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0747 The Book of Ser Marco Polo : vol.1
マルコ=ポーロ卿の記録 : vol.1
The Book of Ser Marco Polo : vol.1 / 747 ページ(白黒高解像度画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000269
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE







now I will tell you particulars about them and their


You must know that these twelve Barons reside all

together in a very rich and handsome palace, which is

inside the city of Cambaluc, and consists of a variety of

edifices, with many suites of apartments. To every

province is assigned a judge and several clerks, and all

reside in this palace, where each has his separate

quarters. These judges and clerks administer all the

affairs of the provinces to which they are attached,

under the direction of the twelve Barons. Howbeit,

when an affair is of very great importance, the twelve

Barons lay in before the Emperor, and he decides as

he thinks best. But the power of those twelve Barons

is so great that they choose the governors for all those

thirty-four great provinces that I have mentioned, and

only after they have chosen do they inform the

Emperor of their choice. This he confirms, and grants

to the person nominated a tablet of gold such as is

appropriate to the rank of his government.

Those twelve Barons also have such authority that

they can dispose of the movements of the forces, and

send them whither, and in such strength, as they please.

This is done indeed with the Emperor's cognizance,

but still the orders are issued on their authority. They

are styled SHIENG, which is as much as to say " The

Supreme Court," and the palace where they abide is

also called Shieng. This body forms the highest

authority at the Court of the Great Kaan ; and indeed

they can favour and advance whom they will. I will

not now name the thirty-four provinces to you, because

they will be spoken of in detail in the course of this



NOTE I.—Pauthier's extracts from the Chinese Annals of the Dynasty, in illustration of this subject, are interesting. These, as he represents them, show the Council