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0164 Antiquities of Indian Tibet : vol.2
Antiquities of Indian Tibet : vol.2 / Page 164 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000266
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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As a special kind of forced labour, all the peasants had to bring from Phyi-glin (Ci-lin)

800 sran of wood, and from Tar of Nan-sin (?), Snon-dar (Hundar) of Ldum-ra,

two outlying places, as much wood as was needed. Beyond this no taxes or

tribute were taken, it is said, from the zamindars.

During the six years of Raja Dnos-grub-bstan-hdzin the taxes were 9,000 Rs.

From Raja Dnos-grub-bstan-hdzin till Basti-Ram, during twenty-six years (? ), the

annual taxes were 18,000 Rs.

After the new list of peasants was drawn up, the new taxes together with the Span-bcag

[tax on meadows] were 24,000 Rs.

The taxes paid till Jon-sen['s wazirat] were 32,887 Rs., 2 As., 1 P.

The sum total was finally fixed at 41,108 Rs., 14 As., 1 P.

In the year 1957 (1900 A.D.) an arrangement [survey] was made : the taxes were fixed

at ... [Has not yet been ascertained ; will be reported as soon as known.]

In the year 1966 (1909 A.D.) an arrangement [survey] was made : the taxes were fixed

at ... [Has not yet been ascertained ; will be reported as soon as known.]

This register, [based] upon inquiries addressed to Mun-si Dpal-rgyas, was written

down by me, Yoseph Tshe-brtan.

(Later addition.) Table of taxes for Ladakh, from [the country] above Gyun-

drun (Lamayuru).

In the year 1966 (1909 A.D.) the taxes were fixed as follows :-

In cash annually   .   . 43,256 Rs., 12 As.

Wheat annually to the value of   2,977 Rs., 8 As.

Barley annually to the value of   •   7,022 Rs., 8 As.

Wood annually to the value of .   •   3,000 Rs., 0 As.

Mill-tax annually amounting to   •   3,119 Rs., 12 As.

Tax on goats and sheep annually amounting to . 1,833 Rs., 0 As.

Sum total .   . 61,209 Rs., 8 As.


With the above account of the state of taxation during the times of the Ladakhi kings Tshe-brtan's account, referring to King Tshe-dpal-rnam-rgyal's reign, should be compared. There can be no doubt that the Ladakhis had a better time under their own rulers. It is difficult to see how the twenty-six years between Dnos-grub-bstan-hdzin and Basti-Ram come in. From what is said under Later Addition it seems to follow that all the numbers given above refer only to a small part of the country, viz. Ladakh from Lamayuru to the Paii-koii lake.