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0024 Southern Tibet : vol.8
Southern Tibet : vol.8 / Page 24 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000263
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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The map of the Kara-korum Glaciers and the map of my journey in 52 sheets have been reproduced with the great ability with which we are accustomed to associate the name of JUSTUS PERTHES in Gotha.

The complete work as it is now presented to the geographical world has grown considerably bigger than I intended when I wrote the Preface to Vol. I, October 17 th, 1917. Thus the voyage around the Kailas, and the journeys down the Upper Indus from Gartok to Drugub, and down the Upper Satlej from Manasarovar to the frontier of British India, have been described in Vol. IV. My original plan, that both the History of Exploration in the Kara-korum Mountains and the description of my own journeys in the interior of Tibet should constitute only one volume, had soon to be abandoned. At the same time I found that a special volume had to be dedicated to the Chinese knowledge of Central Asia and Tibet. My journeys in the Eastern Pamir, which I had never described in detail, also seemed worthy of being published. Together with the contributions of Professor HÄNISCH, and the Index, they occupied a final volume. Thus the complete work, which in 1917 was intended to consist of six volumes text and two volumes atlas, has gradually grown to nine volumes text and three volumes atlas.


Stockholm, April 6, 1922.