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0023 Southern Tibet : vol.8
Southern Tibet : vol.8 / Page 23 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000263
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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copy of the extremely rare Hsi-yü-t ` u-chih of 1762, Professor F. W. K. MÜ LLER, Professor v. LE COQ, Professor HÜLLE, Professor HÄNISCH of Berlin, Professor O. FRANKE of Hamburg, and Professor KARLGREN of Gothenburg. In a very high degree my gratitude is due to Mr. W. SCHRADER of Berlin, who in the most able way has drawn the maps translated from the Chinese, and to Mr. BOGDAN GISE\TIUS of Berlin, who in a no less able way has reproduced the same maps.

I feel persuaded that students of the geography and history of Asia as well as sinologists will receive Vol. VIII of r, Southern Tibet» with great interest.

As to Vol. IX, I have to express my hearty thanks to Professor A. v. LE COQ, the author of Part II: » Osttürkische Nanzenliste», to Dr. BROR ASKLUND who has written Part III: »Zier Geologie von Ost-Pamir», and to Professor ERICH HÄNISCH who has elaborated and published, as Part IV : »Eine chinesische Beschreibung von Tibet», and »Das Goldstromlalzd im chin esisch-tibetischen Grenzgebiete».

It is finally an agreeable duty for me to express my gratitude to those persons who for a rather long time have been busy with the triple Index, Personal Names, Geographical Names, and Index of Subjects, viz., Professor OTTO BASCHIN, Dr. ALBERT HERRMANN and Miss GERTRUD STELZNER, Dr. phil., of Berlin. The Index could not possibly have been worked out in a more conscientious way, and I suppose everybody will agree with me that it could not possibly have been more complete than it is. The thousands of names on the map in I : I 000 000 have also been entered in the Index of Geographical Names.

Regarding the maps accompanying »Southern Tibet» I once more will express my sincere thanks to Colonel H. BYSTRÖM, who with his usual ability has accomplished the beautiful map in 52 sheets and in the scale of I : 2 00 000, which is a most valuable addition to Lieutenant KJELLSTRÖM'S map in 26 sheets and the scale of I : 3oo 000.

Finally my sincere gratitude is due to my Publishers. The able chief of the Lithographic Institute of the General Staff of the Swedish Army, Mr. AXEL LAGRELIUS, has taken upon himself the responsibility of financing the work, the costs of which have been enormous, especially those parts which have been printed after the war. Under his superintendence text, illustrations and maps have been printed. Vols. IV, VII, VIII and IX, and Part III of Vol. VI were printed in the presses of F. A. BROCKHAUS, Leipzic, who also reproduced a number of the photographic illustrations to Vols. IV and VII, as well as the profiles and diagrams of Vol. VII and the sketches of Vol. IX. After the death of my old friend ALBERT BROCKHAUS in 1921, the task was carried on by his son and his brother, assisted by the able Mr. EDLINGER.

The editors of the » Ostasiatisclie Zeitschrift» very kindly have placed at my disposition the whole of the chinese characters required.


