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doi: 10.20676/00000183
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la-huang, type of cross-bow, in Limes docs., 758.

Ta-kuan, see Chinese coins.

Ta-lao-pa, see Chong-köl.

Ta-li period, see Chinese coins.

Ta-11-lo, or Darel, in Tang Annals, 2o. See T'o-leih.

Ta-mo-hsi-fie-li, Hsüan-tsang's name for Wakhân, 43, 44 n. 20, 61, 62, 63 ; attempts to connect name with MastCij,

62 n. 12 ; probably transcribes a Skr. *Dharmaslhili, lb.

Ta-mo-yin-Co-ho-ssti, king of Udyâna, 20.

Ta-shih, Tang name for Uch-Turfân (q. v.), 1299.

Ta-shih (Tâzi, or Arabs), in Tang shu,

Ta59. hih ch'êng, T'ang name for UchTurffn town (q. v.), 1300.

T'a-shih, oasis : size, 1 ro8 ; irrigation, lb. ; ` chiusa ' in river gorge near, i log. T'a-shih River, 583 ; head-waters of, îIî5.

Ta-shun, Ta-fun, see Charchan.

Ta-tung River, 1132.

Ta-wei barrier', fire-signal of, in Limes doc., 719, 753.

Ta-yüan, or Farghâna, 336, 407; Chinese expedition to, and Huns' opposition, 338, 407; Li Kuang-li's expedition, 339 sq ; embassy from, 408.

Ta Yiieh-chih, see Indo-Scythians, Yiiehchih.

Tabas Masinân, Persian town, 460.

tablets, wooden : finds : (Khâdalik and Balawaste) 158, 162, 195, 197, 206 ; (Mazâr-toghrak) 197, 205 sq., 209, 1447; (Niya) 213, 216 sqq., 221 sq., 224 sqq., 234 sq., 237 sqq., 242, 247 sqq., 252 sqq., 296, 329 ; (Endere) 27o, 276 sqq., 290 sq. ; (Mirân) 348 ; (Lou-lan) 371 sq., 375, 377 sqq., 385 sq., 399 sqq., 414, 433 sqq., 733; (Tun-huang)592-8, 604 sq.,634, 636, 639, 641, 645 sqq., 652 sq., 659 sq., 667 sq., 669 sq., 68o sq., 685 sq., 689 sqq., 694 n. 3, 698 sqq., 7l i sq., 714 sqq., 717 sqq., 728, 753, 758, 76o, 763 sq., 770, 776, 778 sq., 783sq., 787 sq.; (Wan-shan-tzû) 1139; (Gumbaz, Korla) 1235 ; (Kara-dong) 1242, 1244 ; (Farhâd-Beg-yailaki) 1247, 1249, 1455 sq. ; (Mazâr-tâgh) 1279, 1286 sq., 1289, 1292, 1294 sq.

seal cases or sockets on, see s. v. ; seal cavities on, see s. v. ; seal impressions on, see s. v.

`shavings' from tablets reused, (Lou-lan) 375; (Tun-huang) 598, 646, 685, 763.

materials of : bamboo, 598, 667, 672, 700, 712, 714, 761 ; fir, 598, 714 ; tamarisk, 206, 462, 598, 646 ; 'I'erek, 372, 400, 462, 598 ; Toghrak, 372, 400, 462, 646 ; Toghrak used at


Lou-lan (L.A.), but Terek at Niya, 372, and at L.B. 400.

types, 8cc.: blank, 596, 646, 684, 714, 776, 778 sq., 783 sq., 787 sq. ; bilingual, 206 ; cleft stick, 259 ; covering-tablets, rectangular, 213, 222, 234,




239, 252, 254, 255, 257, 263, z65-7,





  1. 291, 380, 400, 435 sq., 444, 772 ;



covering-tablets,   wedge-shaped,   217,


227, 249, 254-60, 265-7, 372, 401 sq., 429, 434, 435 sq., 445 sq., 685, 778 ; dated, 593 sq., 595, 636, 641, 645 sqq., 659, 667 sq., 670, 68i, 685 sq., 688, 694 n. 3, 698 sqq., 709, 711 sq., 714 sqq., 719sq•, 728 sq., 733; double

wedge,   216,   224,   226,   237,   239,



248 sq., 254 sq., 257, 259, 266, 372,



415 ;   double rectangular,   213,   217,



267 sq-, 379,   414 sq.,   435 ;   elliptical,

258 ;   labels or label-like tablets, 218,



222, 235, 247-9, 251-4, 258-60, 264,





291, 439, 462,477, 592, 596, 605, 659,



685 sq., 689 sqq., 717, 721, 753, 758,



76o ; ladle-shaped, 265, 598 ; lathe-like, 253, 255, 257 ; oblong, 195, 197, 224,

226, 235, 237, 248, 252-60, 263-9,

  1. 276, 29osq., 371, 377, 379 sq., 385 sq., 434-6, 439 sq., 446, 1247; oval-topped, 435 ; peg-

topped broad label, 598; prismatic, 763; rectangular, 213, 225, 227 sqq., 237-9, 247, 249,

  1. 254-7, z63, 265-7, 269, 278, 291,
    646, 1242, 1244 ; slip-shaped, 209,

  2. 264, 269, 291, 348, 371, 375, 377 sq., 380-2, 399, 402, 433, 438 sq., 461, 477 sq., 48o sq., 592 sq., 595-8, 634, 636, 639, 645 sqq., 653, 659, 66o, 667 sq., 669 sq., 68o sq., 685 sq., 689 sqq., 698 sqq., 71 i sq., 714 sq., 719, 761, 763, 776, 778 sq., 783 sq., 787 sq., 1279, 1286, 1292, 12945q.; square-shaped, 401, 445, 719 ; stick-like, 162, 206, 259, 598, 711 ; stick-shaped, notched polygonal, 598 ; stick-shaped, pentagonal, 604; stick-shaped, with roughly cut faces, 598 ; Takhtishaped, 218, 232, 257, 258, z67, 1235 ; tongue-shaped, 259 ; under-tablets, rectangular, 213, 247, 249, 252, 255-7, 259, 263, z65-7, 291, 379, 400, 435, 444 ; under-tablets, wedge-shaped, 222, 238, 252-60, 263-8, 375, 379, 4Ô2, 434, 435, 448; wedge-shaped, 205, 222, 224sq.,237-9, 249, 252-60, 263-9, 379, 1247.

See also Arabic, Brâhmi, Chinese, Kharosthi, Khotanese, stationery, Tibetan..

tabs, of valances, goo, 981.

TACHIBANA, Mr., Chinese docs. found by, at Lou-Ian Site, 377, 409 ; translated by M. Chavannes, 1329 sq.

Tacitus, Agricola, on wet border', 718 n. 2.

Tâgh-fining, canton : how formed, 1319

n. 2; population and cultivation, statistics of, ib.

Tâgh', tract : settlements comprised in, 1321 n. 2 ; Han Ch'ii-lê, 1323. Taghash, anc. fort of, 76.

'raghdumbâsh Pâmir, 7o, 73.

T aghlik ', or hill Turki dialect, spoken in Pakhpu, 88.

`Tag-bilks ', anthropometric records, 323. Tâhir Beg, of Kara-shahr, 1232. T'ai-ping period, see Chinese coins. T'ai-shih 3, date on Limes doc., 636. /'ai-shou (` governor '), of Tun-huang

command, 745.

Tai-ting period, sb affito of, at Wan-fohsia, 1113.

T'ai-tsung, Emperor, 559, 1149. Tazgiinlan, unidentified locality named in Turkish Runic' MS., 921.

Talma-ji temple, 883.

Tâjzfk' race, Mughul Beg on, 26 n. 6. Takht-i-BAT, Buddhist Vihâra at, 71. Takhù shape, in stucco relievos, 143,

151. See also tablets.

TANI, Prof., help with Chien-fo-tung pictorial remains, 836.

Taklamakân Desert : rivers lost in, 241 ; reports at Korla of ruined town in, 1232 ; search for, 1233 sq.; desert crossed to Keriya R. end, 1239 sqq. ; oghre-yol (` thieves' track ') through, 1241.

Taksasilâ (Taxila), mentioned by Hstiantsang, 13, 243 ; by Fa-hsien, 13. Tâlâsh, valley, 21.

Talib Hâji, cultivator, 1311.

tallies, wooden : (Mazâr-toghrak) 206 ; (tilirân) 462, 479, 483 ; (Tun-huang) 654, 752.

Tam. = Tam-öghil, q. v.

Tam, ruin near Charchan, 301.

Tam-öghil: clay moulds from, 100, 126; gold-washing at, zoo ; Descriptive List of objects from, 126.

tamarisk : split stick of, 91n. 25; inscribed pieces of, 162, 372, 433 ; used for does., 206, 462, 598, 646; row of t. sticks, for support of mouldings, 8 i , 278 ; roofing of t. branches, 348 ; fence of t. rushes, 381 ; pens made from t. twigs, 597 ; dead t. at Lou-lan, 3ß6, 39o; at So-yang-cli'êng, 1103; t. bushes indicate subsoil water, 664. See also wall-construction.

tamarisk-covered sand-cones : (near ` Kizil-jai ') 84 ; (Kök-kum-ârish) 129 ; (Khâdalik) 155, 197, 200 ; formation and rate of growth of, near Khâdalik, 198 sq. ; cones at or near Niya Site, 212-15, 224, 237-9, 241 ; (Bilel-konghan) 272; (Endere) 276, 281,283-5 ; (Domoko) 277 ; (Yalghuz-dong) 305 ; (Vâsh-shahri) 307 sq. ; Mirân) 350, 456, 537 ; (Lop desert) 354, 361; (Lou-lan) 386, 400; (Kuruk-daryâ delta) 450; (Merdek-tim) 453; (Tun-




