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0254 Serindia : vol.2
Serindia : vol.2 / Page 254 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000183
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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T. xu. a. 0032. Round wooden stick, with one end bevelled off, and charred ; near this end, in same plane as bevel, a notch ; stick warped round into a ring; other end broken where notch was. ' Dead-eye '? Diam. of ring 2' ; of stick r.

T. six. a. 0033. Fr. of quilted sole of fabric shoe (?) ; made of three pieces of coarse hemp (?) fabric, light buff, placed one above the other and quilted together by longitudinal rows of running strings c. r apart ; ends of fabric and strings cut across. Transversely another thicker cord was run, which was turned at the edge and brought back to form successive rows c. it apart; on one side of the fabric this cord wâss then cut off wherever it appeared, leaving short tufts ; perhaps strengthening under-side of sole ; cf. T. xvIII. M. 002. The inner layer of fabric is coated with black pigment on each side, perhaps ' waterproofing '. 6â"X3â".

T. xxi. a. 0034. Bundle of dried grass tied round in two places with string (round stalks and round flower). 14" X 31" X 2".

T. xu. a. 0085. Piece of buff silk fabric, plain weave, knotted at one end, and hemmed with silk thread. Length

T. xu. a. 0036. Fr. of blue silk fabric. Gr. M.

T. xu. a. 0037-0038. Calcined reeds, two lumps of slag, from stacks of fascines near tower; cf. T. xu. a. 004. Gr. M. 31" x 2".

T. xu. a. 0040. Fr. of birch•bark, uninscribed. c. 2" x r.

T, xII. a. 0041. Specimen of reed from stack of fascines. Length 6".

T. xu. a. i. oor. Wooden peg, top cut and painted in likeness of human head as T. 002, but very rude work ; bark left on down sides ; only one notch (below nose), top of head cut roughly off. 6g'

T. zu. a. i. 002. Wooden pen (?) ; stick trimmed to a point ; two crosses cut on it, same side, near broad end. Length 63".

T. zu. a. i. 003. Wooden peg, cut rudely round and trimmed to narrow wedge ending in bevel like a chisel blade. 311" x r to â" x fu" (max.).

T. x11. a. i. 004. End of wooden writing slip, blank. 2r x x TV.

T. xu. a. i. 005. Bronze arrowhead, type of T. oo7, with part of iron tang ; blunt rounded point, sides plain, good condition. Length of whole 1r, of head I ". Pl. LIII.

T. x1I. a. i. oo6. Pottery fr., wheel-made, of well-levigated grey-burning clay, kiln-fired ; round shoulder, band of incised comb-drawn lines with band of wave-pattern below ; badly potted. Gr. M. 31".







T. xu. a. ii. I. and I. a. Early Sogdian paper doc., found folded and tied with string. On obv. at each end, as thus folded, 3 short Il. writing (address) separated by vertical pen-lines (at one end partially destroyed). Inside, unfolded, 12 II., written parallel to long side of folio, clear and black, and apparently complete except where edges of paper are broken.

For a detailed analysis of the paper in T. xi'. a. ii. x-8, which is thin, yellowish, of uneven texture, and has proved to be made of rags, see J. von Wiesner, Ober die älteslen bis jetzl aufgefundenen Hadernpapiere, Sitzungsberichte der K. Akad. der Wiss., Wien, clxviii, Igx1. 1 a is strip of blank paper broken from R. edge.

See L.A. v1. ii. 0104, and T. v1. c. ii. I ; also A. Cowley, J.R.A.S., Jan. 191x, pp. 159 sqq.; R. Gauthiot, ib., pp. 497 sqq. 16" x 9a". Pls. CLIII, CLV.

T. xu. a. ii. 2. Early Sogdian paper doc., found folded and wrapped in brown silk, within outer cover of coarse hemp (?) fabric, which is inscribed with similar chars. Small frs. of paper adhere to outside of cover, perhaps from an additional wrapper. Doc. (unfolded) obv. 6o IL, written parallel to ,short side of folio, clear and black ; rev. (in one corner) 3 short 11., and address near edge as in j. On hemp cover, traces of 7 11. Paper as in 1, broken along folds. /61" x 91." ; cover 5 " x 3e". Pls. ÇLIII, CLIV.

. xu. a. ii. 3. Early Sogdian paper doc., found folded and tied with string. On outside (folded), address as in I. On inside (unfolded), 26 ll. running parallel to long side of fol., and 9 II. across at one end ; clear and black. Paper as in x, broken along folds. 16" X 91". Pls. CLIII, CLVII.

. xu. a. ii. 4. Early Sogdian paper doc., found folded. On outside (folded), address as in x. On inside (unfolded), 8 II. running parallel to long side of fol. and one 1. across one end ; clear and black. Paper as in x, broken along folds. 16" x 9i". PI. CLV.

. xu. a. ii. 5. Early Sogdian paper doc., found folded and tied with string. Fr. only of address preserved on outside. Inside 23 11. running parallel to long side of fol., and 9 11. across one end ; clear and black. Paper as in 1, but considerably broken, and parts of several 11. lost. x21° x 9r. Pls. CLIII, CLVI.

xu. a. ii. 6. Early Sogdian paper doc., found folded ; incomplete. Fr. only of address preserved on outside. Inside, right-hand portion of 23 II. running prob. parallel to short side of fol., black and fairly clear. Paper as in 1. 4" (incomplete) X 9g". Pls. CLIII, CLVI.

. xu. a. ii. 7. Early Sogdian paper doc., found folded. No address preserved. Inside, parts of 7 II. running parallel to long side of fol., and one 1. running across one