National Institute of Informatics - Digital Silk Road Project
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Scientific Results of a Journey in Central Asia, 1899-1902 : vol.3 |
ably the two outside fangs are merely meant to represent the barbs that retain the arrow in the wound. Five hunters in all are depicted, and of these two are on horseback, two are kneeling, while the fifth is on foot with his bow stretched above his head. It is interesting to observe, that in none of the pictures are fire-arms represented from this we may conclude that these drawings were made at a time when such weapons were not in use, although it is doubtful whether the natives have ever ventured to attack the tiger with a bow and arrows. Moreover there are also depicted a number of other animals, each in a characteristic manner, and although they are shown only in rude outlines, there can in no single instance exist any doubt as to what they are intended to represent. One or two of the smaller animals might, it is true, pass equally well for domestic sheep as for young antelopes; and, curiously enough, a well executed kulan is marked with vertical stripes like the tiger, and consequently resembles a zebra. From the tuft at the end, it is evident that the draughtsman did not intend his drawing for a piebald horse.
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The left-hand division consists of two sections. In the upper section we have a galloping kulan, a wolf with his tail drooping but curled up at the end, a young antelope, two birds flying, and three yaks, one of which is half obliterated, his head being represented en face. In the lower section there are a hunter on foot pursuing a flying bird, another hunter on horseback with both legs on the same side of the horse, and at the bottom an animal grazing, no doubt an antelope. In the middle division we have at the outside on the left a hunter stalking and a sheep, and a second hunter, who is intended to be aiming at the two yaks depicted below him. Below the yaks again is an orongo antelope running, easily recognisable by its horns. As regards their shape, these three animals are particularly well done. Above the hunter is a four-legged animal, probably a dog. In the third division the tiger and a man on horseback are depicted. With regard to the former figure there exists
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