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0091 Antiquities of Indian Tibet : vol.2
Antiquities of Indian Tibet : vol.2 / Page 91 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000266
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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In this way he enumerated many faults of household life, and added; ` But, if

there is a girl like this, I will take her.' Thus saying, he wrote down in a letter

the qualities of a woman, gave it [to the king], and the king had seven copies published,

and issued the following directions :-

` Whoso among the daughters of kings and brahmans,

Of the nobility and of citizens likewise,

Has these qualities,

That girl must be found !

My son will take

That caste and family.

In such a virtuous vessel of qualities and goodness

His heart will rejoice !'

Such a letter he gave to a Brahman with respectful greetings ; and the Brahman

went to all countries to search for a bride. In course of time he beheld Sa-tsho-ma

(Gopá). She smiled [saying], ` All these qualities I have ! ' He reported to the

king, and the king said, ` That woman is a great liar, and I do not believe it !

Assemble all the girls [here] within seven days ! Let the youth give them

presents, all they want to have ! ' Thus he said, and all the girls came. When

the giving of presents was almost finished, Sa-tsho-ma arrived, and smiled. She

asked, ` What have I done amiss that I am left among them all without presents ?'

The youth also smiled, and gave [her] a ring of the value of 100,000 ounces. The

youth married Sa-tsho-ma.

Further, he married 104,000 ladies, including Grags-hdzin-ma. When he was

29 years old, Grags-hdzin-ma became with child. In that very same year he saw

the unbearable misery of birth, old age, [illness], and death, and became a monk. p. 28.

Then, when he was 35 years old, on the 15th of the month Sa-ga (Vaisákha), he

subdued the devil (Mara). On the morning (or next morning) of the same day and

year he became a perfect Sans-rgyas (Buddha). Exactly on the same evening

a boy was born to Grags-hdzin-ma ; and, as the moon was just then seized by

Sgra-gcan (Ráhu, ` eclipse'), the boy received the name of Sgra-gcan-hdzin (Ráhula).

At that time King Zas-gtsan said, ` It is six years since Sákya-thub-pa became

a mendicant. This son of Grags-hdzin-ma is not a son of Sákya-thub-pa.' Thus

saying, he accused Grags-hdzin-ma, and she wept. Then he placed the boy on

a stone and cast him into a pond, saying, ` If he is Sákya-chub-pa's son, may the

stone float on the surface of the water ! If he is not Sákya-thub-pa's son, may it

sink ! ' The stone remained above the surface of the pond, like a leaf of a tree.

When King Zas-gtsaii saw this, he entered the water with his clothes on, took the

boy on his lap, and lovingly caressed him. He also became a monk, and came to

an end of transitory life.

Altogether, from Man-pos-bkur-ba to Sgra-gcan-hdzin, there are 1,066,511 kings,

or, Bcom-ldan-hdas (Buddha) and Sgra-gcan-hdzin included, 1,066,513.