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0163 Scientific Results of a Journey in Central Asia, 1899-1902 : vol.3
Scientific Results of a Journey in Central Asia, 1899-1902 : vol.3 / Page 163 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000216
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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of Tibet. One would have to travel a considerable distance to the north as well as to the south in order to reach another point that lies as low as this.

Fig 80. Left. 0.96   1.77   2.41   2.46   2.82   3.34   2.88   2.51   2.14   1.28 Right.

63 72 79 8o 87 86 91 89 83 69

24   I   73   7o   33   66   35   15   48   77

   — 3   10   40   20   31   19   9   9   2

   —I I   I   24   4   20   19   6   I   o

Breadth = 58 in. Camp XXXIII. Aug. 24th.

At the place where we measured the river, the left bank makes, as the accompanying profile shows, a decidedly steep terrace, about 2 m. high, while the right bank is formed of the flat and narrow peninsula I have just mentioned, its surface being barren and strewn with gravel. Here the river had a breadth of 58 m., its maximum depth was 3.340 m.. its mean depth 2.052 m., its mean velocity 0.3634 m., and its volume 43.25 cub.m. in the second. Owing to the perfectly regular shape of the river-bed

the velocity decreased fairly uniformly with the depth. On the surface the current was lively, 0.744 m. on the average, with a maximum of 0.846 m. At a depth of 0.80 m. the mean velocity was 0.408 m., and the maximum velocity 0.716 m. ; at 1.35 m. the mean was 0.127 m. and the maximum 0.372; at 1.75 m. the mean was 0.065 m. and the maximum 0.223 m. Thus at the depth of 1.35 m. the mean velocity was only one-sixth of what it was at the surface. A counter-current flowed at the bottom close under the left or northern bank, and it is not improbable that there exists another counter-current in the deepest