot and green outer edge being outlined with narrow line of white. Other flowers, with eight narrow pointed petals and sepals showing between, are white with red outlines and indigo centre to petal. Leaves white outlined with red, or grass-green outlined with white and veined with red.
The triangle lined with faded purple silk damask, woven with chevron bands in twill touching at their points and forming lozenges of plain weave, in centre of which again are smaller lozenges in twill. Length of whole 4' 3', width 6". (Head-piece) Pl. CX.
Ch. i. 0022. Banner, complete with triangular top, streamers, and weighting-board. Body of loosely woven silk printed with gamboge ground, and pattern of repeating spots, round or lozenge-shaped, in red. The round spots consist of two cranes with outspread wings, and heads to centre, whirling in circle, with tendrils filling spaces in circumference. See Ch. 00'79, etc. The lozenge-shaped groups, whose tips join enclosing the circles, are formed of open many-petalled flowers and tendrils. For general type of design, see above, p. 905. Head-piece and streamers are of loosely woven red silk damask, with pattern of small repeating lozenges; suspension loop of fine firmly woven white silk damask with pattern of repeating concentric lozenge groups.
Across bottom of banner proper, written in ink, 2i 11. of Khotanese in Brahmi chars., read by Dr. Tloernle as follows :... pasi salya rarttyi inasta 26 mye hadai—myai and yi pasta haiste beysû sta s`rvi (brvi?) ysi (?) harbliai avama prra ysi
harhna sijide nauda. Yi yi
Banner proper I' I ol" x 8' ; length of whole 4' 5". Pl. CXIII.
Ch. i. 0023. Paper painting (Kakemono-shape with wooden stick at bottom and bamboo strainer at top) representing demonic Bodhisalva, prob. Vajrapâni. Deity, three-headed and four-armed, half sits, half straddles, â R. against background of flame. L. upper hand holds up Vajra; R. is raised with fingers in clasping position, but attribute not filled in ; R. lower hand in vilarka-mudrei at breast ; L. on knee with palm upturned ; Dhyâni-buddha on front of tiara. Dress like Vajrapani of banners (see Ch. i. 004, etc.), with leopard-skin apron, and white-spotted necklace of twisted cord. Third eye in centre of forehead ; profile face on R. painted grey, other two flesh-colour. Bird and demon heads appear amongst flames ; small boar-headed demon at bottom makes gesture of salutation. Cf. Tantric deities at bottom of Mandalas of Avalokiteivara, Ch. 00105 ; xxviii. oo6. Broken at top, coarse work ; colouring chiefly red, green, flesh-colour, and dark grey. 2' 7" X 1'.
Ch. iii. ooi. Painted silk banner ; upper end of painting lost, and all accessories except extreme top of bottom streamers of olive-green silk. Remainder in good condition and colour well preserved.
Subject : Bodhisallva. Stands â L. on red-edged lotus, alternate petals of inner row being pale green. Hands hang low before body, L. lightly crossed over R., and thumb and forefinger of each apparently joined ; for same pose, see Ch. 003 ; lxi. 007. Fig. and workmanship of type *Ch. 002 ; dress also same except for large mantle like that of Ksitigarbha in Ch. i. 003 or Bodhisattva in *Ch. xvii. oo1, which is worn over trailing skirt and under-robe. Mantle bright crimson lined with blue, and is gathered over arms, but has slipped down from shoulders, leaving upper half of body bare except for jewellery. Skirt and under-robe showing at feet, both olive-green ; skirt bordered with purple. Jewels, hair, and type of face as in Ch. 003. Yellow cartouche for inscr. to L. of head, blank. z' 9" x 7i"
Ch. iii. 002. Painted silk banner with Chin. inscr. Complete except for one streamer, but ' accessories in bad
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