National Institute of Informatics - Digital Silk Road Project
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Scientific Results of a Journey in Central Asia, 1899-1902 : vol.3 |
Fig. 436. Lake No. XVIII, looking WSW from Camp XXIV 558
437. Looking NNW from Camp XXV; summits I, and J, of the Arka-tagh 559.
438. Looking S from Camp XXV 559
439. Lake XIX; looking E from Camp XXVII 56o
44o. Mount W as seen from Camp XXIX 561
441. Looking NE from Camp XXX. The Arka-tagh 562
442. Lake XX as seen towards the WNW from Camp XXXI 563
443. The same towards the ENE 564
444 The same towards the ESE 565
445. Looking east from a point near the western end of lake No. XX; the onset of
a storm 566
449. >> 450.
» 459•
462. » 463.
465. » 466.
Looking NNE from Camp XXXIII 567
Mount T, looking ENE from Camp XXXIV 567
Looking N 23 ° E from the last Arka-tagh pass 568
Dead wild yak 568
The obo at Camp XXXVII 569
The same 569.
Mount W, looking NE from Camp XXXVI 570
Looking NE from Camp XXXVIII 571
Looking N from Ike-tsohan-namen 571
Looking S from Ike-tsohan-namen 571
Granite cliffs on the right side of the valley of Ike-tsohan-gol 572
Looking SSE from Harato 573
Mongolian tent, Tsajdam 573
The valley of Tengeliguin-gol, in Tsajdam, looking towards the mountains 573.
The same looking towards the plains 574
Mongolian jurt, Tsajdam 574
Tosun-nor, looking NE; moonlight 575
Kurlik-nor looking N from Hlakimto 576
A Tangut tent at Dulan-jung 576
Mountain above the Tsagan-nor; looking NNW and N 577
Looking E from Dulan-jung 577
Mountain at Dulan-kit; between W and NNW 578
P1. 2 a. Panoramas of Tschimen-tagh and Akato-tagh 36
2 b. Panoramas of Kalta-alaghan 36
5. Isobathic map of Basch-kum-köl 56
7 a. Panoramas of the Kalta-alaghan and the Arka-tagh 72
I I a. Panoramas from North-eastern Tibet 96
16. Isobathic map of the Great Salt Lake 112
21. Isobathic map of the two freshwater lakes 128
28 a. Panoramas of the Astin-tagh and other mountains 168
29 a. Panoramas of the Ilve-tschimen and other mountains 192.
30 a. Panoramas from North Tibet 204
3o b. Panoramas from North Tibet 204
35. Isobathic map of Ajagh-kum-köl 224.
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