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The Book of Ser Marco Polo : vol.2 |
I Jours (continued)-
lucky, 364, 368n ; canonical, 368n,
Hsi Hsia dynasty, i. 205n
Hsiang-cltén, Hsiang, wood, ii. 301n
Hu-chau fu (Vuju), ii. 184n
Hui-hui, white and black capped, two
Mohammedan sects, ii. 30/1
Hukaji (Hogáchi, Cogachin), Kúblái's
son, i. 361n, ii. 76, 80lí
Hukw an-hien, ii. 230n
Húlakú Khan (Alau, Alacon), Kúblái's
brother, and founder of Mongol dynasty in Persia, 1o, i. 5, io, 61 n, 64n, 334n war with Barka Khan, 8n, 103n ; takes Baghdad and puts Khalif to death, 63, 66n, 85n, 8611 ; the ismailites and the Old Man, 145, 245, 247n
his treachery, ii. 181 n ; his descendants, 477 ; battle with Barca, 494 ; his followers, 495
Hullukluk, village, near Sivas, i. 4511 Human fat, used for combustion in war, ii. I Bon
sacrifices, i. 208n
Humáyún, Emperor, i. 15511, 277n Humboldt, 106, 107, IIO, 120, i. 178n Hunáwar (Onore, Hinaur), ii. 390n, 440n Hundred Eyes, prophecy of the, ii. 145,
146, 149n
Hundwáníy (ondanique), Indian steel, i. 93n
Hungary, Hungarians, ii. 28611, 492n Hung Hao, Chinese author, i. 21211 Hun-ho (Sanghin River), ii. 5n, 6n Hunting equipment and Expedition,
Kúblái's, i. 397, 398n, 404 ; Kang-hi's,
preserves, ii. 13. (See also Sport.)
Hutton, Captain, i. 10on
Hwa-chau, ii. 29n
Hwai-lu, or Hwo-lu-h'ien (Khavailu), the
Birmingham of N. Shansi, ii. 15z1
Hwai-ngan-fu (Coiganju), ii. 15211
Ilwai River, ii. 143n, 152n
Hwang-ho (Yellow River), i. 245n, 282n,
286n, ii. 23n, 25n, 27n ; changes in
its courses, 137n, 142ít, 143n ; its em-
bankments, 143n
Hwan-ho, ii. 6n
Hyena, i. 378n
Hyrcania, king of, i. 57n
IABADIU, H. 286n
Ibn-al-Furāt, i. 67n
Ibn Batuta (Moorish traveller, circa A.D.
1330-1350), i. 4/1-91t, 37n, 44n, 46n,
6511, 75n, 76n, 85n, I01/1, 110n, I I In,
I 16n, 12011, 148n, 150n, 151/i, 161n,
165n, 202/1, 247n, 294n, 346/1, 396n-410n, ii. I16n, 163/1, 214/1, 282n, 286n, 312n, 322n, 337n, 346n, 38011, 391n, 4131; 440n, 444/1, 445n; 465n ; his
account of Chinese juggling, i. 316n ; his account of Khansa (Kinsay), ii.
214n ; of Zayton, 238n ; in Sumatra, 289/1, 294n ; on Camphor, 303n ; in
Ceylon, 315n, 322n, 337n ; at Kaulam,
377n, 38on ; in Malabar, 391n ; sees Rukh, 419n ; his account of Maldives,
42511; dog-sledges, 48111, 48371;
Market in Land of Darkness, 486n; on Silver Mines of Russia, 488n Ibn Fozlán, see Fozlán
Ichin-hien, ii. 154n, 168n, 173n Ichthyophagous cattle and people, ii.
442, 443, 44411
Icon Amlac, king of Abyssinia, ii. 434n-
Iconium (Kuniyah, Conia), i. 43, 44n Idolatry (Buddhism) and Idolaters, in
Kashmir, i. 166, 168n; their decalogue, 167, 17011 ; Pashai, 172 ; Tangut, 203, 207n ; Kamul, 210 ; Kanchau, 219, 221 n ; Chingintalas, 212 ; Suhchau,
217 ; Etzina, their fasting days, 220, 22211, 223 ; Tartars and Cathayans,
263, 343, 445, 456; Erguiul, 274 ; Egrigaia, 281 ; Tendue, 284, 285 ;
Chandu, 300-303 ; at Kúblái's birthday feast, 387 ; Cachanfu, ii. 23 ; Kenjanfu, 24 ; Acbalec Manzi,_ 33 ; Sindafu, 37 ;
Tibet, 45, 49 ; Caindu, 53 ; Yachi, 66 ; Carajan, 76 ; Zardandan, 84 ; Mien,
109 ; Caugigu, 116 ; Coloman, 122 ; Cuiju, 124 ; Cacanfu, 132 ; Chinangli, 135 ; Sinjumatu, 138 ; Coiganju, 151 ; Paukin, 152 ; Tiju, 153 ; Nanghin, 157 ; Chinghianfu, 176 ; Tanpiju,
218 ; Chipangu, 253 ; Chamba, 266 ; Sumatra, 284, 292, 299 ; Nicobars, 306 ; Mutfili, 36o ; Coilum, 375 ; Eli,
385 ; Malabar, 389 ; Tana, 395 Camhaet, 397 ; Semenat, 398 ; Far
North, 479
Origin of, ii. 318, 319 ; of Brah-
mans, 364 ; of Jogis, 365
Idols, Tartar, i. 257, 258n, 456, ii. 479 Tangut, 203-207n ; colossal, 219,
221n ; of Cathay, 263 ; of Bacsi
or Lamas, 302; of Sensin, 303, 323n-
326n ; of East generally, 263, 26511;
in India, 340, 345 IepöSovÄov, ii. 351n
Ieu, Gnostics of, ii. 321/1
Ifat, Aufat, ii. 435/1
Ig, Ij, or Irej, capital of the Shawánkárs,
Igba Zion, Iakba Siun, king of Abyssinia,
Ilclii, commissioner, i. 3on
Ilchi, modern capital of Khotam, i. 18911,
Ilchigadai Khan, i. 18611 Ilija, hot springs at, i. 47n
Ilkhan, the title, Io
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