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0185 Innermost Asia : vol.2
Innermost Asia : vol.2 / Page 185 (Color Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000187
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Ast. viii. I. oI. Fr. of silk damask, dark crimson. Elaborate pattern, composed of rows of interlacing medallions of lozenges enclosing four smaller lozenges, and of circular jewels surrounded with pearls. Well preserved. 26" x 3". Pl. LXXXV.

Ast. viii. I. 02. Frs. of painted silk ; face painted in pale flesh colour outlines black. Very broken and fragile. Gr. fr. e x ".

Ast. viii. I. 03. Clay figure of man, standing with legs apart, and hands clenched, R. by side, L. on hip. Wears long close-fitting maroon coat, tied in with black belt at waist and reaching to mid-shin, black top-boots, and round black fur cap ; the fur indicated by pit-marks. Fig. tall and slim with broad shoulders and very small waist.

Round face, with marked features of non-Mongolian type ; eyes round and prominent, straight-set ; nose aquiline with very low narrow bridge and broad at nostrils ; thick straight lips, half open ; and round cheeks. Heavy low-arched eyebrows, long thin moustache, and fringe of beard and whiskers, painted black on white of face. Good condition. Two stick cores project 1" below soles of boots. H. (without sticks) I4,I". Pl. CI.


Ast. ix. 1.03. Inscribed slab of burnt clay, dated A. D. 667. Surface roughly smoothed, painted black, and inscr. with eleven columns of Chin. chars. in red. No guide lines or border ; inscr. now somewhat dim. [For translation by Dr. L. Giles, see App. I, ix.] 14 " x 14". Pl. LXXV.

Ast. ix. I. 04. Fr. of painted silk, showing head of man almost life-size, ;I to L. Rather hastily painted, with uneven black outlines, on buff ground. Flesh uniform white ; small lips red ;, moustache and small oblique eyes looking sideways, black ; lozenge-shaped mark on forehead, red outlined black. Top and back of head lost ; coat red, forming V shape with lapels on breast. From painted shroud as Ast. i. 6. oz, v. I. 02 ; brittle. 12" X (gr. width) 6".

Ast.- ix. I. 05. Fr. of painted silk, in same style as preceding and showing head } to R. Fig. in similar red coat, but head held up, lips curved and apart smiling, eyes much narrowed and brows drawn down. Lozenge shape in black outline on forehead with red streak down centre, and red streak also before ear. Back of L. hand (presumably of another fig.) appears sticking out at back of neck, fingers curled and back to spectator. Broken in many frs., some of which show further R. forearm and hand with fingers doubled. Gr. fr. 13" x 10 ".

Ast. ix. 2. oI. Fr. of figured silk face•cover ; from a circular piece bordered by broad yellow pleated silk, plain. Centre made up of several frs., the largest being portions of two adjoining medallions. These show very stylized flower surrounded by band of yellow roundels on dark-blue ground, with rectangular spot at the four cardinal points. Five roundels in each quadrant.

Ast. viii. I. 04. Pottery jar ; with flat bottom, wide shoulder, and small mouth with everted rim. Blackish grey body with traces of red and green paint about mouth and shoulder. Round widest part of latter is band of small quadruple festoon orn. drawn with comb, between two incised rings ; under lip a ring of roughly scored sloping dashes. H. 4", gr. diam. 4r"

Ast. viii. I. 05. Pottery jar, large size, in red-and-white spotted black ware as Ast. i. r. 03, &c., with addition of some emerald green. Ovoid body, flat bottomed ; slim neck, and trumpet mouth. Traces of handle on one side of neck and shoulder, broken off and painted over.

Decoration consists of ring of white spots round base of neck ; and on body of two series of flower petals as in Ast. i. x. 03, pointing resp. up and down and separated by band of white spots round middle. Petals themselves carried out in arched lines of white spots with broad emerald-green mid-rib, and divided from each by vertical bands of red spots. Inside of mouth also painted red. Good condition. H. 9", diam. of mouth 3k", of shoulder 61", of base 3;<". Pl. XC.

Ast. ix. 2. og. Toilet box, of lacquered wood, with


Central flower yellow, outlined with white and dark blue suggestive of Iris. Two long transverse petals in dark green, and two similar in yellow with band of blue pattern crossing each near outer ends. Lower portion missing. Style angular ` Sasanian '. Field yellow ; spandrels furnished with geometrical form with flower centre in myrtle green. Twill weave. Diam. of medallion 51".

Attached are frs. of another fig. silk of smaller scale pattern, composed of circular medallions of border similar to above but with rectangular spots at sides only, and ten roundels in each semicircle. Within a flat formal rosette. Medallions are divided by vertical bands of geometrical flowers between green and blue lines studded with pearls. The whole in blue and green shade of yellow. Pattern and colour well preserved, but fabric brittle.

Weaving is very good, and of warp-rib type ; design strong. Diam. of medallion c. 2}". Size of face-cover, 14" X I2*". Pl. LXXIX.

Ast. ix. 2. 02. Fr. of figured silk, in blue, buff, and pink. Pattern in lozenge-shaped divisions, divided by buff stepped rectangles ; one side of each rayed, the raying reversed in the upper and lower halves of lozenges, respectively. At the crossings, elliptical spots. Within lozenge, alternately an eight-foiled buff rosette with pink centre outlined blue, and a buff roundel with rayed edge. Background bright blue. Pattern bold and without visible details. Edges of fr. turned under. Brittle and badly faded ; all but blue uncertain. Lozenge c. 6}" x 3". Size of fr. io" x 2*". PI. LXXXIII.